I broke up with her. Tell me some of your break up stories and how to recover.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2009
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So, I broke up with my GF because I didn't want to do a long distance relationship for 3 months. She also started acting retarded about what she'll do when she got back. Basically, within a week of her going away, she gave mixed signals. Her love didn't seem as strong as it was before she left and I became an AFC trying to get her interest back up.

I miss what we had. It was a whirlwind of a relationship. After the second date, she started spending weekends with me. And then she lived with me for 3 weeks before she left (her lease expired). And this all happened within 3 1/2 months. She was my first real girlfriend. All I've had in the past was short-term sexual encounters.

I'm feeling sad and pissed off. She wasn't hot at all, but she did a lot for me (in and outside of the bedroom). I have this fear I won't find another girl who's smart and accommodating as she was...

Can some of you tell me about your breakups? Did you find someone better? How long did you wait before getting back out there? How close were you to your ex-girlfriend?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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There's nothing easy about breakups. They're awful, actually, and there's no way to avoid the pain. Next time, whenever you get back in the dating world, you should consider dating several women at a time. This not only makes you more attractive to women, it means that when the inevitable breakups occur, you're more able to deal with them.

It's like having business clients. If you have only one, and that relationship goes under, you have no income until you can find another. If you have several, then your income will take a hit but will not drop to zero and you will have time to find another.

Read the second sentence in my sig.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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I broke up about 3-4 weeks ago for interest-decline related reasons.

A man gotta do what a man gotta do.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2010
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You shouldn't worry about not finding another girl for you, people say there's some 'one' for everyone but that's not true, there's lots of people for everyone!

The best thing for you to do, for anyone to do after a breakup, is to break all contact (don't be rude about it or let things turn nasty at all) That way you are getting used to not having her in you life, and you will realise that you are fine without her. You will realise this. And when you are over her, when you've moved on and are getting on with something or someone else then you can probably be friends again....I don't know about close friends, that really varies tbh, but you can be civil.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
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CuriousGirl said:
You shouldn't worry about not finding another girl for you, people say there's some 'one' for everyone but that's not true, there's lots of people for everyone!
You sure? What about the 40 year old virgins?


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2009
Reaction score
Better it happened now. All I can say is keep busy and if you can't stop thinking about it, try to get even busier. There are more women out there, and more freedom when you are single. Take care, just my two bits.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
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let me give you two powerful existential statements....

first of all, what would be worse, breaking up with your little 3 month relationship gf... or dying today from an unexpected car accident or a terminal disease????

do you understand that life for you as you know it, could end up at any second, and it would come to an end, you would never have the oportunity to even TRY to see whats out there for you..

let me ask you, what is worse??? being in the situation you are, but knowing you could decide to forget about her and take action to reverse your situation and see if you can find someone better??? or have someone end your life today, and you would not even have a chance to know if you ever will meet someone???

let me give you some news for you: YOU ARE GOING TO DIE.

maybe not today but pretty sure it will happen within the next 20 to 50 years... 1 year or 50... time is relative, it could happen today!!....

so think about this for a second... just food for thought.. its only after you realize the only true fact in life is that we are all ultimately going to die....everything else is Bullsh1t... and you create your own luck, your own reality...

that means meeting the type of girl you want.

second statement.
so if we ultimately die.... shouldnt we assume that ultimately we are born and we will give our last breath by ourselves??? nobody and trust me nobody else is EVER going to live your experiences for you, (that includes your ex gf) she will never share your feelings and your life, you ultimately will die alone, and you will go through taht experience alone. you live your life for yourself, not for your freaking lil GF.

let me tell you something, ultimately we are alone in this world, and you gotta learn to live life for yourself...in your own terms. nobody else will do it for you. it is only when you come to terms with your ultimate isolation and the meaning of death in your life, you will realize that this life is short, really really really short, time flies, and every day that you waste on someone who will never make you truly happy (because we are ultimately alone) you are just wasting time and energy...

true happiness happens from your own psyche, from your inner self, from your self and your hobbies your goals and aspirations, not from the external world... if you are seeking that something from a particular girl,,, then you do not get it!!... but you will..... ultimately you will get it.

the only way to have a truly lasting meaningful ralationship is when you come to terms with these issues, and you come to love yourself and live life for yourself with 0 attachment for external events and girls.....ultimately everything you know and see, will come to an end... even if you ultimately want to get married for life, eventually either you or your loved one will pass away..

100 years from now, every single person that lives on this planet will be gone... EVERY SINGLE PERSON, INCLUDING YOU AND ME... nobody can stop that, But you can decide to take control of your time limited life existence in this world and make the best of it, evolve, make the best of who you are.... and go for it.... get the girl of your dreams

read this and if it rings something for your great.

good luck


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
pipe could u stop telling everyone they are ****ing going to die... we know its the only thing garunteed in life and we dont feel the need to bring it up everyday because it is quite a depressing topic
Jan 12, 2010
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Everyone's FIRST REAL GIRLFRIEND will always end up being a useless piece of pvssy in that man's life.

Take notes, because your 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th "real" girlfriends will end up the same way. It's better for you and for your development as a player to NOT commit to any of your future girlfriends for a few years.......just use them for sex and company, but never take them seriously!!!


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
So I have a total of 5 girls that something *may* happen with. Not dating, but just a little fun. 3 are girls I had fun with in the past and 2 are from online dating websites.

I think a good recovery is some physical fun, and I'm never getting this attached to a girl until we've been together for a long time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
Was this girl the warpig that you were spying on?

That's what you are pining over?

And then she lived with me for 3 weeks before she left (her lease expired).
Oh man... she used you.
Quite simple. She used you until she could get her flight out to wherever she was going. How do I know?


long distance relationship for 3 months. She also started acting retarded about what she'll do when she got back.
Don't mope over this girl, it's not even worth it.
Move on. You'll be fine. At some point she'll just be another punchline in your life.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
Rescue Mission said:
Everyone's FIRST REAL GIRLFRIEND will always end up being a useless piece of pvssy in that man's life.
No offence, but you are sick. :nervous: God save the "ignore list".
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Commandante said:
No offence, but you are sick. :nervous: God save the "ignore list".

only a total moron would say something like that to another man and not give any reason for saying it.

that was a hit and run insult, something only a total pvssy would do!

How exactly am I sick? Sick for being honest and telling the truth?

How many guys do you think happily marry and live with happily ever after with the FIRST girlfriend they ever have?? Modern era, post 1980's