I am starting bootcamp monday.......


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
I think we can all call week one over for you Nishbuk, although I did not get any make out sessions, I did get some numbers and alot of conversation time, as i had some really long breaks this last week. College is awesome, there are HBs everywhere, so lots of possible targets. Nish, I think we can skip week two, as it is just more hi's and it seems like you are good at those (dont we all wish we were as good as Nishbuk? Its only week one people, and hes getting kisses already!) If you guys wanna do week 2 thats cool, but it seems like everyone is already focusing on talking to HBs anyway (for those of you who have not read it, week 2 is just the same as week one, only the only his that count are HBs, where as in week one, you can say it to anyone and it counts)

So, I say we move on to week 3 (not sure what that one is, havent read that far yet)

Does anyone feel the need to do week 2, if so , we will do it, but if not, then we will just move straight to week 3, since everyone seems to be only saying hi to the HBs anyway


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sloopy

Her: "So what do you do?"
Me: "I'm a spy."
:crackup: I love that! GJ Sloopy.

and GJ nishbuk! Now that is progression!! You go get 'em!

On another note, I've read excersises for week 2 and 3 and I've got the music picks for those weeks. I think I'll just keep doing what I do. Haven't had any huge advances in the conversation stage with HBs. I don't want to fall in the "friend zone". Need to be a bit more flirtatious.

brenbaus makes a good point as well. I love this thread. We're all like big fvkken trojan horses all revved up and rerring to go. We all busting outta the blocks and it's fun to be at abouts the same level of progression. GJ bros!
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New Member
Aug 21, 2005
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Sitting on a nuke in North Korea
Okay week 1 is over....

Today (Sunday) wasn't as good for me. I still needed to do 20 or so hi's but only managed to get around 9 or 10. I just wasn't feeling good or confident today, even though I got a lot done yesterday.

So here's where I stand at the end of week 1:

Eye-contacts: lots

Hello's (randomly on the street/at the mall): approx. 40

Non-counting hello's (eg store clerks, elevator at my building, gym etc.): 20+

Short conversations with random people: 4

Conversations with people I met on Saturday night for the Irish dancing thing: several

Nice-looking girls I danced with at the Irish dancing thing: 3

Phone numbers: 0

Dates: 0

Make out sessions with random people: 0


Overall I'm not really pleased with my performance for this week. Well of course it's a lot more than I usually do, so it's a step forward, but as far as the booty camp is concerned it's mediocre.
You guys want to skip ahead in the weeks, and mostly you guys seem to be more advanced in this than me. Most of you are talking to a lot of girls.
Week 2 is starting conversations with strangers in general and week 3 is starting conversations with attractive girls. I think I'm ready to get into week 2, but I still need some work on the week 1 exercises. If we can do week 2, I'll go ahead and do that plus some remedial week 1 stuff. If you guys want to skip to week 3, I'll need to combine weeks 1,2,3 into one week, which I think I can do but it will be tougher for me and I don't know if it will be enough practice for me.

Alright time to step it up a notch.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by brenbaus
I think we can all call week one over for you Nishbuk, although I did not get any make out sessions, I did get some numbers and alot of conversation time, as i had some really long breaks this last week. College is awesome, there are HBs everywhere, so lots of possible targets. Nish, I think we can skip week two, as it is just more hi's and it seems like you are good at those (dont we all wish we were as good as Nishbuk? Its only week one people, and hes getting kisses already!) If you guys wanna do week 2 thats cool, but it seems like everyone is already focusing on talking to HBs anyway (for those of you who have not read it, week 2 is just the same as week one, only the only his that count are HBs, where as in week one, you can say it to anyone and it counts)

So, I say we move on to week 3 (not sure what that one is, havent read that far yet)

Does anyone feel the need to do week 2, if so , we will do it, but if not, then we will just move straight to week 3, since everyone seems to be only saying hi to the HBs anyway
Well, to tell you the truth, I still do want to do week 2. Even though I'm making progress, it's few and far between I'm still nowhere near sloopy's level. :)
Also, I'm not in Montreal right now, so getting numbers would be kind of pointless for me, as I wouldn't be able to follow through properly.
I'm going to follow the program as it stands, but by all means, go ahead and jump to the next week if you're ready!
Good luck guys!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
OK, so well do week 2 then. I'm sure we can all use some more practice talking to HBs anyway, so well do the program in order.

