I just got hit by a bullet.


Don Juan
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
No not literally.

I just saw on my gfs fb (yes i know her password, just for occations like this) in her inbox that shes talking to a guy that she had a crush on before, and he on her, but he moved to another country. It wasnt very pleasent ( i miss you and that kind of bs).

Its 0.26 night time and i will dump hee tomorrow. What do you guys think how i should do it?
Probably not tell her that i saw it from her fb.
Please nothing harsh as im feeling like **** now and I WILL dump her.

Sue Madre

Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Got a keylogger eh?

Why not tell her what you saw. Tell her she left it open on your computer and you saw the messages and it's over.

That's what I would do and have done.

I hacked my exes facebook and saw she was cheating and I told the b!tch the truth. She reported me to AOL for hacking but they never did anything.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
That is harsh, bro. You obviously had some reason(s) for checking it in the first place. That's why people advocate actions , not words. Because you obviously saw some actions to make you want to check this out(or lack of actions). In this case they would advocate dumping them based off of that, which is true because you will generally drive yourself crazy wondering why.

But I am also the type to need solid proof. I checked my ex's facebook before, she left it logged in.(I too had some suspicions, but I'm also insecure) Saw some dude that had been talking to her for MONTHS messaged her " I miss you :( " It was like a dagger went through my heart.

She was in the bathroom at the time too. SOOO HARD to maintain my composure when she got back in the room. She never replied back and it had been a few days so I was giving her the benefit of the doubt and didn't want to admit why I was pissed.

Later read some more (earlier) messages from this dude. Man, was he AFC. He gave her a gift of some sort and said sorry he gave it to her so quick and he was nervous. Kept sending messages about how he didn't know what happened ...blah blah blah.(this was like RIGHT before we got together)

In retrospect I shouldn't of been as threatend by this guy as I was. As he had been trying before we got together to get with her, they must of had some sort of short lived fling and she cut him off and fed him some BS excuses.

Sorry, just had to rant. Def dump her, she's obviously not fully committed / into you. IMO it would be different if she was rejecting him / ignoring him in the mails, but if she is returning feelings fvck that.

Also, I think you might feel better if you called her out on it. Up to you though.


Don Juan
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
That would be good except i wont see her for a week from now and i havent seen her for like a week (work in nother city) so i cant wait for a week til i dump her or?

I acctually saw her typing it like 3-4 months ago :p


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Perfect10 said:
No not literally.

I just saw on my gfs fb (yes i know her password, just for occations like this) in her inbox that shes talking to a guy that she had a crush on before, and he on her, but he moved to another country. It wasnt very pleasent ( i miss you and that kind of bs).

Its 0.26 night time and i will dump hee tomorrow. What do you guys think how i should do it?
Probably not tell her that i saw it from her fb.
Please nothing harsh as im feeling like **** now and I WILL dump her.
Atleats you didnt find "Mmm I want to suck you off babe" Like i did. try to take it easy.... I know it feels like your heart has been slammed!


Don Juan
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Jov i think so too. Ill just say that i know what shes done and it doesnt matter how i know. She acctually contacted HIM saying that she had a dream bout him and is missing him. They had a fling sometime before i met her but it never became anything serious. He is in the same friend group as her ( but has been abroad for like a year)


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
Could do it in a clever way. Through a message on facebook ahhaha.

Something like "It's over, the reason why lies on your screen."

Hahaha, something I just thought of. You could adjust it accordingly.

Sue Madre

Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Tell her the other guy messaged you and told you everything.

That would be funny and it would also screw him.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Over all its very difficult when you find something like this on your GF, especially if the relationship is a serious one. I think the reason a guy may find it so hard to maintain his cool is if he read something like "i miss you" or calling another guy a name that is used in intimate way Sexy, Cutie, Missed you, baby.Etc. And when you look at her in the face and shes acting like everything is wonderful and smiles as she tells you she loves you,.... Your brain and your heart are fighting each other. Your mind is telling you she's talking to another guy behind your back in a way that would be disrespectful to you or in a way she wouldnt want you talking to another girl for that matter and your heart has feelings for her which makes it hard to just cut it off depending on how long you have been and developed feelings for her.

