I broke up with my GF. Good Choice?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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You could also look at it this way: you're being groomed as a safety net. Make no mistake, this event is about her, even when she invited you, that was just a formality. You had it right, wanting to have her cake and eat it.

I find what many women do is they want you as the man to behave in a more traditional way: assuming more of the financial burden, long term provisioning, limiting your options with other women, less time spent with your friends, chivalry, etc. While at the same time there's barely any if no compromise on their end.

Its a lopsided affair.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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SgtSplacker said:
You know, I hear about so many of these requests for things people in a relationship really should not be doing/asking for.

My girl used to ask me stuff like this and I simply explained to her that whatever we decide to do it must be equal between us. And that she needs to observe the differences between sexes. Meaning that if she wants to have lunch with some dude that asked her out. Then that means I can ask a women to have lunch with me. If she can accept a drink from a man, then I can buy a drink for a woman if I so choose. Things are different between men and women. Men have different intentions when they do things than woman do and do things differently.

If she wants to attend a fetish party, I can too and I don't have to act like a woman doing it. I can take a woman of my choice to a fetish party too. Maybe I want to make a fetish party in my house. Maybe my fetish is to receive double BJs? Shiit maybe I just want to invite a girl over to roleplay a bit. To me it's the same thing.

My girl never asked me again for anything weird because she knows i'll just use those very same liberties to replace her arse and all while i'm pipeing her on week days (because weekends are now reserved for better women).

Let her go to the party dude, downgrade that slvt to a plate like you should. And start banging her friends or just find an upgrade and phase her silly arse out like old software.

Remember YOU HAVE THE UPPER HAND. All she's doing is wasting her life being a slvt and lowering her value. For you it's the exact opposite. Maybe she ends up knocked up? For sure that gap is going to widen, while you just wipe the pvssy juice off your cawk and keep being the same high value man you always were only happier. Women don't even spend money when they go out like men do, i'd hate to go out in the same way women do. Looking for ladies nights being on a budget, hanging in my friends house all night, dealing with mens advances all night. Screw that man, if my woman wants freedom i'll give her all she wants.

yup! for sure downgrade her...they know how theyre behaving. and I know how I will react to that behavior. Which will be to lose respect for my girl and use my weekends for better chicks.
Might be easier said than done, but there is the real challenge.