How To Stop Being Creepy and Become Popular


May 13, 2015
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Tip 1: Pay Attention to your own actions and body language

To get over your creepiness, you must become aware of your thoughts, actions, and mannerisms.

Right now stop. And be aware of your body language. Since you are reading on a screen, you are probably closed and hunched over. Were you even aware of this? Probably not. By becoming aware you lifted something from your subconscious mind (this means something you do, but are unaware of) to your conscious mind. Today, I want you to stop at random points in the day and just become aware of your body language and way of doing things. If you observe any behaviors or actions listed in part two, you need to deal with them.

Tip 2: Always Pay Attention to People’s Reactions

Next, pay attention to how people react to you. In my previous post, I mentioned that if people are always sending negative body language signals to you, you probably are creeping them out.

You need to get in the habit of reading people’s body language and reactions all the time. You will never get valuable feedback about yourself if you are unaware of people’s responses.

As a teacher, I see students react to other students all the time. One student always says things that annoy everyone else in the class. However, he is totally unaware he is doing this, because while the student reactions are very obvious to me, he totally ignores their reactions. Just a little bit of paying attention would help him see that his comments are bothering people.

Tip 3: Change Your Approach

If you observe that someone is reacting to you negatively, you have to change what you are doing (unless you are happy coming across as scary). For example, if you approach a girl and she goes silent and awkward, then something you are doing isn’t working.

Another example is this. If you are talking in class and nobody is listening, try to determine why. Is your voice whiny? Do you talk too much? Is your body language non-confident? Once you have a reasonable guess, then change that behavior. If you don’t have a reasonable guess as to why, then look at Tips 4 and 5.

Changing your approach may or may not work. But, you have to be flexible enough to keep trying, because anybody can change and become less creepy and more popular. One way to develop quality strategies is to observe effective strategies in others. This involves the next step, which is…

Tip 4: Observe Non-Creepy People

This is your greatest solution to being non-creepy. Whenever you get the chance, observe people that are popular and not creepy. How do you know when someone isn’t creepy? People want to be around him or her! Maybe you resent some of these people. Maybe you are jealous because they get dates and you don’t, and they meet friends easily. Now is the time to put this anger aside. I am guessing that the reason you resent popular people is because you want to be like them. So, now is your chance to be popular, even more popular than the people you are observing!

So, observe the body language of non-creepy people, and way of speaking and acting. Ask yourself the following questions:

– How do they carry themselves?
– What do you think goes on inside their head (i.e. what are they telling themselves? How do they view the world?)
– How do they talk (speed, amount of words, tone, etc)?
– What kind of things do they talk about?
– How do they stand and sit?
– How is their demeanor (Calm? Funny? Relaxed? Edgy?)
– How do they relate to others?
– What do they give to others that others like?
– How do they dress?
– What are they good at?
– What are their interests?
– Are they outgoing or shy?

Now, keep in mind that we are not asking you to become somebody else. You will have your own style and personality. However, if your “style” is stalking girls or wearing shirts with drawings of bloody zombies, then you may have to give up some of that if you want to be considered non-creepy. You will find that popular people have a variety of interests (such as music, athleticism, academics). There is no need to “become somebody else” to be popular, however, if you are creepy, you will need to improve upon your basic personality to become more popular. You will have to shed creepy behavior for more popular behavior.

Tip 5: Model What You Observe

After you have observed how non-creepy people operate, you need to start modeling it. You need to start thinking and acting like a popular person. Before you act, do your best to determine how a popular person would act in a particular situation.

Maybe you are getting ready to spend five minutes explaining the details of your newest Star Trek Enterprise model to a girl you like. At that point you need to pause and realize that she probably isn’t interested in the details of how an imaginary ship is powered. Instead, explain it briefly and talk about something that interests both of you. Maybe you are getting ready to interrupt someone who is talking to you. Instead, let him or her finish, and then talk. Maybe you find yourself staring at a girl across the room. Once you realize it, stop doing it, and walk by and smile at her instead. You can even say “hello” because you know that is what popular people do. Perhaps you are chewing with your mouth open. Chew with it closed. Maybe you find yourself walking hunched over. Walk straight up instead. You look in the mirror and notice your hair is long, ratty, and greasy. Get an appointment with a barber, and ask what you can do about the grease.

Get the point?

