I am just pathetic ...


New Member
Mar 14, 2010
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So this is my first post here... My story is:

I created facebook profile to find some girl in my new city. I look very good but lot younger than i really am. I was out from dating scene for some time but now i am back...

And i meet with one girl tonight. She saw my photos and i saw hers ...so we like each other on photos. It was same in person. We went to some cafe .. and talked , talked ..... she laughed, she didnt belived my age cos i look lot younger but nm. She is little shy ... but ProBlem IS i am little more! So at the end nothing happend .. we were in hurry to catch last bus from city and sad we well stay in contact.... So i am just pathetic i didnt even tryed to kiss her or anything and she Just Talked all time. So what can i do now:( ..ask her to "go out once again":( ..and i dont know what to tell her now on facebook chat... why i have this problem to "finish things":( now i dont know what to doo:(( ...

So insted of kissing with her i now have obviusly one NEW missed chance. She will now think i am some wirdo or what.... well i am obviously

Can anyone help ... is there any way to save things with this girl .. what should i say to her .. or will she now change her mind and forget about me :confused:


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
So you had one date with a girl and it didn't end with a kiss. What's the big deal? What's with all the gay sad faces? She liked you, so just set up a second date. Use some kino on her, get physically close, and go for the kiss.

Christ. It was one date and according to your story, it didn't end THAT bad.


Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Let's start off by addressing your problem with getting more "intimate" with this woman.

Your afraid to escalate the situation any further because you are afraid of being rejected. You like being in the safe zone where you have to take no risks.

Without risks there is no reward. Grow a pair of testicles and escalate with her next time. Don't let fear run your life.

The best you can do is setup another date with this woman and avoiding talking too much online. If she still decides to give you another chance, don't mess it up again by acting like a wuss.

Escalate through kino and at least attempt a kiss close.