How to deal with a crazy woman?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
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I need some guidance on how to deal with this situation.

I met a woman about 8 days ago, we hooked up a few times. She fell in love and already wanted to date, calling me love and saying that she loved me. I said I didn't want to get involved in a serious relationship right now, that I wanted to be alone.

She came to my house last Friday, I tried to talk and deal with it in a softer way, but this woman is just crazy. In this I was more assertive, I said that she was not respecting me and that what she is doing is wrong.

I repeated that I wanted nothing to do with her. For her to leave me alone and stop looking for me.

I blocked her on all social media and also on her phone. Now she keeps sending me messages from other friends' numbers. I keep blocking. There were threats of her coming here to the door again where she said: "Don't make me invade your space again and disrespect you so we can talk and resolve this."

I know this woman is literally crazy, on a level I've never met before.

One of the messages she sent me (through a number belonging to a friend of hers) was saying that she wasn't eating, she was just crying and that she had gotten a tattoo with the initial of my name. I know this is all nonsense, but the tattoo part I don't doubt that she's capable of, given the level of madness she showed me.

I'm getting paranoid that she could show up here at any moment, or even send someone to do something with me. I know I made a big mistake bringing her here to my apartment before getting to know her better, and God, how I regret it.

If anyone has been through this and can help me.

What I'm doing at the moment is just blocking these numbers and staying silent. If she comes to my door and starts blackmailing me, I will call the police. But I don't know if I should file a complaint immediately or wait to see if she comes back here again.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
I need some guidance on how to deal with this situation.

I met a woman about 8 days ago, we hooked up a few times. She fell in love and already wanted to date, calling me love and saying that she loved me. I said I didn't want to get involved in a serious relationship right now, that I wanted to be alone.

She came to my house last Friday, I tried to talk and deal with it in a softer way, but this woman is just crazy. In this I was more assertive, I said that she was not respecting me and that what she is doing is wrong.

I repeated that I wanted nothing to do with her. For her to leave me alone and stop looking for me.

I blocked her on all social media and also on her phone. Now she keeps sending me messages from other friends' numbers. I keep blocking. There were threats of her coming here to the door again where she said: "Don't make me invade your space again and disrespect you so we can talk and resolve this."

I know this woman is literally crazy, on a level I've never met before.

One of the messages she sent me (through a number belonging to a friend of hers) was saying that she wasn't eating, she was just crying and that she had gotten a tattoo with the initial of my name. I know this is all nonsense, but the tattoo part I don't doubt that she's capable of, given the level of madness she showed me.

I'm getting paranoid that she could show up here at any moment, or even send someone to do something with me. I know I made a big mistake bringing her here to my apartment before getting to know her better, and God, how I regret it.

If anyone has been through this and can help me.

What I'm doing at the moment is just blocking these numbers and staying silent. If she comes to my door and starts blackmailing me, I will call the police. But I don't know if I should file a complaint immediately or wait to see if she comes back here again.
Advice from the old lady:

You cannot cure crazy. You must never respond and stay No Contact. Here's why: ANY response from you will be seen by her as (+) reinforcement, and therefore ANY response from you even if you tell her to F off, will encourage her.

Strict No Contact my dear. The bombardment will stop if you continue not to respond.

If she shows up at your house you do not respond to that either. Do not open the door. Make a plan with a neighbor that you will text your neighbor to call police that someone is breaking in. That way it has nothing to do with you and she will feel foolish in front of others. Do NOT respond. No matter what.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2023
Reaction score
Report it to the police as harassment.

You'll be sorry you didn't if the cops come knocking on your door because she's saying you raped her. I know that sounds paranoid but it happens, brother. so protect yourself, better safe than sorry.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
I would record every interaction. Potentially file a report with your local police just so there is a record of what is happening in case she decides to lie/blackmail and turns serious.

But I do agree that ANY response to her from you will only continue to feed her obsession/craziness. It is best to go completely "no comment".

And yes, I have been through this and worse. So I can tell you it can get ugly and dangerous for you. It is one of those things, where recording every interaction will keep you "safe", staying calm, and not engaging is the best route.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score
Advice from the old lady:

You cannot cure crazy. You must never respond and stay No Contact. Here's why: ANY response from you will be seen by her as (+) reinforcement, and therefore ANY response from you even if you tell her to F off, will encourage her.

Strict No Contact my dear. The bombardment will stop if you continue not to respond.

If she shows up at your house you do not respond to that either. Do not open the door. Make a plan with a neighbor that you will text your neighbor to call police that someone is breaking in. That way it has nothing to do with you and she will feel foolish in front of others. Do NOT respond. No matter what.
Thanks! Gonna keep the no contact and hope she doesnt do anything more serious.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score
Report it to the police as harassment.

