I give up


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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~attrACTION~ said:
I have no idea why some girls who I've never even talked to will glare at me. Today I was in a large hall, and some chick from one of my classes just shoots her eyes at me like I have a gun or something. WTF? I've never even talked to that *****...but she's always so serious and looks at me like I'm a rapist.
If a girl looks at you funny, silently ask her 'what?' by raising your eyebrows. Do it as if you find her amusing.

If a woman has no interest in a man, she ignores him or is polite. If there is any interest or attention, assume the sale.

~attrACTION~ said:
And what's more...when I do finally start talk to some chicks who like me, it's like I can't stand their personalities. It seems like most girls in college, at least the attractive ones I've talked to, seem to hate class, hate their professors, etc. I mean what the ****...I don't hate the professor for example, and I'm not going sit their and agree with the ***** that life just sucks, **** the world.
If you disagree with a girl, argue with her. I've done pretty well with women out of my argumentative nature. They can tell pretty quickly if a guy is just agreeing with whatever they say to get in their pants, or because they dare not disagree with a babe, and that's a major turn-off.

~attrACTION~ said:
I also feel like really taking revenge and just being an ******* to people. Girls have really been *******s to me, and it's time for some payback. Next time a chick *approaches* me, I'm going to tell her to **** off.
Don't blame women, especially ones who have never f*cked you about, for your inability to handle or choose them wisely. Women want more than just a handsome guy who owns his own business, so need to test their prospective men. If you are repeatedly failing these tests the only real solution other than becoming a monk is to understand what you are doing wrong and change it. And qualify them, rather than meekly accepting you must jump through their hoops.

Tell me six words that people you know would use to describe you, three positive and three negative.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
What was it that was holding YOU back? Maybe it is similar for me or him.
First breakthrough for me was.....You can deal with 5 thugs, why cant you deal with one skinny girl. )) Second...I learnt that I have to appear confident (I thought I am intimidating girls so I behaved like AFC). Third...I learnt about "backbone" tests women throw. Fourth I learnt about flirting...(I thought that I have to appear normal, serious, potentional husband). OMG
Fifth breakthrough.....I am waiting for it.

Can you give a hint ?
I was completely arrogant. I am aloof by nature (natural attractive quality) and when I walk around, I'm in my own headspace and don't give much of myself to other women. Women would open me or give me AI's and I would just ignore them out of a feeling of superiority. In my younger years I had pvssy handed to me by an older friend who had MUCH game, he'd fvck them and toss them to me so it spoiled me...

Basically women do want to be chased to some extent and at that time, my game consisted of ZERO chasing. I believe i was too hard to get, I never showed signs of interest and hence they just ignored me...

Once I learned how to express other sides of my personality and actually show interest in females, everything changed for me. They were already attracted to me because of my natural behavior (aloofness), but then when I mixed in some 'interest' on my part... it was over...

Again, this was MY problem, yours may be any number of things. The key is isolating the problem and then fixing it, girls are not ignoring you for no reason, that's the key you have to remember, its always a reason.



Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Cod3r, how do you stay aloof in an environment where you see the girl(s) you are interested in on a daily basis, like school, work etc? What did you do?
It's not an active thought of 'stay aloof' or anything I'm trying to do. It's just my natural personality to be aloof. I never much cared about other people's lives and really only concerned with myself, so walking around I had an agenda and that didn't concern anyone else outside of myself, hence I'd just ignore people and when they'd speak to me, I'd answer there questions and keep going because I just didn't realize I was being opened up or recieving AI's...

Well back then (now i'm not interested in anyone except my lady) I didn't notice anyone, it's hard to explain but in my everyday life I just didn't notice females. I was never the guy like, "omg look at that hot girl" because I wasn't concerned about anyone else cept myself... So what would end up happening most of the time were friends of mine would have to tell me a girl was checking me out and then I'd proceed from there...

ONce engaged, my natural personality is just aloof (can't explain any simpler than that) WHen they'd talk, I'd drift off in my own head and they'd have to shake me to get me to pay attention, or I'd say things like, "sorry, say that again" after they gave me some long speech about something, or just forgetting about dates and not calling them back and basically showing no care for them whatsoever...

I found out later in my DJ life that females find these things attractive, and thats pretty much why I've never really had a shortage of females in my life. Whenever I wanted one, one was always there, maybe its not the goddess I desired in my deep heart, but at least an ok looking or ok personality chick was within distance for me to be with...

