I have a glaring weakness and need help

Mr. Goods

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
I am not a "nice guy." I don't act needy, do desperate things or become clingy. People don't walk over me. However, I'm too nice. I don't know if it's a result of many prior rejections/flakes/mistakes by others, but nothing really irks me to the point that I show emotion. Rarely do I show frustration, I never yell or get upset, and I'm always optimistic about things. Basically, I'm very logical and not too emotional. This works great in the professional world, but not really with girls. Combine this with the fact that I'm very muscular/buff and I can't dance to save my life, and you have a robot on your hands.

I feel that in order to have success with anything, you need a quick taste of it first, a "preview." I don't have this with girls (relationship or sex at least...I've hooked up before though). Perhaps this is why it's always very tough for me to escalate. I always prefer trying to get a date together than going for a ONS. I don't know why.

This all came to light last night. I went to a frat-like house party my friend was throwing. I almost forgot what these house parties were like because I've simply been to bars for almost a year (I'm 21). I had a good time. However, some of my realizations include:
-It's better to be at this type of party with a group of friends. Mine included a roommate who wasn't into it and is afraid to approach girls, and my buddy who was with his gf.
-I can't relate to attractive slutty drunk chicks. Go ahead an laugh, but I have trouble trying to game them. While saying "I wanna do you" may be a little too forward, that may actually work with these girls. I don't usually get drunk - buzzed maybe - while they're plastered, so opening could be an issue. I do get kino'ed a bit, but that's not success.
-It chronic: at these parties, I seem to always go for the girl who is attractive, but is least likely to have a ONS with anyone. It's good that she has her act together, but at the same time, nothing is happening that night. I did get this girl's number and will call her, but I have no expectations.

Through these examples, I think you can see that I have a tough time escalating...or that these parties are not my ideal setting when getting girls. I'm too "friendly" because I'm sexual enough. I kino and there's physical contact, but after that I hit a lull. When hitting on a girl, I become Larry David on "Curb Your Enthusiasm," bringing up the first topic that will generate a real conversation, no matter what the topic is. I can neg and have some wit, but I use them after a girl says or does something, not as a opener.

I realize this is post is somewhat confusing, but I need your advice on:
1.) How to correctly show emotion. I don't get shaken much, which is good, but girls run on emotion and I don't show much.
2.) At parties, why am I not going after the attractive slutty/drunk chick and pursuing the one who is cute, but also won't result in "getting lucky?" I know I prefer a relationship to a ONS, but I don't go to parties expecting to find a relationship.
3.) What are some quick tips on escalating or being more sexual without coming off as creepy or awkward?


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
Mr. Goods said:
1.) How to correctly show emotion. I don't get shaken much, which is good, but girls run on emotion and I don't show much.
It’s a good thing that you are not overly emotional, ant aren’t a hot-head… I also don’t get rattled very much (and hold back)… but people can take advantage of this…you need to be more proactive and don’t be afraid to stand up for your views, don’t worry about disagreeing with other people… don’t hold back, or be afraid to speak out (im wondering how much you speak up in class- if I had to guess id say you may be the type of person who doesn’t always express your opinions – even if you know the correct answers- BTW in very much like that and i know how hard it is to change)

Mr. Goods said:
2.) At parties, why am I not going after the attractive slutty/drunk chick and pursuing the one who is cute, but also won't result in "getting lucky?" I know I prefer a relationship to a ONS, but I don't go to parties expecting to find a relationship.
Im wondering if you (a) see the “cute” girl and after a quick observation of her realise she isn’t gonna hook up AND still go and talk to her, or (b) do you realise the cute girl wont hook up after you have been hanging with her for a while But don’t move on?
When you go to these parties, don’t go with the aim to hook up…just go with the intention of having a VERY good time…you need to go and talk to every one there, don’t just hang with the same people, move around, join in drinking games, aim on doing lots of social networking (to get you invited to even MORE parties) …without the target of getting laid you will automatically be more indifferent and less desperate.
Talk to all the girls , hot, ugly, fat, thin, drunk, boringly sober, …it’s a numbers game so the more you talk to the higher the chance of one “biting”.
Read the tucker max website, apart from being VERY funny it will introduce a good attitude to have.
Don’t worry about RL’s at the mo. JUST have fun, meet as many people as possible.
Work hard, but play harder!