You'll be sorry you didn't if the cops come knocking on your door because she's saying you raped her. I know that sounds paranoid but it happens, brother. so protect yourself, better safe than sorry.
Gonna check how can I do that here in Brazil. I'm afraid of doing that and end up creating more problems if she finds out I did that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score
I would record every interaction. Potentially file a report with your local police just so there is a record of what is happening in case she decides to lie/blackmail and turns serious.

But I do agree that ANY response to her from you will only continue to feed her obsession/craziness. It is best to go completely "no comment".

And yes, I have been through this and worse. So I can tell you it can get ugly and dangerous for you. It is one of those things, where recording every interaction will keep you "safe", staying calm, and not engaging is the best route.
Thanks man! I'm gonna do that. I also have the messages on whatsapp recorded, if in any circunstance she came at my apartment I will record it too and use it to protect myself.

I hope she gave up and leave me alone. This kinda of situation is very stressful.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score
I would record every interaction. Potentially file a report with your local police just so there is a record of what is happening in case she decides to lie/blackmail and turns serious.

But I do agree that ANY response to her from you will only continue to feed her obsession/craziness. It is best to go completely "no comment".

And yes, I have been through this and worse. So I can tell you it can get ugly and dangerous for you. It is one of those things, where recording every interaction will keep you "safe", staying calm, and not engaging is the best route.
I just received another message from another girl that is her friend.

She sent a photo of her hand where she made a tattoo with the letters of my name.

This is insane!


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
I just received another message from another girl that is her friend.

She sent a photo of her hand where she made a tattoo with the letters of my name.

This is insane!
Silence is golden. Say nothing. NADA.

I don't know the words for Silence or Nothing in Portugese, but you get the point.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score
Silence is golden. Say nothing. NADA.

I don't know the words for Silence or Nothing in Portugese, but you get the point.
Gonna keep doing that.

Im just afraid if this kind of person can make something more serious. Like anything that put my life at risk.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score

Where the hell are you meeting someone like this that you weren't able to filter out properly? I'm going to assume that you met this woman online, is that correct? I'm sure the others on here will disagree, but I think it is a very bad idea to hook up with women that you don't really know all that well.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score

Where the hell are you meeting someone like this that you weren't able to filter out properly? I'm going to assume that you met this woman online, is that correct? I'm sure the others on here will disagree, but I think it is a very bad idea to hook up with women that you don't really know all that well.
It wasnt online. It was at a party, and at first sight I didnt recognize that she was crazy like that.

You are right. Its a veryy bad idea. I tried to be polite with her and just explain I didnt want anything serious... But, how can we talk with someone like that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
It wasnt online. It was at a party, and at first sight I didnt recognize that she was crazy like that.

You are right. Its a veryy bad idea. I tried to be polite with her and just explain I didnt want anything serious... But, how can we talk with someone like that.
I think you should seriously consider the input that some of the other posters provided on here, which is to keep a record of your conversations and possibly report this as a back up in case she tries to get you into trouble. I honestly think you will be totally fine, but always look out for yourself. You did the correct thing by trying to be respectful towards her at first, but at this point you'd be better off minimizing contact as much as possible after you have made your intentions clear. In fact, it would be a mistake to continue entertaining her because in her mind you are still showing some interest and later will feel you have been stringing her along when you don't reciprocate.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
Reaction score
I think you should seriously consider the input that some of the other posters provided on here, which is to keep a record of your conversations and possibly report this as a back up in case she tries to get you into trouble. I honestly think you will be totally fine, but always look out for yourself. You did the correct thing by trying to be respectful towards her at first, but at this point you'd be better off minimizing contact as much as possible after you have made your intentions clear. In fact, it would be a mistake to continue entertaining her because in her mind you are still showing some interest and later will feel you have been stringing her along when you don't reciprocate.
Yep, Im recording everything.

Also Im blocking every number that she uses to message me. Im just not responding or reacting to that.

Hope she get tired and give up.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
I just received another message from another girl that is her friend.

She sent a photo of her hand where she made a tattoo with the letters of my name.

This is insane!
Well, she is making a case against her should it go south. She is clearly obsessed and mentally unstable so it'll be easy to prove in court.

But as suggested before, do not engage. Even with her friend.

Remain cool and collected - Stand your ground. Continue recording and saving ANY interactions, even after time has passed and she stops harassing you. Just archive it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks for sharing this, it's a good lesson of the risk of playing with fire, eventually you do get burned.

Imagine if this girl got pregnant, any man's life would become literally hell.


Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
Yeah just block her and never respond. She will eventually find new guys. As time moves by you will hear from her less and less, but this type of babe will probably do little check-ins periodically with you every few months, from new emails or various phone numbers, she will try to keep tabs on you somehow.

The tattoo is probably fake or from a different guy with the same initials.
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
She sent a photo of her hand where she made a tattoo with the letters of my name.

This is insane!
Women who like tattoos like to tattoo memories. I know at least two women who got tattoos referring to me (but not my name, that would be insane), but it's not that weird.

OK, it is. But I'm weird too, so I don't really get anxious about that level of obsession.