How to disarm "the friends" in the club/bar?


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
Washington, D.C.
Hey guys recently I've been having trouble isolating the girl and taking her away from her friends when we've build sexual rapport and comfort with each other. (After the approach, and even kissing). The girls friends will feel left out of the fun especially if they aren't talking to anyone (ie. just standing around) and almost feel jealous because of our interaction.

Typically, I just approach the girl I want to meet and only consider opening the group of friends if they show up, try to drag her away or just plain bored because no other guy is approaching them.

If I am supposed to get rapport with the group of friends before isolating the girl, what are some techniques that you guys employ to do so? It's difficult in the club environment with speakers almost exploding in our ears while trying to get my words across. How can I disarm her friends?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
If you make friends with them, and engage them in the conversation, they'll find you less threatening


Senior Don Juan
Oct 27, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
HyperAnalyze said:
Hey guys recently I've been having trouble isolating the girl and taking her away from her friends when we've build sexual rapport and comfort with each other. (After the approach, and even kissing). The girls friends will feel left out of the fun especially if they aren't talking to anyone (ie. just standing around) and almost feel jealous because of our interaction.

Typically, I just approach the girl I want to meet and only consider opening the group of friends if they show up, try to drag her away or just plain bored because no other guy is approaching them.

If I am supposed to get rapport with the group of friends before isolating the girl, what are some techniques that you guys employ to do so? It's difficult in the club environment with speakers almost exploding in our ears while trying to get my words across. How can I disarm her friends?
What city are you hitting the clubs in? NY? LA? ??

Bro whats always worked for me is making up a little bullish!t to drag the one you want away. You can approach her group of friends, be friendly, but the best thing to do is say "hey come on lets go dance" take her hand and pull her onto the dance floor. Or "hey lets go grab another drink" Pull her hand with you towards the bar.

You can even pull her away to the bar and not even buy a drink and just start "gaming" chatting it up with her. If her interest is high enough she will go with it, has worked for me!

Club scene bro, its all about dancing. You approach the group, introduce yourself so the girlfriends don't think your a creep, and then target the one you want and start up a convo. If she is interested in you, she will go where ever you take her.

If you come across a broad that won't leave her group...she is not interested in fuking you that night. There are SO MANY girls in the club that are DTF, you just gotta find the one that will go with you. :up:

Also I am sure I don't need to tell you this but always have a clean haircut, dress well, smell nice, and rock the confidence!


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
Washington, D.C.
spiegel549 said:
What city are you hitting the clubs in? NY? LA? ??

Bro whats always worked for me is making up a little bullish!t to drag the one you want away. You can approach her group of friends, be friendly, but the best thing to do is say "hey come on lets go dance" take her hand and pull her onto the dance floor. Or "hey lets go grab another drink" Pull her hand with you towards the bar.

You can even pull her away to the bar and not even buy a drink and just start "gaming" chatting it up with her. If her interest is high enough she will go with it, has worked for me!

Club scene bro, its all about dancing. You approach the group, introduce yourself so the girlfriends don't think your a creep, and then target the one you want and start up a convo. If she is interested in you, she will go where ever you take her.

If you come across a broad that won't leave her group...she is not interested in fuking you that night. There are SO MANY girls in the club that are DTF, you just gotta find the one that will go with you. :up:

Also I am sure I don't need to tell you this but always have a clean haircut, dress well, smell nice, and rock the confidence!
I WISH I was hitting up clubs in NY and LA. In my opinion I think the women there are more friendlier and open minded compared to Washington, DC (the area I live in)

The women around the nation's capital are a bit more conservative and live a certain kind of lifestyle geared towards relationships, finding the right person etc . (From what I've seen)

I approach a ton of women each night and allllllll the time I get, "I just want to hang out with my friends" , "I don't want to leave my friends" or some variation of that.

Most of the girls in the friends group are cack-blocks. :down:


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score
HyperAnalyze said:
Hey guys recently I've been having trouble isolating the girl and taking her away from her friends when we've build sexual rapport and comfort with each other. (After the approach, and even kissing). The girls friends will feel left out of the fun especially if they aren't talking to anyone (ie. just standing around) and almost feel jealous because of our interaction.

Typically, I just approach the girl I want to meet and only consider opening the group of friends if they show up, try to drag her away or just plain bored because no other guy is approaching them.

If I am supposed to get rapport with the group of friends before isolating the girl, what are some techniques that you guys employ to do so? It's difficult in the club environment with speakers almost exploding in our ears while trying to get my words across. How can I disarm her friends?
I actually wrote an article about this:

For those who don't like to click on links here are the ways from the article:

(1) Engage her friends and get her friends permission
(2) "Let’s go over there, I can’t hear you that well"
(3) "I’m going to get a drink, come join me"
(4) The dance floor is your friend
(5) Just ask her to leave with you
(6) Use your wing-men
(7) Have anchor points