Anyone else have some sucuess stories or war stories form the first week, apparently Nish is the one who has the greatest amount of sucess so far. Hopefully he gets back home before we start doing number closes so he can get in on the action.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I'll be back home right in time for the number closes. Now...cold number closing, THAT is my weak point! It's gonna take some work for me to do that really well!

Okay guys. You've gone through week 1. We've kept our heads high, and we've made eye contact, and minimal verbal contact with many people! What have we discovered?

That most people will respond to you if you are friendly and courteous!
Now it's time to put that into action.

It's time to get our mouths moving. It's time to get our MINDS moving.

Are you guys ready for it? All it takes is to move your mouth. I want you guys to think about one thing this week:

(I am WORTH the effort!)

Because all of you are.

When you get out there, you will talk to 10 people for about 2 mins.

If they don't respond, you will try and raise their interest (remember, were talking to anyone here, not just women)

If they ignore you, you will MAKE SURE that at the very LEAST they acknowledge you. You will do this with confidence, stature, and kindness.

If they cut you short, you will MAKE SURE that you made an impression on them.

Guys now were moving out of your comfort zone. And this is EXACTLY what we want to do! Feel the nervousness, and the hesistation when you go out and get these convos!
And remember, those feelings are the BEST FEELINGS that you've EVER had, because they will help you become the man you want to. Embrace the pain, and know that it leads you to create a grander version of yourself.

Let's go guys. New challenge starts tommorrow.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Originally posted by nishbuk
I'll be back home right in time for the number closes. Now...cold number closing, THAT is my weak point! It's gonna take some work for me to do that really well!

Okay guys. You've gone through week 1. We've kept our heads high, and we've made eye contact, and minimal verbal contact with many people! What have we discovered?

That most people will respond to you if you are friendly and courteous!
Now it's time to put that into action.

It's time to get our mouths moving. It's time to get our MINDS moving.

Are you guys ready for it? All it takes is to move your mouth. I want you guys to think about one thing this week:

(I am WORTH the effort!)

Because all of you are.

When you get out there, you will talk to 10 people for about 2 mins.

If they don't respond, you will try and raise their interest (remember, were talking to anyone here, not just women)

If they ignore you, you will MAKE SURE that at the very LEAST they acknowledge you. You will do this with confidence, stature, and kindness.

If they cut you short, you will MAKE SURE that you made an impression on them.

Guys now were moving out of your comfort zone. And this is EXACTLY what we want to do! Feel the nervousness, and the hesistation when you go out and get these convos!
And remember, those feelings are the BEST FEELINGS that you've EVER had, because they will help you become the man you want to. Embrace the pain, and know that it leads you to create a grander version of yourself.

Let's go guys. New challenge starts tommorrow.
Thanks for the inspiring words Nishbuk, everyone, tomorrow is week 2, keep at the good work, we will be changed men by the time this is over!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Do not fret Canadian_Accent, apart from my goodluck at the bar the other night I haven't come a long way. But I've had more conversations with HBs in the past week than I have in the past friggin year!!

btw, I can't believe no one flamed me for wanting to take a break!! Where's the support???? If this was any other support group, somebody would knock down my door and drag my sorry @ss out! But no worries. I've snapped out of that mood. I think I was drunk or something. Blah!


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
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hey guys, i know i'm a bit late to sign up (exactly 1 week late) but i think i need the motivation to do this bootcamp so i'll just post my reports here too (if that's alright).

anyways, today was my first day out on bootcamp, so...

week 1 day 1:

i went out to a nearby mall and spent about 45 minutes there. i concentrated mainly on girls at least somewhere around my age range (i''m 18). i tried to establish EC with just about every girl that crossed my way, but almost every one of them looked away after a second. i think maybe i need to work on my timing - smile and nod at them in that 1-second window when they're actually looking back at me.

