I’m watching marriages blow up left and right. It’s depressing.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2012
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here and there
( . )( . ) said:
FYI zarky is a feminist bull dyke who's been trolling the manosphere for many many years if you're wondering why it's rather odd a 39 year old "man" has such vitriolic hatred for traditional institutions, religion, men etc etc and hides it through "I just want puzzy derrrrp" subterfuge in a lame attempt to sell it.

She's basically mimicking what she thinks a seasoned "playa" would say whilst demonizing some fictitious evil "patriarchy". And for the love of all things holy please don't bring up Briffault's law or the MRA, it sends her off :cuss:

Interesting post there t!ts. Maybe the outburst that Zarky had is because it's that time of the month again. :crackup:

Zarky said:
F*ck being a "DJ" or whatever you want to call it. If you're not out f*cking chicks, you're a Beta. Pure and simple. If you're whining about the state of marriage, you're a Beta. If you're fantasizing about the lovely poetry and chivalrousness you could show women if they'd only appreciate it, you're a Beta. If you're wringing your hands and writing alarmist blog posts about the decline of Western civilization because women can f*ck who they want, you're a Beta. If you want "one good woman" who'll love you forever and ever, you're a Beta.

Just admit it. Why won't you all just admit it? You're a bunch of Betas, and you're pissed that your Betaness holds essentially zero value in the modern sexual mating market, and you're pissed. But rather than change and become an Alpha, you'd rather sit around and moan about it to each other.

That's the entirety of this thread and most threads here. No further analysis is necessary.

Just admit it.

You're mistaken on a lot of things here. Quite frankly, you don't even know what you're talking about. You seem very angry for someone who's claiming to be an alpha. If you were out fvcking chicks you wouldn't even care what others are doing.

I'm sure that you had two parents that were married and your father believed he found "one good woman" to marry, your mother. Would you call him a beta?

Being a beta is a weak man who is a push over who feels inferior to everybody else including women and acts in that manner. Just because you have one woman you are not a beta. I've known plenty of older guys in my neighborhood who fvcked around over the years who are alphas. After they got tired of that, they found a woman and got married. They are the same alpha men as they were before except they are married.

I had an amazing girlfriend who got killed in a car wreck. I've never met another girl like her. All these other idiots that I've been dating all this time don't even compare. I get their numbers, text them, a phone convo, date, sex, and then repeat. I like to fvck chcks, but I would do anything to have my girlfriend back. Someone that actually meant something and the sex meant something. Fvcking women is great, but when you have someone who is meaningful to you, that make the sex that much better instead of some idiot who can only talk about sex and party.

Who cares what you think, you're just an anonymous poster. Why would people care if you give them a title as a beta?

I don't know about any of you guys, but I would rather have the "one hot good woman" instead of a bunch of hoes that don't mean anything or some wh0re that ends up cheating on you.

Life is about happiness, making a success out of yourself, continuing to accomplish your goals, enjoying what you have, not having to put up with bvllsh1t with lousy women. Having that "one good woman" does not make you a beta when the rest of your life is a total success and you have a respectful woman to go along for the ride. That is the alpha life dude.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2011
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lolled when I saw zarky is 39 years old. I bet he's an apex alpha too :p

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Danger said:
Of course the more I read Tits posts the more it makes sense that you are actually a woman. Your about certainly doesn't read like a white upper-middle class man would write it, but it hits all of the points that a feminazi would hate more than anything else on the planet. Combine that with how you claim to be a player yet all you do is bang 4.0 fatties off of POF and suddenly things begin to make a lot more sense.
No joke. All her "Umms, lol's, smiley faces and wow...just wow's" aside. Try running her drivel through gender genie. Every sample of 500+ words, not just some, but every one came back female by some off the chain amount. Unquestionable, that's near impossible for a legit man to pull off btw. The dodgy ****er even used to try and butch up her language when I'd call her out. And this toxic misandrist cvnt has spent how many years shaming men? You'll notice she always turns up at just the right time to shut down debate and shame men but always makes a lame attempt to cover it with her usual "I just want to phuck chicks, so it's best not to talk about hypergamy hurrr durr" routine.

Think about it. Do you actually know ANY 39 year old men in real life who recoil from the topic of gender dynamics in such a manner?

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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I'm glad you guys called Zarky out, you'd think someone who has been on so suave since 2010 and has over 2,000 posts would've learnt something on this forum by now.

I will make a post about this one day...but the most important think about being a man is BEING a man.

A man isn't a man because of what he does, a man is a man because of how he THINKS.

For example:
Zarky said:
...If you're not out f*cking chicks, you're a Beta.
"F*cking chicks" is superficial.

If a man pays for wh0ress and f*cks 20 a week, does that make him "alpha"?

If a destitute inherits a fortune, does that make them wealthy?

If an obese women loses weight, does that make her healthy?

A man can f*ck only one woman in five years and still be "alpha" if he has the ability to attract them.

A wealthy person can be broke and still be wealthy as long as they have the ability to manage money and generate wealth.

An obese women can become healthy (not silm, but healthy) the moment they change their attitude towards food and exercise.

Also, and the state women find themselves today and "can f*ck who they want" is unnatural...


New Member
Jun 30, 2014
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I used to believe in the institution of marriage, but not anymore; its difficult to survive in a marriage if you suffer from erectile dysfunction, i have been through this and have been divorced, its a disorder and not by intention, but one has to live with it....I read suhagra review and tried this med, since then i have been active sexually, but would never like to be married again.....


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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I think about marrying and having kids because my parents marriage was pretty good by all accounts. My dad went from a low-paying position to a very high paying position by the time my brother and I were teenagers. We lived in a trailer in elementary school and by the time were in the middle school we had the best house in town. My mother, who came from a semi-affluent family, took a liking to my dad, a skinny hippy who played drums and fixed cars. When my dad got laid off, she was there the whole time. We were a happy family. We went on vacations, my parents put us in sports, and were supportive of everything we wanted to do. I wanted this in my life when I was older.

I wanted a woman like my mother, who didn’t give two sh!ts about my dad’s wealth or ragged hippy appearance. She wasn’t entitled at all. I wanted to raise kids in the same type of structure with a woman who would take me as I am and not care about all the external crap that serves as nothing but disruption to the groundwork of the relationship at it’s core.

I married someone who was not like this at all - and it's easy to see why it failed.