The movie Unfaithful really nails it down. Imagine how Gear felt when he walked into that other guys apt and saw the bed his wife was getting banged on. jesus thats a tough pill to swallow.


Don Juan
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
Over all its very difficult when you find something like this on your GF, especially if the relationship is a serious one. I think the reason a guy may find it so hard to maintain his cool is if he read something like "i miss you" or calling another guy a name that is used in intimate way Sexy, Cutie, Missed you, baby.Etc. And when you look at her in the face and shes acting like everything is wonderful and smiles as she tells you she loves you,.... Your brain and your heart are fighting each other. Your mind is telling you she's talking to another guy behind your back in a way that would be disrespectful to you or in a way she wouldnt want you talking to another girl for that matter and your heart has feelings for her which makes it hard to just cut it off depending on how long you have been and developed feelings for her.

So true. My brain telling me exactly like you said, that i wouldnt do this to her. But my heart is trying to justify her actions by trying to convince me that she just said that she misses his in a friendly way, which in the messages is obviously not so...
Ill try to go to sleep now.

Thank you all for posting, i needed to vent. You three prove that SS isnt full of hate and bitterness. Thank you


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
On the bright side, you aren't married and don't have a kid, house, life together. Take the lesson and run. No going back, no explanations.

I have some experience with this "down the line" and trust me it won't end well.


Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah I would just completely stop talking to her. Don't tell her it's over. Don't answer phone calls, texts, or any other form of communication. Just go back out on the prowl. That will REALLY fvck with her head.

Sue Madre

Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Alex DeLarge said:
Yeah I would just completely stop talking to her. Don't tell her it's over. Don't answer phone calls, texts, or any other form of communication. Just go back out on the prowl. That will REALLY fvck with her head.

That is a pretty good idea. I have never tried it. I always went with the dumb emotional response.



Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
Perfect10: you said she had written 'I miss you' and that kind of bs. Specifically what else did she say? Surely the other stuff she had written gives some context as to whether it's just 'friendly' or not - which seems to be the one reservation you have about kicking this girl to the curb.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Read this. It is great and along the lines of what Alex DeLarge already said. WIN THE WAR. She doesn't even deserve the respect of a goodbye.

Originally posted by The Anti Dr Phil
I've seen you guys post many reasons why it's hard for men to walk away, despite being in horrendous situations, except one very important reason. One of THE most important reasons, in my humble opinion.

Bottom line - Most men don't want to endure the thought of another man invading his territory; another man laying his woman. It doesn't matter if a man's woman is the most evil creature on the planet, a man doesn't want to endure that thought. People (men and women) are territorial, and people find it difficult to walk away because of the aformentioned reason. Many of you may disagree, but really think about it for 11 seconds. Some people would STILL feel a twinge of jealously if they were to see an ex out with someone else years later, so you can imagine what that internal struggle must be like when the wound is still fresh. Fortunately, women endure the same internal battles/demons, so I say do the smart thing and gain the upperhand by leaving the relationship first. Wicked? Perhaps, but thems the breaks.

In my opinion, he who walks away first leaves with the relationship with the most power. And leaving with the most power and dignity is akin to winning the break-up war. But if you really want to get your hands dirty, engage in psychological warfare, and introduce the trifecta into the equation. Leave the relationship 1st, without closure (which is key), and without a trace. This gem of a maneauver is akin to dropping a nuclear or bilogical weapon in the break-up war, and it can take a person years to recover. It's but one in many steps of what I like to call The Anti Dr Phil's "Medeival Torture Methods" - aka extreme psychological warfare. Closure and forgiveness are NOT an option.