i initially intended to do the 'hi' exercise at the same time but once i got into the mall i started making excuses for myself ("i'm sick" or "I'll just do this tommorow"...). and then i just started feeling like a pu$$y and decided "f*ck it, even if i make a fool of myself who's gonna remember 10 years down the hell".

so i end up getting 8 'hi's' in the next half hour or so. one thing i found tho was that out of all 8, only 2 responded well (smiling back and saying hi back) and that was after i'd established EC and smiled. the other ones just sorta walked off without saying anything (although it MIGHT have been because i've got a cold. i didn't really say 'hi' so much as croak it...although that might just be me making excuses for myself). sorta depressing, but whatever i'll keep at it.

suggestions would be much, much, MUCH appreciated.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Grovetown, GA, USA
Glad to have you with us SBguy, although we have already completed week 1, feel free to tell us your sucess or war stories, whatever your situation for the day is!

Here is my first report for week 2,

I was feeling like shyt today, so I didnt really try to talk to any girls, but one chick kept checking me out , I should have talked to her, but I dont want to get involved in anything serious, as I want to finish bootcamp the first time I do it, and she seems like the kind of girl who just wants to jump into a relationship, and as a DJ in training, I have decided to stop going for average looking girls, and she is not that hot, so I'll probably leave it alone. Hope you guys did better than I did.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
This is a long one!

Alright, I've got another field report for week 1/2. This is the first time I have managed to bring everything together. But this is a WARNING! This article is in depth and it is a LONG one!

On Saturday I went to a party at my friends' place and of course I immediately looked around to mark the hot girls for future reference. There were a lot of HB5s and 6s and I was starting to lose hope. While down in the basement area, I saw a delicious broad talking to some friends. She was an HB8.5. She had a nice body, pretty face, nice hair. It was apparent some other guys had noticed her as she was one of only two girls really worth pursuing. I caught this girl checking me out a few times but didn't give it any attention at that moment. I walked up to a good friend of mine and mentioned "I like that one." My friend said she had gone to high school with her and asked if I wanted her to introduce me to the girl. I said "No, I'll handle that on my own." I was about to go talk to her but this other guy had beaten me to the punch. I could see he knew what he was doing. He definitely had some game. I didn't let it bother me and figured I'd get to her when he left (she didn't seem that interested). I had a beer or two and then next time I looked, I saw the guy but she was nowhere to be found. That was a good sign.

So later in the night, I noticed her on the couch in the living room. I sat down on the easy chair and introduced myself to everybody in the room. She perked up immediately and started talking. She had her legs draped over this guy and I wasn't sure what to make of it but I figured I'd ignore it. I started by asking her all the basic questions about what she was doing, where she was from, etc.

Me: You go to Goucher? What are you studying there?
Her: English
Me: Oh yeah? What's your focus?
Her: Creative Writing. I don't know what I'm going to do with it...
Me: Ha, yeah...probably nothing. But that's actually pretty cool. Who are you reading right now?
Her: Oh...well..you mean in classes or what?
Me: Just in general. Where do you get most of your inspiration right now?
Her: Oh...I'm taking some classes and just doing the required reading mostly
Me: What, you mean you do creative writing but you aren't reading any other authors outside school? How do you expect to get good at that?
Her: I just do my own thing, I guess
Me: I guess that's cool...

Everytime somebody came into the room I made sure to turn my attention to them to say 'hey.' I figured this would increase my social value and also keep me from focusing too much attention on just her. I would also occasionally just get up in the middle of the conversation, grab a beer, hang out on the deck for a minute, and then come back in. This went on for a while. At some point, she and her guy-friend said they'd be right back and got up and when they came back, she sat in the seat closest to me. I viewed this as a definite buying signal. I talked to her again, asking a lot of questions and making sure to lean back in my seat and act somewhat bored with the whole thing. This seemed to be working as she was leaning closer to me to talk. Eventually her friend decided to leave and so it was just she and I. She turned out to be pretty cool. I got to know her pretty well but I didn't talk much about myself. I did tell her my actual job though, which she thought was pretty cool (most people do).