Mr. Goods said:
3.) What are some quick tips on escalating or being more sexual without coming off as creepy or awkward?
As long as you got a good rapport going with a girl (being ****y and funny) you shouldn’t come across as creepy or awkward. I think your niceness is making you self-conscious to not say the wrong thing …don’t care and give a **** …and as people will be drunk you can often be quite outrageous anyway and no one will care (well no repercussions)…

The Greek

Don Juan
Feb 27, 2010
Reaction score
kingsam said:
As long as you got a good rapport going with a girl (being ****y and funny) you shouldn’t come across as creepy or awkward. I think your niceness is making you self-conscious to not say the wrong thing …don’t care and give a **** …and as people will be drunk you can often be quite outrageous anyway and no one will care (well no repercussions)…
Yeah, one theme that seems to resonate with PUA's is that it's not so much what you say but how you say it. Especially with night game, being ****y and funny with a sexual edge is a must. Try out a few funny, outrageous openers, you will be pleasantly surprised and then your natural sense of humour will take over.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Pullman, WA
My experience at parties has been mixed.

It's not really my scene, since I'm more reserved and can't related to drunken jocks shouting and parading around the place.

Some girls will rub up against you or even grab your hand and lead you away. I've had this happen quite a few times, and this is with me just standing there and not saying or doing anything. In this case the girl's mind is on a one night stand, which is fine if you're out to get laid. Most of the time there's not much talking, just the two of you finding a quiet spot and taking care of business.

Other girls are there to ogled and hit on. They have no intention of putting out and only seek male attention. These I tend to ignore. A more experienced DJ could probably take one of them home, but to me it's not worth the effort. Body language is key here. It's virtually the only way to tell what these girls' intentions are.

This may go against the grain here, but at a crowded party, the girl has to approach ME. This has worked out very well, and eliminates rejection. If you have your appearance and body language in order, they WILL approach you. It's expected and understood.

Also, don't get drunk. Have a beer or two but keep your wits about you. I prefer energy drinks because they give me energy (lol), make me more sociable, and make my wits sharp.

Hope some of this helps.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
beatoven said:
Some girls will rub up against you or even grab your hand and lead you away. I've had this happen quite a few times, and this is with me just standing there and not saying or doing anything.
im sure many of us would disagree with you and say how awsome this happening is!

beatoven said:
Other girls are there to ogled and hit on. They have no intention of putting out and only seek male attention. These I tend to ignore.
this is why you take the piss out of them, and say "outragous" things to them...the girls who are there wiht a stuck up attitude get pissed off and you can NEXT them and move on...find some funner girls...and it should brings the stuck up girls down a notch or two!

beatoven said:
This may go against the grain here, but at a crowded party, the girl has to approach ME. This has worked out very well, and eliminates rejection.
THIS is a massive problem (for you), afraid of rejection!!! ...why do you still care if you get rejected???

its better to be hated by many and loved by a few...than no one knowing who you are!

Mr. Goods

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
A lot of good things here.

-You're right to an extent about me in class Kingsam. If the class counts participation, I do talk a lot. In fact, I talk more than probably anyone else. But if it's a class where attendance isn't taken or participation isn't required, I talk a little but not a lot. So you're right about that.

-At parties, I think it's closer to B for your two choices Kingsam. I won't pursue someone I seem to have absolutely no chance with. I don't stick around too long, but I have a habit of regularly trying to make something out of nothing. Regardless, I think it's more that I don't get really turned on by a drunk slutty chick. If a girl can at least carry out a conversation, that's a plus. As I wrote in the OP, if I had to pick, I'd take a dating relationship over a ONS.

-The last tip is the best one, and one I need to do a little more often. Next time I'm at a party, I'm going to try and get to know everybody and have a good time. I feel a lot of pressure to make something happen, from both myself and from others. Most of my friends at college have gf's and it's awkward when there are four couples and one single guy. Back home, while I have close friends I see all the time, it would be nice to hang out with a girl and do new things - most of my home friends work really late or can be lazy at times. For me personally, I have been in a prolonged slump. My game is improving, but it seems some bizarre happening takes place sometimes that halts the interaction. I feel snakebitten and want to get rid of it.