how much money do you make per hour?


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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mustfirstregister said:
Just much money do you make per hour?..I don't make much...only 11.5/hour
Well, hells bells, you're 97 years old. How much did you expect to make as a Walmart greeter?


It depends. I run a music lessons franchise (I don't teach, I find students for teachers) and my income depends on my student enrollment. I make $5 per week per student. I have 80 students right now, so that's $400 per week. Really, I don't know how much time I spend each week on the business between phone calls, running ads (free and paid), and headhunting.

I'd say it probably comes out to about $25 per hour after expenses at 10-15 hrs per week.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Social_Leper said:
Mind me asking what exactly you do to get paid $80 an hour? Gigolo?
I'm an RN working in critical care. Here's our salary index in Alberta: Appendix Final.pdf

My base rate is for year 4, so 36.80 + 1.25 for my degrees + 2.5 for working a half and half day and night shifts. Works out to be like 40 or something. Double that for overtime.

The most money I've ever made per unit time is when I was a stripper... My record is just under $1200 cash in one night for 4 stagettes. My record for one stagette in town is a bit over $500, and all-time for one up in the North, close to $900! Towards the end of my career I'd routinely made 225-250 w/ tips for a 25-30 minute show... cash of course, so you don't pay any tax! Works out to be 500+/hour cash! No matter how much more training or education I get in my lifetime, I'll never be able to make that much money per unit time.

I find it crazy how low wages are in the US... I mean how do people live on those wages???? I've never made anything less than 100 k equivalent since I've been done school. I have a reasonably good job, but nothing crazy. Even in school, for "normal" jobs like serving and working selling retail supplements I was making probably a bit over $20/hour... of course this was during the boom.

For Americans who wanna work hard, make money and get away from the sinking ship that is the US, consider moving to Alberta. If you're a tradesman or a skilled labor dude, you'll have it made. Sure its cold here, but theres' tons of job, the mountains are beautiful and we have way less fat chics than the US!

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
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All contract based work in various fields (Professional musician gigging 4 nights a week, published songwriter, mixing/mastering engineer and personal training on the side), but if I had to put a number on it it would be in the vicinity of 75$-100$/hr. I just don't work that many hours in a day. 3-4hrs on average but my weeks tend to be more of 8-10 hour days with a few days off in any given week .

Still pull in 80k-100k$ a year,and looking to increase this in 2012, substantially. I have a new business I'll be buying out that is already doing well and will almost double my income in the next 2-4yrs.

It's all about specializing in something unique and/or of significant value that people are willing to pay you for. Follow your passion and you'll never have to work a day in your life.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I can see a strong correlation between the more intelligent members of SoSuave and the amount of money they make. Something to think about for all the members of SoSuave. Knowledge is power.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
I'm an RN working in critical care. Here's our salary index in Alberta: Appendix Final.pdf

My base rate is for year 4, so 36.80 + 1.25 for my degrees + 2.5 for working a half and half day and night shifts. Works out to be like 40 or something. Double that for overtime.
Rock on, our rates are comparable once I am qualified. That takes a few years to get finished, but they pay you to basically learn on the job and go to school. If funny you mention critical care because I work on (sometimes) critical nuclear reactors. Its a round the clock job sometimes, so you get all the OT, night shifts and sometimes vacation work days which adds up in pay, but can really take away from your life away from work.

Hows the bodybuilding gig going? still making good gains? I haven't been keeping up as much on SS lately! Hope all is well!