How much $$$ do you spend on dates?


Master Don Juan
Oct 16, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DonJoey:
If you're looking at watching money and dating you shouldnt really be dating cause women end up costing you a fortune over the long haul.
I don't agree with this. If don't watch your $$$, you don't get off the ground. Even though I haven't mastered it, there has to be a way to date without sacrificing financial goals.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2001
Reaction score
Always keep the first date very economic its an introductory course so to speak then once things progress u like rach other u might spend a lil mo on the girl


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by trickynick:
I don't agree with this. If don't watch your $$$, you don't get off the ground. Even though I haven't mastered it, there has to be a way to date without sacrificing financial goals.
I'm not talking about handing over the gold card, i'm talking about penny pinching on a date.
Women dont mind going on a cheap date, but they dont appreciate a cheap date.

No use going to an expensive restaurant if you tell her she can only have an entree. Make you date cheaper by picking the appropriate place - do some research and go to a place you can afford but still look good.
YOu can justify the be-atch shouldnt be after money etc but if you're cheap now she'll gather you'll be even cheaper as you get older.
Unless of course you date hippies in communes with no regular income.

Anyway, you should see how high her interest level is to start with and go by that. Low interest level should be a coffee and high interest level should be something more special. Treat the deal as a job interview - as in effect you're interviewing for the part of a boyfriend.

[This message has been edited by DonJoey (edited 12-01-2001).]


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2001
Reaction score
It really depends on you and the woman.
If you are a professional making the money then well, hell I don't know. I guess if I had more money I might spend about 50-75 dollars on a date, depending on how often I get out.
As a student I tend to spend 10-20 dollars on a date. I go to bars, dancing, parties, play pool, whatever. Being in a college town it is very easy to find inexpensive things to do. A woman who expects a student to spend any more than that on a date is crazy anyways, you don't want to deal with them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 16, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by DonJoey:
I'm not talking about handing over the gold card, i'm talking about penny pinching on a date.
Women dont mind going on a cheap date, but they dont appreciate a cheap date.

No use going to an expensive restaurant if you tell her she can only have an entree. Make you date cheaper by picking the appropriate place - do some research and go to a place you can afford but still look good.
YOu can justify the be-atch shouldnt be after money etc but if you're cheap now she'll gather you'll be even cheaper as you get older.
Unless of course you date hippies in communes with no regular income.

Anyway, you should see how high her interest level is to start with and go by that. Low interest level should be a coffee and high interest level should be something more special. Treat the deal as a job interview - as in effect you're interviewing for the part of a boyfriend.

[This message has been edited by DonJoey (edited 12-01-2001).]
That makes a little more sense. I agree you should be willing and able to spend while you are on the date, but pick a date situation that will target a range of spending you want to stay in.

Look out for number one and don't step in number two!


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2001
Reaction score
From Australia:

I have a rule to spend as little as possible on dates. First of all, I always pick th egirl up or meet her after 9:00 pm so I save on dinner. Secondly, I like to take the girl to a quiet bar and I will buy her a couple of drinks (doubles without telling her) and then I go for the kill while sitting on the couch or something

If they want you, they want you. You can still make out to the girl that you have a lot of money and you are willing to spend it without spending it.

If you are going to spend $100, why not go to a hooker?


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2000
Reaction score
Depends on how far along you are with the girl. I'm a big advocate of an "Action Date" for the first few meetings...such as bowling, ice-skating, pool for something along the lines. This can range from $20 - $40.

For a proper evening to romance a girl, $60 - $90, with $100 being the upper end of it. Dinner at a nice restaurant isn't cheap, but then again, this is only for a proper date when you're serious with the girl.

- Raoul


Master Don Juan
Oct 16, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by comote:
It really depends on you and the woman.
If you are a professional making the money then well, hell I don't know. I guess if I had more money I might spend about 50-75 dollars on a date, depending on how often I get out.
As a student I tend to spend 10-20 dollars on a date. I go to bars, dancing, parties, play pool, whatever. Being in a college town it is very easy to find inexpensive things to do. A woman who expects a student to spend any more than that on a date is crazy anyways, you don't want to deal with them.
More power to you if you can find inexpensive things to do on a date and be successful at. Even when I was a full time student, I always had parents or someone else funneling me bucks so I was in a way deprived of having to be creative in this way. Spending money was always an option, so it was just what I did. Now I see the error of my ways.

That's why I started this topic. I needed some ideas of less expensive things to do so that dating a decent number of women a month doesn't conflict with my financial goals.

I like the discussion that has come out of this.