At some point I decided to get up and grab another beer. When I came back, the guy who had been gaming on her earlier was back and he had taken my seat. This was perfect for me because now I could sit right next to her on the couch. As soon as I sat down, she turned her attention from that guy to me. I ignored her so that I could introduce myself to that guy who's name turned out to be Freddy. He did the same to me. We looked each other in the eyes and we both knew exactly what was going on. But we both decided to play fair. I let him have his time with her to talk. She would turn to me everytime he stopped talking. I mainly just asked her a lot of questions and gave her some kino (which she didn't return but also didn't reject). I gave her a hard time for not having ever seen Goodfellas or Reservoir Dogs. I listened to Freddy's game and it wasn't that great. She was definitely way more into me already and I don't think any amount of game on his part was really going to change that. Eventually he tried to close on her number. It went something like this:

Freddy: So I'd really like to take you out to dinner. Do you mind if I ask for your number so I can give you a call?
Her: I don't really give that out...
Freddy: some mumbling I couldn't understand. I think he might have asked for her E-mail instead
Her: Hmmm, okay. Do you have something I can write with?

At this point I decided to get up and go out to the back deck. I was not ejecting but I knew that this guy had already lost so I didn't worry too much about it. I felt like I had already planted enough interest that if she wanted me, she would make an effort. I went back there and stood by the door, talking to a few people that were there. Sure enough, she showed up not more than five minutes later. She walked in and spun around like a dog getting ready to lie down. She found a place to sit and I pretty much ignored her to talk to my other friends. I went back inside to use the bathroom and when I came back, there was only one seat open. She was on one side of it and my roommate was on the other. I plopped into the seat and started talking to my roommate. She said something and I turned to look at her. I gave her a little smile and then I went back to talking to my roommate and listening to this other girl babble on about her interesting life as a teacher. She finally said something to me - I forget what but I decided to drop back into conversation with her. We talked for a while - I made sure to bust her chops. She was good though - she busted my chops right back and I knew it was on. I was getting pretty drunk by this point so I don't remember our exact conversation, but I remember one topic was "would you rather have herpes or be missing a leg?"

So I was slowly building value, but I definitely neglected to work on "connecting" to her. I was going more for a mysterious vibe that I am pretty sure was working. Her friend came onto the deck and I talked to him a bit. Then he said they should go in and get another drink.

Me: Hey, why don't you grab one for me on your way back?
Her: Sure, what do you want?
Me: A beer's fine
Her: Okay
Me: Hurry back though. I'm pretty thirsty.
Her: laughing Sure.

So she came back and handed me my beer and someone had taken her previous seat so she had to sit on the couch across from me. My roommate immediately knew what was going down so he got up to grab himself a beer. When he was gone, I looked at her and just motioned for her to come over. she didn't get it at first so I patted the seat. I was kind of scared this wouldn't work but amazingly she just got up and came to sit next to me! I was quite happy with myself. We continued talking and of course I would still always make sure to talk to other people on the deck to keep my social value high. I kept busting her balls when I could. The one example I remember (and that I thought might be going a little too far) was this one when she was telling me about the horses she rides -

Her: Yeah, we have a stable on campus that - and you're totally bored aren't you.
Me: Bored?
Her: Yeah, you look bored.
Me: Yeah, a little bit, but you know...it's alright. Not everybody can be a great conversationalist like myself <grin>
Her: Hmmm...what's that called again? Oh yeah...conceitedness."
Me: Yep, guess it is.
Her: Well if I'm so boring let's see how good you can keep the conversation going when I just give one word answers.
Me: Alright - sounds good.
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Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
part 2 of a long post!