Just to give you a for instance, I have a great female friend whom my gf thinks likes me. We're close, we hang out, we talk, she comes by the apartment and I've visted her in her apartment a few times, but to me its just friendly (i LJBF'd her from the start, not my type, eventho she's pretty to other guys). Now with her, I dunno how many times I've been a really bad friend to her, we had meetings setup and I'd forget about them and not call, she'd call me and i'd never return her calls because i was busy and just generally i'm a bad person when it comes to being 'nice'

Well after all of this, I am starting to see her attraction for me rise. Her hugs are a little longer, phone calls more frequent, more intimate talks, her nagging me to hang out, getting mad when I don't call her now ect... So its just my natural 'un-niceness' and 'selfishness' is attracting her and most every girl I've ever encountered...

If you have to fake aloofness, its not going to work because once your emotions become involved that facade will fade no doubt. If its not already natural, I wouldn't suggest catering your game around that. I just used what I already had and tweaked it a bit and well it works for me.... Came after alot of field work tho, I've been in the game hardcore a year ago, I didn't get my knowledge easy... alot of experience



Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Cod3r said:
It's not an active thought of 'stay aloof' or anything I'm trying to do. It's just my natural personality to be aloof. I never much cared about other people's lives and really only concerned with myself, so walking around I had an agenda and that didn't concern anyone else outside of myself, hence I'd just ignore people and when they'd speak to me, I'd answer there questions and keep going because I just didn't realize I was being opened up or recieving AI's...

Well back then (now i'm not interested in anyone except my lady) I didn't notice anyone, it's hard to explain but in my everyday life I just didn't notice females. I was never the guy like, "omg look at that hot girl" because I wasn't concerned about anyone else cept myself... So what would end up happening most of the time were friends of mine would have to tell me a girl was checking me out and then I'd proceed from there...

ONce engaged, my natural personality is just aloof (can't explain any simpler than that) WHen they'd talk, I'd drift off in my own head and they'd have to shake me to get me to pay attention, or I'd say things like, "sorry, say that again" after they gave me some long speech about something, or just forgetting about dates and not calling them back and basically showing no care for them whatsoever...

I found out later in my DJ life that females find these things attractive, and thats pretty much why I've never really had a shortage of females in my life. Whenever I wanted one, one was always there, maybe its not the goddess I desired in my deep heart, but at least an ok looking or ok personality chick was within distance for me to be with...

Just to give you a for instance, I have a great female friend whom my gf thinks likes me. We're close, we hang out, we talk, she comes by the apartment and I've visted her in her apartment a few times, but to me its just friendly (i LJBF'd her from the start, not my type, eventho she's pretty to other guys). Now with her, I dunno how many times I've been a really bad friend to her, we had meetings setup and I'd forget about them and not call, she'd call me and i'd never return her calls because i was busy and just generally i'm a bad person when it comes to being 'nice'

Well after all of this, I am starting to see her attraction for me rise. Her hugs are a little longer, phone calls more frequent, more intimate talks, her nagging me to hang out, getting mad when I don't call her now ect... So its just my natural 'un-niceness' and 'selfishness' is attracting her and most every girl I've ever encountered...

If you have to fake aloofness, its not going to work because once your emotions become involved that facade will fade no doubt. If its not already natural, I wouldn't suggest catering your game around that. I just used what I already had and tweaked it a bit and well it works for me.... Came after alot of field work tho, I've been in the game hardcore a year ago, I didn't get my knowledge easy... alot of experience

And at this point, what is your way of showing that little interest?
And do you stay aloof during dates as well? Just don't talk to them and show little interest?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
This same quality that attracted all of these women were not leading to me fvcking them, as I stated before. My raw personality was not condusive to having sex, 100% aloofness is attractive but hard to deal with for females...

When I first identified my problem (arrogance and extreme aloofness) my goal was to make an effort to not be aloof and to actively engage females and bring out my other sides of personality aka i'm very sarcastic and quick witted and also very caring and emotional... I started making a concentrated effort to pay attention to my enviroment (get out of my own head) and I began to notice all of the attention I'd get from females and I'd engage them and actively force myself to pay attention... This just led to instant succcess, all these girls wanted was a bone, I was too selfish to give anything, when I figured this out, I gave them a little of myself and well it led to alot of 'experience' lol

I don't want you guys to be mistaken, I'm aloof ALL THE TIME. Not just with women, with my parents, with friends, it's very bad in certain situations but with females it just happens to work well with some tweaks. So on dates, I have to force myself to pay attention, not to be aloof... understand ??

Aloof is my natural state and 100% does not close the deal, so I have to work hard at opening up and giving of myself (aka taking a genuine interest in her) I don't TRY to be aloof, I just am... sometimes I wish I wasn't because in other aspects its a pretty bad trait to posessess, just works with women.

Also, when on dates I don't ignore the girl, I'm just aloof (I don't know a better word to use) Let's say she's touching my leg under the table with her foot (a sexual sign) I used to not get it, I'd say something like... "Why are you kicking me ?"... now consequently she's just been rejected by me and well most of the time they try harder to use sex appeal to win me over so it escalates and I don't realize what's going on to the last minute where she has her hand on my nuts...