So with that being the ugly and smelly facts, I will behoove me to leave first, if I can help it. The person who chooses to ride it out is usually left with the most emotionally baggage/battle scars, and their self esteem takes an even greater hit. Not only will said individual be left with the unnerving feeling that they didn't have the strength to leave first, they are left toiling in emotional uncertainty wondering what you're doing, "who you're doing", and why you didn't attempt to work things out. Their self esteem takes a hit, and it leaves them with a feeling of lowered self worth. A feeling of "he loved me the least because he had the power to walk away first - without a trace". Nothing lowers a persons self esteem quicker than dealing with feelings of rejection. And there is no feeling of rejection worse than being jilted by a former lover. Knowing all of that, a person would be an absolute fool to not leave first.

Not only would I leave, I'd dissappear like Keyser Soza (Usual Suspects), never to be seen or heard from again. And if she did see you again months or years later??? Take that time in between to self improve to ridiculous lengths, which would drive the stake home even further. It's a subconcious way of saying, "not only did I not need you, I didn't respect you enough to say goodbye". And as a kick in the tail on the way out, "I got even better without you".

Is it an @sshole move? Yep. But no one ever said war and breakups weren't ugly.

That said, if a person is married or has children, of course this would be a tad hard-core...but for general relationships??? I am unmerciful


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Yo'Mama said:
Perfect10: you said she had written 'I miss you' and that kind of bs. Specifically what else did she say? Surely the other stuff she had written gives some context as to whether it's just 'friendly' or not - which seems to be the one reservation you have about kicking this girl to the curb.
Yeah OP. Can we get more detail. Because unless I am asked, I dont just stop talking to friends (ex-fling or platonic), just because I get in a relationship.

I am still pretty chill friends with a hookup from school from a year or so ago. I have no interest in doing anything more with her but if she was abroad id prolly keep in touch.

Depending on the context, saying I miss you could just be a friendly thing.

So let us know a little more.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
Guys, I'm pretty sure this dude would know whether or not it was in friendly context.

From OP "But my heart is trying to justify her actions by trying to convince me that she just said that she misses his in a friendly way, which in the messages is obviously not so..."

I'm sure this guy wouldn't just jump off the deep end from a friendly convo. He posted here first probably for a secret hope that we might say it was just friendly and what not. Who knows. But he knows it wasn't just that.(Friendly)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Central Time Zone
mrRuckus said:
Read this. It is great and along the lines of what Alex DeLarge already said. WIN THE WAR. She doesn't even deserve the respect of a goodbye.
Girls do this ALL the time without even a second thought. Usually when they've found their bigger better deal. Why shouldn't we?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ok take a deep breath first. Here are the facts as you know:

He is abroad right?! so there is no chance in the forseeable future (2-3 months) that she will dump you and run into his arms. Remember how girls act, she is like a monkey on a tree branch she won't let go of one tree branch (you) until she holds onto another (possibly him).

At this time, you are the one that is fvcking her and he ain't so right now you hold the upper hand over this dude.

For all you know she is just an attention wh0re who likes getting attention from ex flames and nothing more. However you can't rely on that theory as well as this is not the behaviour of a good girl for LTR.

If you really want to come on top and feel better in the end of it, don't end the relationship tomorrow. Just keep on fvcking her and slowly start withdrawing your attention and focus away from her to another girl. This could in fact shock her system into overdrive making her interest levels higher because you seem to becoming a challenge all of the sudden. Now at this point it would be up to you to decide if you should put your foot down and tell her that you know her bullsh1t all along and see if she comes crawling back to you under your new strict terms (no contacting the ex or any other ex ever etc + taking it up the ass more ;) ) or you can start fvcking another girl and dump her by telling her that you saw her sh1t and you are moving on with a better girl thus making the monkey (your gf) fall hard on its ass down from the tree with no branches around.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
My favorite way to dump girls was always just switching a "single" light switch on in my head and going no contact. I don't even break up with her, or say anything, I just stop talking to her and acting like I'm single again. Either way, you're going to seem like an assh0le anyway, so why not do it in a way that will probably get you more pvssy. If you confront her about this, you're still going to be the bad guy because you didn't "trust" her. She will also tell all her friends that he was "just a friend", and how you "over reacted" blah blah. Nah man. Don't tell her sh!t and move on.