I forget what question I asked her but, needless to say, I failed that miserably. She picked up the conversation again pretty quickly though, so it was no big deal. So the talking continued, my roommate left to go to a diner and I stuck around to close the deal with this girl. I got up to go to the bathroom again and when I came back, I sat on the couch. She had gotten up to go somewhere too and when she came back, she sat down on the couch next to me despite many open seats. She mumbled to herself "this looks comfortable" like it was a spontaneous decision that had nothing to do with me. When she looked over at me, I silently motioned for her to come over closer to me. Again, I was scared it wouldn't work but, like magic, she slid over and cuddled up under my arm. It looked like it was a done deal! I was content with the circumstances and rubbed her arm lightly with my fingers. She cuddled into me, asking if she was making my arm fall asleep. I told her I'd let her know if it got annoying. So this went on for a little while, then the owner of the house came in and asked if we were staying because he was kicking anyone out who wasn't staying the night. She hesitated for a second and then said "I guess I'm staying here." I said I was going home and then got up to leave. I ran into the girl who had gone to high school with my objective. I have sort of a reputation within that group of friends and I think she wanted to say something to my objective about it so that I wouldn't end up hurting her. I was a little concerned about that but figured whatever happened would happen. So as I was leaving, the girl tried to not-to-obviously follow me out into the living room. I was standing by the door and I held my hand out. She took my hand and came to me and I said

Me: You should give me your number."
Her: Okay. Do you have a phone?
Me: Yeah

So I get her number and put my phone away. Then I hold her around the waste and pull her close to me. She goes for a hug but I pull back out and go in for a kiss-close. She immediately reciprocates and we kiss lightly with no tongue for about 30 seconds. Then I pull away and

Me: Alright, I'll give you a call.
Her: Bye!
Me: Yep

At that point I walked out the door totally satisfied with myself. I had picked my objective and succeeded famously! I went straight to my friends' house down the street and walked in the door shouting "I am the King Sh1t of Fvck Mountain!" They responded with "That's nice, Sloopy. Sit down and smoke this bowl." Which I did...for the first time in a long while (I am not a big smoker).

So that is Part ONE of the story. Don't worry. Part two is very short.

I didn't call her the next day but I didn't want to wait like three days because we had kissed and I didn't want her to feel cheap, especially if my friend had told her about the reputation I sort of have (with much less attractive girls, mind you). So I called her the following Monday (today) during my lunch break. She didn't pick up so I left a message:

"Hey, J. What's up. It's Sloopy. I met you Saturday at D's party. It's kind of slow at the office right now so I figured I'd give you a call. You managed to make a pretty good impression the other night so that's good. It was nice meeting you and we should probably get together sometime. I'm pretty busy but I'll try to make some time. So give me a call. Talk to you later."

So I wasn't sure if I was supplicating a little too much or what but I didn't stress about it. I did get a little nervous when it had been 5 or 6 hours and she hadn't called me back yet. I was really concerned that my friend might have totally ****blocked me. I had all but forgotten about it when, at around 7:00, I got a call and it was her. I was just about to give my friends a ride to campus so it went like this:

Me: What's up?
Her: Hey, what's up. It's J.
Me: Yeah, I know because that's what it said on my phone.
Her: Oh, right - you put it in there.
Me: Yeah. Anyway, I'm actually about to give my friends a ride somewhere so I'm gonna have to call you back, okay?
Her: Okay.
Me: Alright, talk to you later then.
Her: Okay, bye

So I decided to call her at around 9:30. It went like this:

Her: Hey there
Me: What's up? I'm out on my porch enjoying the fantastic weather.
Her: I'm not. I'm hanging some pictures up in my room.
Me: Well go outside. It's great.
Her: I don't think so.
Me: What, you have a problem with nice weather?
Her: No, but I want to hang my pictures up and I can't do that outside.
Me: Yeah, unless you're an anti-abortion group.
Her: Yeah...but I'm not.
Me: Was that in bad taste?
Her: Not really..
Me: Good, because even if it had been, I probably wouldn't have cared that much.
Her: haha, alright.
at some point I was saying something and she said
Her: Sorry, could you repeat that? I wasn't paying attention.
Me: What? You weren't paying attention. Well look, I'm not gonna waste my time talking if you're not gonna pay attention.
Her: No, I was hanging something and I got distracted. I'm sorry.
Me: I don't know - how do I know you're still listening? Prove it
Her: (repeats back the last few lines of the conversation)
Me: Alright, alright - I'll repeat it...
we talk for maybe another two minutes then I decide it's time to close the deal
Me: Anyway, I'm going to Florida this weekend so -
Her: Oh yeah, why?
Me: Oh, just to visit some friends
Her: Oh, okay
Me: so anyway, I'm going to Florida this weekend but keep next Friday free.
Her: Okay.
Me: Alright, sounds good. I've gotta go but I'll give you a call sometime next week.
Her: Alright.
Me: Okay, talk to later
Her: Bye!