Now with a tweaked game, I pick up on these things much better because I force myself to pay attention to other people and my surroundings. I used to be 100% in my head, now i'd say when I focus, maybe only 40% and this is what led me to my success. We all know girls like things they can't have, well if you're 100% unattainable, they lose interest... but if you're 100% attainable you're boring and they lose interest...

My natural personality is 100% unattainable by nature, with my developed game, I'm more like 60% unattainable and for me this has been the perfect combination for success with women...



Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Cod3r said:
This same quality that attracted all of these women were not leading to me fvcking them, as I stated before. My raw personality was not condusive to having sex, 100% aloofness is attractive but hard to deal with for females...

When I first identified my problem (arrogance and extreme aloofness) my goal was to make an effort to not be aloof and to actively engage females and bring out my other sides of personality aka i'm very sarcastic and quick witted and also very caring and emotional... I started making a concentrated effort to pay attention to my enviroment (get out of my own head) and I began to notice all of the attention I'd get from females and I'd engage them and actively force myself to pay attention... This just led to instant succcess, all these girls wanted was a bone, I was too selfish to give anything, when I figured this out, I gave them a little of myself and well it led to alot of 'experience' lol

I don't want you guys to be mistaken, I'm aloof ALL THE TIME. Not just with women, with my parents, with friends, it's very bad in certain situations but with females it just happens to work well with some tweaks. So on dates, I have to force myself to pay attention, not to be aloof... understand ??

Aloof is my natural state and 100% does not close the deal, so I have to work hard at opening up and giving of myself (aka taking a genuine interest in her) I don't TRY to be aloof, I just am... sometimes I wish I wasn't because in other aspects its a pretty bad trait to posessess, just works with women.

Also, when on dates I don't ignore the girl, I'm just aloof (I don't know a better word to use) Let's say she's touching my leg under the table with her foot (a sexual sign) I used to not get it, I'd say something like... "Why are you kicking me ?"... now consequently she's just been rejected by me and well most of the time they try harder to use sex appeal to win me over so it escalates and I don't realize what's going on to the last minute where she has her hand on my nuts...

Now with a tweaked game, I pick up on these things much better because I force myself to pay attention to other people and my surroundings. I used to be 100% in my head, now i'd say when I focus, maybe only 40% and this is what led me to my success. We all know girls like things they can't have, well if you're 100% unattainable, they lose interest... but if you're 100% attainable you're boring and they lose interest...

My natural personality is 100% unattainable by nature, with my developed game, I'm more like 60% unattainable and for me this has been the perfect combination for success with women...


WOW! You have described me and you described me how my mother describes me and always says "Be down to Earth more".

Here are bad things though...people at work will HATE for being aloof. Parents hate me for being aloof.

I was so hated by workers and working that particular job put sense into me... I was always negatively commented on and STOPPED by co-workers who would tell me "Hey! SAY HI to people you when you meet them you arrogant crap bla bla" and I needed that job. So, I learned how to be nice and it helped so much.

However, I was just wondering...I know you said being 100% aloof gave you nothing, but lets say you were 100% aloof during a date then would you be more or less likely get signs from a girl?

I personally get NADA. Like, if I am what girls call "Unapproachable" during the actual date then she will just not dare to touch me or compliment me or anything at all.

Is that same for you? Do girls only show signs and interest when you stop being aloof?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
However, I was just wondering...I know you said being 100% aloof gave you nothing, but lets say you were 100% aloof during a date then would you be more or less likely get signs from a girl?

I personally get NADA. Like, if I am what girls call "Unapproachable" during the actual date then she will just not dare to touch me or compliment me or anything at all.

Is that same for you? Do girls only show signs and interest when you stop being aloof?
1. Being 100% aloof gets me alot of attention, but it does NOT lead to sex.

2. Re-Read my previous post. You are most likely in the stage I was before I tweaked my natural personality.

3. Females show signs of interest when i'm 100% aloof, but sexual interest does not start until I actively engage them and show a genuine interest.

Thanks for sharing that Cod3r, much appreciated.



Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Cod3r said:
1. Being 100% aloof gets me alot of attention, but it does NOT lead to sex.

2. Re-Read my previous post. You are most likely in the stage I was before I tweaked my natural personality.

3. Females show signs of interest when i'm 100% aloof, but sexual interest does not start until I actively engage them and show a genuine interest.



But does the attention you give to them...the genuine one....a sexual one or one being interested in her as a person? Because being interested in her as a person doesn't get seem to go anywhere. Flirting and sexual interest works best.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Let's end this here before you overanalyze yourself, you get the gyst :up:


Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Okay, I can solve the whole "showing interest" dilemma in one simple statement: Never show more interest in a girl than she shows in you. That way, while you don't make her think you're not interested, you still remain a challenge.