The good news is that if you are creepy, you can change. It will take some mental and physical effort, but you can do it!


May 13, 2015
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Four Ways To Know If You Are A Creepy Creeper

One: You Aren’t Very Popular

One sure sign you may be creepy is that you don’t have many friends, and even fewer dates. There are a variety of reasons you may not have friends, including being shy or too busy with other activities. However, if you have ruled these things out, you may be coming across as creepy.

You may have a very high opinion of yourself socially. However, let’s get real. If you have no friends, no dates, and nobody wants to interact with you regularly, then you are doing something that is putting people off.

Two: People Develop Negative Body Language When You Are Around

People are like other animals. Our body language is pretty predictable.

When we encounter people that are threatening to us, we tend to react in a common way:

– Crossed arms

– Disgusted face

– Serious tone (no laughing, flirting, etc)

– Leaving/turning the other direction (this could be feet or even the entire body)

– Eyes squinting or rolled

– Silence when you approach

– Touching the area just below the neck, the suprasternal notch (right below the knot on a neck-tie)

Next time you interact with someone (students, teachers, etc), pay attention to their body language. If they are exhibiting any of these traits, you could be creeping you out.

Creeper Example: you walk up to a group of girls to say “hello.” They are laughing and giggling. As soon as you approach, they stop, and one crosses her arms. You chat for a few minutes but they are still relatively silent and one girl even leaves.

Creeper Example: In class whenever you give an answer that you think is funny, nobody laughs, and the teacher quickly and seriously moves on to another student’s answer.

Non-Creepy Example: You approach a group of girls. Initially they seem a little upset. After talking to you, they are laughing and their body language is open. One of their friends comes over.

Three: Girls Tell You How Creepy You Are (But You Probably Won’t Listen)

Girls are great at telling people how creepy they are. Guys will typically ignore you (or even bully you), but girls love telling people they are creepy. Sometimes girls will jokingly tell other girls or guys they are creepy as a joke. If they say it while laughing, flirting, and with open body language, they are just kidding. However, if they call you any one of the following names, combined with the body language I mentioned above, you really are creeping them out. Names include: creepy, creeper, mean, scary, messed up, etc. No matter how you perceive yourself, I promise you that if they call you this, with negative body language, you are 100%, full-on, creeping them out, period!

Creeper Example: You are explaining how much you love a website of a band whose songs are all about torture. The girl you like says you are messed up, in a serious tone.

Non-Creepy Example: You are joking about getting ready to call a girl. The girl next to you says (while smiling and leaning toward you), “you are such a creeper!”

Four: You Stare At People But Never Approach

One sure sign you are creepy is that you are always staring and observing people, but never talking to them. You may be shy. Nonetheless, if you stare, but don’t speak, that instantly says creepy.

Creeper Example: You are at a coffee shop on your computer. You keep staring over the screen at this cute girl.

Non-Creeper Example: You are busy working on your computer at school. You have to go to the bathroom, so on your way to ask the teacher, you smile at the girl next to you and say “hello.”


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I believe #4 is true. But just a few observations:

1) It's not always your own fault if you don't have friends and aren't super popular. The super hot people who have big families are going to have a large social circle, always, because they've been socially accepted since birth. You can't change your circumstance. So to call someone creepy because they weren't born into the right conditions is irresponsible.

2) Some would argue that telling the girl "hello" would be creepy, if she's not attracted to you. Remember the rule:

A hot guy who approaches is confident.

An ugly guy who approaches is creepy.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
skinnyguy said:
I believe #4 is true. But just a few observations:

1) It's not always your own fault if you don't have friends and aren't super popular. The super hot people who have big families are going to have a large social circle, always, because they've been socially accepted since birth. You can't change your circumstance. So to call someone creepy because they weren't born into the right conditions is irresponsible.

2) Some would argue that telling the girl "hello" would be creepy, if she's not attracted to you. Remember the rule:

A hot guy who approaches is confident.

An ugly guy who approaches is creepy.
^^THIS... Nailed it right on the head. Think about it. Have you ever come across an attractive, confident man/woman who looked creepy?? I sure haven't.

I understand what the OP is trying to do (help wise) but it truly comes down to confidence, looks and masculinity. You need a healthy balance. If you are lacking in one field, work to improve it diligently. If you've tried (and I mean really tried) and still haven't made a sizable gain, work on your other strengths so it can compensate for what your lacking...