Okay, so that's the end. Sorry it was so long but I wanted to be detailed with this one. Now I have to think of something to do with her next Friday. I thought about bringing a copy of goodfellas with me but I don't want to do the movie thing. Anyone have any ideas? Lemme know!



Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Read and lean folks.

Sloopy's almost got it DOWN.
Very awesome stuff there. You're definitely ahead of me! Good work.

Overall, I'd say that you clearly OWNED this girl. There's only two things that I would have done differently.

I wouldnt' have told her that I was going to call her for sure. This would vibe better with your "mystery" style. That way, they don't have ANY assurance whatsoever that you even intend to call them.
And I don't know what your personal style is, but if I get a number, the only call that I make is to get a date. If I'm not calling to make a date, then I won't call.

Awesome stuff. I could learn alot from you!


New Member
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
im definately learning.....awesome sloppy

brothers tell him what he should do next friday...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Sloops is at the dating stage already???


I had a 2 convos. with random strangers yesterday. Boring stuff. I can get them to a stage where they don't shut up now. It's boring. Weird thing is that I found myself targetting older women. Late 20s to early 30s! :confused:

Can't wait till the weekend rolls by again.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the words of encouragement, guys. It's great to know you have gleaned something from my experiences and I hope to do the same with yours. :)

I wouldnt' have told her that I was going to call her for sure. This would vibe better with your "mystery" style. That way, they don't have ANY assurance whatsoever that you even intend to call them.
And I don't know what your personal style is, but if I get a number, the only call that I make is to get a date. If I'm not calling to make a date, then I won't call.
Yeah, I thought about that but again, I was walking on eggshells a little bit because I was afraid she would be told about my reputation as a party slut. I didn't want her to discount me so soon so I decided to give her a little more interest than I normally would. I don't know if this was a good or bad move - given the chance to do it over, I'd probably go your route and say "I'll try to give you call" instead.

Do you think it was a good move to set the date for a week and a half later and tell her I'll "call you sometime next week." I figured it would give her a chance to miss me but I don't want her to lose interest because I'm totally disappearing from her life for a week and a half.

brothers tell him what he should do next friday...
Yes, brothers, tell him.

Sloops is at the dating stage already???
Hey, I'm not going to turn down a broad just because it isn't in the "program." I should hope you wouldn't either.

I can't wait to see what you guys have in store for week 2!

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Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sloopy

Do you think it was a good move to set the date for a week and a half later and tell her I'll "call you sometime next week." I figured it would give her a chance to miss me but I don't want her to lose interest because I'm totally disappearing from her life for a week and a half.
Ooh.. week and a half. A bit longish.. Can't imagine what it'll do to her head. lol. In the DJBC book it mentioned something about calling her between 9:45-10:30pm. That way you'll be the last thing on her mind before sleep. It'll keep the interest levels up.

also, on the date thing, I'll probably make it a daytime thing at a cafe. But if you're looking to get intimate, maybe a dinner date? I know it's so typical... :rolleyes:



Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, yeah. It will have to be evening because I have to work during the day and I have obligations that Saturday.

I think I'm going to do ice skating. I used to play hockey so I'll be sure not to make a fool of myself.

The reason I did it a week and a half is because I am going to Florida this weekend. Ah well - I don't think it's worth stressing about. I think she developed enough attraction that it will be fine.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
yo guys sorry i never posted. i had a revelation and it kinda changed my life. i had to stop doin' most thang i usually do and tat was the boot camp too. now that my revelation thang is kinda over and i'm a better person now, i guess, i'm gonna start the boot camp thang over. gotta do it. mine is gonna start on the next monday, get ready for some posts from me when tat day come.

oh yea, ill try to cram week one and two together so i be wit u guys so we can hit the end at the same time.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
yikes...it's getting impossible for me to hit public places with my schedule, and no car. :( I'm at 2 convos...noone "Hawt" unforutnately. Goddamn, I can't wait till I get back to montreal so I have some working space.