How would you handle this? Am I in the wrong?


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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She's 20, I'm 21, her first relationship, dating 5 1/2 months. It's the last night here at college for my GF and I and she told me a few days ago that she was going to go to a friend's graduation party that was recently planned, as it's her friend's last night ever down here. I was looking forward to spending the evening with her as I won't be seeing her for about a month. She came over here last night after hanging out with a close friend and we dicuseed it a little. I know she's going to get here later and she's going to be tired because she has very little sleep throughout this week, so the time I'm going to get with her won't be the greatest because she's going to be dead tired. I know she doesn't want me to go to the party with her even though guests are allowed, because it's a sorority thing and she's always wanted to keep her private and soroity life seperate for whatever reason.

I realize she doesn't think it's a big deal because she coming over after, but I was really looking forward to an evening alone with her. If it was any other night I wouldn't care, I've never tried to keep her from going to anything she wanted to, I don't want to control her. I just know it's going to be exactly like last night, she's going to come here dead tired and barely able to hold a conversation and fall asleep. I just want a quality night with her, not that. What's the best way to handle this? I really don't want her to go to the party, but I don't want to seem controling either. I also don't want to come across as needy. I was just looking forward to a nice evening alone with her. I really don't think it's a problem with the relationship as a whole, she's always been like this, plus she just gave up her virginity to me a few weeks ago, so I really don't think she's planning on going anywhere.


Jul 27, 2005
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Kingston, Can-a-duh
I was just looking forward to a nice evening alone with her.
Why the hell does it have to be the last night before she's gone? Yeah, it's special, last time. Shut the hell up. Spend it now (if you have the chance), there's lots of time in the world.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
If she wants to go to the party, she's going to go to the party. You could make her feel bad enough that she won't go but I promise that it won't be the "nice evening alone" that you're desiring because she'll be miserable. If she knows how you feel then let it go. Make the best of your evening.