How to not get jealous over a girl you dug fvcking other guys?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
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So anyway, I think I have a problem. Every time I find out about or suspect a girl I dig is fvcking another guy I get jealous and sometimes act hostile (either towards him or just in general). Like one chick recently, I like her, have asked her out, and got rejected (she said she works too much when I suggested we chill sometime). But then I find out she fvcks other guys (booty call sorta ways, she's not dating anyone), and I can't help getting jealous and acting a bit aggressive towards her. This happens a lot to me since I'm rejected by almost every girl I meet. So I'd at least like to develop a thick skin towards these things. Can anyone help?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
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Scion said:
So I'd at least like to develop a thick skin towards these things. Can anyone help?
Time tested, proven advice: fvck more girls.

Do make sure these are actually girls you LIKE, though, this advice isn't meant to be taken as "go and have 10 totally meaningless one nights stands for the sake of sex where you never see her again".


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
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Captain said:
Time tested, proven advice: fvck more girls.

Do make sure these are actually girls you LIKE, though, this advice isn't meant to be taken as "go and have 10 totally meaningless one nights stands for the sake of sex where you never see her again".
Err... Got any more ideas (while I'll admit may not be as effective) that I'm actually capable of achieving? I'm not able to fvck one girl, let alone more than that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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Portland, OR
The problem is that he's right. When you're desperate, each girl that comes along is some precious commodity, so you turn into a cave man when you see her with any other guys. This happened to me recently too. I literally slapped myself in the face a few times just to get the message across to myself to stop being such a lame-o.
Just remember that there are tons of girls out there, so don't get so territorial with one that isn't even into you. Also, these things can still happen regardless of your situation. We are still just animals, and it's in our nature to be competitive about women and want to bash other men in the head with a rock that are going for "your girl," even when that girl has no interest in you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
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East Coast USA
Scion said:
Err... Got any more ideas (while I'll admit may not be as effective) that I'm actually capable of achieving? I'm not able to fvck one girl, let alone more than that.

Just because you can't fvck more girls AT THE MOMENT doesn't mean that you can't be gaming other girls. Has the same effect. You take your mind off of the girl you're jealous about, and you apply your energy to the new girlS (plural). Spinning plates does wonders.

Eventually, you'll be able to fvck some of these girls. Gotta crawl before you can walk, right?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
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ARrocket said:
Just because you can't fvck more girls AT THE MOMENT doesn't mean that you can't be gaming other girls. Has the same effect. You take your mind off of the girl you're jealous about, and you apply your energy to the new girlS (plural). Spinning plates does wonders.

Eventually, you'll be able to fvck some of these girls. Gotta crawl before you can walk, right?
Well, I can tell you that trying to game girls and failing isn't a solution to my problem. The advice "spin more plates" is frustrating to a guy that only fails with women. So tryong to game more girls isn't the answer for me (at least til I can make myself more desirable to women, ie. rich).


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Until you can actually get other girls. The best way to get over the pain of knowing she's doing other guys, is to limit your exposure to the information.

Don't be her Facebook friend, don't talk about her and try not to hear about her situation. If you do find out that she's doing other guys, don't dwell on the info and focus on other things.

Frankly, I'd expect every girl that's at least semi good looking to be sleeping with other guys. Just keep it in your mind that this girl isn't special and is just doing what girls do. Try not to think about it too much.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
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Maxtro said:
Until you can actually get other girls. The best way to get over the pain of knowing she's doing other guys, is to limit your exposure to the information.

Don't be her Facebook friend, don't talk about her and try not to hear about her situation. If you do find out that she's doing other guys, don't dwell on the info and focus on other things.

Frankly, I'd expect every girl that's at least semi good looking to be sleeping with other guys. Just keep it in your mind that this girl isn't special and is just doing what girls do. Try not to think about it too much.

Well I was hoping for a way to not get jealous at all and just accept it. But I guess that's not possible for someone in my position (ie. a good looking guy that couldn't get laid if his life depended on it).


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Scion said:
Well I was hoping for a way to not get jealous at all and just accept it. But I guess that's not possible for someone in my position (ie. a good looking guy that couldn't get laid if his life depended on it).
I advise you to pull a Maxtro and the next time you are trying to get things going with a girl, post a thread documenting the interaction all the way through...that way you can get some step-by-step insight and feedback as to what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong, etc. Seems to be helping him slowly but surely.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I agree with Maxtro. While you may be curious about the girl's hookups out of jealousy, nothing good can come from you knowing when or with whom she has sex. Definitely limit your access to that information.

When I would bar or club hop and be rejected by a girl I liked, I would still watch out of the corner of my eye to see who she was with and most importantly IF she was leaving with him. If she just talked to another guy or danced with him, no big deal. But if she LEFT WITH HIM, ouch, that really hurt. On the other hand, if he got blown out and she left with her gfs, I felt better. It was that flawed emotional logic, "If I can't have her, I hope the other guy can't either." It goes without saying that that is a TERRIBLE frame to have.

The best thing is to move on to other girls as soon as possible. Or call your best buddy (that you can trust). He'll tell you what a sl*t she is and make you feel better lol.

The other thing to remember is that when you are affected by her hooking up with other guys, you are making her sex life MORE IMPORTANT than yours. At the end of the day, it's about you and your sex life, not hers. But I do understand where you are coming from. It's easier said than done.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Lol, I don't have a sex life, so I seriously don't put any importance in it.


New Member
Jul 21, 2015
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Men believe they are jealous of some women because they are in love; This is not true; they are in love because they are jealous, which is very different.

Source: Jealousy Quotes from QuotesDNA


Don Juan
May 3, 2015
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Work on yourself before working in another person, if you start doing more things that keep you busy you will notice that there are a lot of people out there. Thats the best way to not get jealous.