How to make girls flock over you(for high school guys)


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2000
Reaction score
Peoria, IL, USA
Allright, I'm a pretty popular guy in my school. There are alot of girls interested in me, except the one I want. I am at the moment, working on her(If you want to read the whole story it's in the Advice forum under EL NINO). She's also the reason I signed up for this website.

I'm going to tell some guys how to make women flock over you. Atleast the ways I have(some unintentionally). i'm not going to explain the obvious like confidence and what not, just ways that i do that i haven't seen on this website.

1. Ambition. Girls absolutely love ambition. I'm dead serious. I myself am going to a four year university and then on to law school. I always talk about becoming a lawyer and such. Girls absolutley love that. It seems the more that I talk about this, the more girls talk to me, and flirt with me. I'm from a town of about 4300, and always talk about leaving it. They love that too. The reasons that they like this i think is because It shows that I have direction in my life, and I'm setting up for a very successful career which could make me lots of money. I'm not saying that women are obsessed with money, they are just excited to here that i'm doing something so extravagant and have high tastes. That makes them think that if I'm attracting to them and have high tastes, that they are unique and special. A big no-no i think, is to say that you aren't going to college and basically hint that you aren't going to have a successful career. They think that if they are attracted to you, they will go no where if they stick with you. If you have no ambition, you are not going to get your dream girl.

2. Another important tip is, BE NICE TO EVERYONE. I am friendly to everyone at my school(underclassmen, geeks, nerds, freaks, etc.). I have confidence in myself, but I don't walk around with my nose high and all stuck up. This works on so many levels. One it makes you have a high approval rating among your school. Girls will know that alot of different people like you. This makes girls want to know you and be affiliated with you. Also it makes you less intimidating. Then they will feel that they can say anything to you and approach you about anything. For example, I was at a Best Buy in a town about 30 miles away. I saw a girl who wasn't very popular shopping. She didn't have many friends, and she was buy herself. I went over and said hi, and talked to her for a couple of minutes. I didn't think anything would happen. The next day, this hot blonde at my school came up to me and started talking to me, I didn't even know her that well. She then told me that her cousin(the unpopular one at best buy i talked to) had told her how cool and nice I was. So being nice to everyone works really good.

Another good tip is to become affliated with something popular to makes girls think of you when the see it. Let me explain this, My favorite movie of all time is Gladiator. I always talk how awesome it is in front of girls. I can't tell you how many times girls have come up to me and said, "Man, I saw that movie and thought of you the whole time." or "Hey when does Gladiator came out on Video, can I come over to your house and watch it with you?" See, now whenever a girl sees it, she will no doubt think of me. She will think Russell Crowe is amazing and think of me. If I'm thought of in a girls mind, whenever Russell Crowe is thought of, they will defianately swoon over me.
*Not everything will work though, Make sure you choose something positive, or something girls will be impressed with.

Well that's about all the tips i have time to write down. You may or may not agree with them, but remember I'm just a budding DJ, and have had a share of women(just not the one I want, atleast not yet). So good luck with ladies, gents.

A Turtle Name Adrian

Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2000
Reaction score
Hawthorne, CA 90250
I was thinking of making a movie called El Nino where a giant storm destroy's the people in L.A.

Anyway, I agree completely & I've done this. And it does work guy's. In the whole, BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION. Let her worship YOU. You're the display, not her. Got a favorite movie, let it be known. And make sure it's not "Revenge of the Nerds" or something like that. Let her see you with other's having fun. Smile. Laugh. Never focus your mind on one female unless you're thinking marriage & you & that one girl is compatible.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2000
Reaction score
Peoria, IL, USA
A song also works. Pick a song a make it "your song" and when she hears it, and likes it, and if it is romantic she'll think of you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Good tips, El Nino!

I, too, have noticed that women 'perk up' when I talk about my goals and dreams.

The 'being nice to everyone' is a great trait to develop. Most chumps just try to make themselves look good in front of the girl and forget about everyone else. Being charming with everyone, not just the girl you're after, will give you much better results. Plus, the world will be much easier to deal with.

"As you think, you shall become."


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ottawa,Ontario, Canada
isn't it possible then that you'll be considered a "nice guy" if your nice to everyone? I agree w/ the idea but still, isn't this getting close to "nice guy" territory?

Syncmaster signing out.
a.k.a ... Adam


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Nah. Remember social proof. If other people like you, she'll find you that much more acceptable.

Nice guys aren't really 'nice' (in THEIR minds, they are nice. in the WOMAN'S mind, they are desperate). They sacrifice anything for a female, even the one thing no man ever should give up: his self-respect.

Just as you want a girl who is nice, girls want a guy who is nice. "But Pook, why don't they go for nice guys then?"

Because 'nice' guys are desperate and insecure, it turns them off. Sexual attractiveness is a higher priority for women, so they would choose an attractive personality jerk over a sexually repulsive personality nice guy.

If given the choice between a jerk or a good guy (a guy that is sexually attractive physically and socially and nice) or a jerk (not nice) they will choose the good guy every single time.

Being nice is not the problem. Losing your self-respect is.

Keep the niceness (perhaps a better word would be kindness). Just lose the desperation and your eagerness.

"As you think, you shall become."
"Men will be nice when nice guys get laid."


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2001
Reaction score
So pook what your saying is the nice guy isn't really "nice" he's just desperate. Its all coming into focus. Oh and that being nice to everyone really does work wonders. It takes a bit of time to start a good reputation but once you got one your set and life gets so much easier.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ottawa,Ontario, Canada
Agreed. Before, 2 moths ago, before I knew about this website. I was a wreck. I was desperate, a "nice guy" and all. But I had a good reputation for being nice and dependable to almost everyone. That's why everyone in grd 9 - 10 - and most 11 associate w/ me. Even though i'm only in grd 9. So it all works out. But now that i've got the "skills that pay the bills"
I'm getting more confident w/ the ladies and everything is working out alot better. A lot of that is because of you Pook. Your posts are really incredible. I commend you. Thank you.

Syncmaster signing out.
a.k.a ... Adam


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2002
Reaction score
Being nice to everyone is a great idea, be nice to everyone the first time you meet them. Use the golden rule of treat everyone how you want to be treated, but keep in mind that everyone else should do the same. So with a little variation on that statement, treat others how they treat you.
If someone is nice to you, be nice to them likewise. But if someone is in any way mean, rude, etc. towards you, do to them likewise, but don't hold a grudge. Match a person's actions toward you, and repay them the same feelings they show towards you.
Sep 28, 2001
Reaction score
Good advice, though I'm not sure if it will work for everyone.

1) I plan on starting a company within 10 years of getting out of college... shooting for 5. So far, this company is unnoficial, but I have plans to change that. In high school, I wanted to work for one of the big makeup effects guys. I also plan on learning 2 more languages once I am out of college.

I belong to 3 organizations, and attempted to start another one, though that fizzled from a lack of interest on other people's part.I also teach kids. I have since High school.

2) I was the nice kid. Still got me beat up by the jocks. Freaks... Special Ed kids, "nerds", I was friendly with all. Even the nasty jocks.

3) People said that they thought I was David Blaine, or at least, related. They honestly thought I WAS related. And I do magic. It still has yet to get me the babes.

This, while good to keep in mind, does not gaurantee a person popularity. Sometimes, the dumbest stuff can matter in high school, and none of this would matter, or impress anyone. That's why it's good to have this stuff to fall back on, even if the ladies don't go for ya. Do it for yourself, more than just to get women.

Good tips, with some minor notes.
