hunting hints (long)


New Member
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Here are a few things that I try to throw in on a night out hunting. I am hoping that you might respond with a few alternatives.
I like to have some reasonable goals. I am planning another expedition at the weekend and I aim the get the numbers of at least three A listers, 3 B listers and three future useful contacts. B listers are good for practice and confidence building. Successfully picking up a five gives you a great boost to go a get a ten. And there are always useful people elsewhere around the bar. I like to look for pack leaders, which could probably in turn introduce me to a lot more people.

I never go out hunting alone, so I always look for a reason to celebrate and invite some people to go out. At the weekend, an old friend is paying me a visit, so we‘ll head out with a group of girls that know how to have a good time. As long as we keep the energy and excitement levels high, everything around us will be accessible. It is useful to know a few bar tricks and some fun drinking games around this time, but there are plenty of other ways to keep spirits roused. I always keep some funny pics in my wallet that have been nabbed from the net, but which I have made my own. I’ll be happy to share these with anybody interested.
I’ll make sure that I have a few good jokes to entertain people and also to use the staff to their full potential. Promotion girls and waitresses can be fun but I also like to cultivate the managers just in case I come back in the future. My usual ploy is just to talk about stuff they know about like bar size and capacity. This is one of my weakest out areas and somebody out there must have some much better tips.
Ordering shooters and ****tails attracts far more attention than beer. A round of tequila slammers lets you quickly scope out who is watching your group. A couple of flaming Lamborghini’s will attract even more attention. Always order a few extras and then you can invite the curious types over. Ten shooters will get a decent discount and that is one each for me and my friends, plus one each for the manager, the two cute girls on the table next to us, and that stunner by the door has been watching every move I make since we walked in.
A disposable camera keeps things in top gear and the group starts to grow. And we haven’t even hit the dance floor yet. It is around about this point that I expect to be comped a big Karaoke room. If a manager is not smart enough to anticipate his guests needs, I will suggest that things are getting a little crowded and that we might move along to get a bottle of Chivas at the next bar. This will usually make him reappraise the situation. And if the room is not one of the top ten percent in the club, then we will move on.
Props help conversations move along so I carry as many as possible. A simple packet of smokes becomes a talking point when you have a stylish cigarette holder and a cute novelty lighter. A good business card is essential in the East, and my current ‘palmist’ card is way outperforming the ‘Durex salesman’ card that I was using last year. Candy can always be useful and fake tattoos can come in very handy. What kinds of props do you use?
I am impressed by the crowd control techniques utilized by modern wrestling and try to incorporate a little bit of similar showmanship to our advantage. If you are shouting and chanting while drinking then it is much easier to get other people to join in. Adrenaline peaks all around as one of your lady friends playfully tries to slip an ice cube drown your pants as you try and drop one down her cleavage. This is the kind of play fighting and is mobile enough to take to the audience. Ringside WWF is very exciting. Ringside on a night out with us should be equally as appealing.