Look out for number one and don't step in number two!


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2002
Reaction score
I don't really think about the money. It all depends what i feel like doing. I would say my dates range anywheres from $20 to $150.

Some of the best dates i have been on have been to a quiet low key Italian restaraunts. The dinners might average 6 to 8 bucks with a glass of wine and a tip you come out for less then $30. I love these places because the owners let you sit there as long as you want and it is very intimate as the seating is very close together. It allows for you to get to know one another. Engage in some KINO and look into her eyes and if you like her, how can she resist, she is yours. Thats amore.

Now I would say the average I spend on a date is $75. it would be nice to do it for less but by the time you have dinner and drinks the bill gets up there.

I remeber one date I went on with a high class broad were I made up a picnic basket with some sandwiches, some wine and a little pastry. I picked her up took her to an isolated part of the local park, layed down the blanket and got to work. After making her feel comfortable i proceeded to take off her shoes...and basically served her lunch. She was putty in my hands after that and told me that was the best date she had ever been on. I made her feel special.

I think that is the most important part about going out on a date. Anyone can pick a restaruant and a movie thats been done. We have to be creative...intrique the women and make them feel special.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by playman:
From Australia:

I have a rule to spend as little as possible on dates. First of all, I always pick th egirl up or meet her after 9:00 pm so I save on dinner. Secondly, I like to take the girl to a quiet bar and I will buy her a couple of drinks (doubles without telling her) and then I go for the kill while sitting on the couch or something

If they want you, they want you. You can still make out to the girl that you have a lot of money and you are willing to spend it without spending it.

If you are going to spend $100, why not go to a hooker?
Okay so this is an old thread, but this is still the best advice here.

Coffee dates are great if you want to check out a chick's interest level without spending a fortune.

Coffee dates are great anyway. They're informal so you're more likely to get a real impression of a chick than when she's had time to dress up and apply the warpaint and get into that dating headspace. You can pay and it's no big deal for either of you.

Dinner/movie dates are THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO. For dinner she'll be checking out where you take her and checking out how much you spend. AND you'll have to make convo all evening.

Movies are cheaper, but who wants to sit next to a stranger for an hour and a half? Save the movie dates either for chicks that are obviously, screamingly interested, in which case you can do the make out thing in the dark. Or for someone you've been dating a while.

Anyways, dinner/movie shows you have the imagination of a CPA. This is bad.

Other cheap dates:

Walk in the park. Stop off at a coffee place if there's one nearby. Buy both of you ices if there isn't.

Quiet bar. Like the man said. The after 9pm rule is genius, because it shows you have a life, she's not your priority, and you're not desperate. Very cool. Make some believable excuse about late classes or something.

Sport date. Tennis, or something like that. Some chicks will even do this for a first date - it's casual, remember? Keep up the convo while you play. Make sure you win.

Crazy golf or skating or something like that.

Walk by the beach. (Location, location, location...) See above for park.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2002
Reaction score
IMHO, no matter the chick is a 5 or a 10 they are not worth more than a coffee date for the first time. so that will make it about 10-20 bucks at max.

save your resources for the one who is in an exclusive relationship


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2001
Reaction score
Ravenna, OH, USA
I cant believe that anyone would spend any more than $40 on a first date. And I even consider that too much. The first time you go out, you have no idea if this is going to work out. You have no idea why she is going out with you.

I spend about $20 on a date, and dont really stray from this # too much. Hec the last girl I dated wanted to pay for dates, and I did not argue. She said that most guys got uptight about this, and im like what?? You want to spend some money on me then have at it.

I use my mind, and not my money to show this girl a good time. I mean who wants to go out 3x for $50 or more a date and find out this girl was using you? Thats $150 you could have spent on yourself. This is why its ultra important to look for the signs that the girl is a professional dater. Hec I'd be one too If I could find a guy that would spend $100 dollars on me the first time out. The point is to spend less, to see if shes interested or not. You get your time in, then blow your cash.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2001
Reaction score
If you want to find a way to go on a cheap date just think of something you go out and do for fun that doesn't cost too much. I like to bowl or play pool, pool is a better date because you can talk easier.

In terms of money I usually don't go out to dinner because it gets really expensive where I live ($100+) and it's never extremely exciting to eat dinner. I would rather spend nothing on a date than a lot even if someone gave me the money because it says alot about a girl that has as much fun on a cheap date as an expensive one.

My cheap and successful dates have been:

-Ice cream on a hot day and a walk on the beach ($4)
-A picnic at a park(free)
-Spa (free)
-Pool (billard) ($15)

Best BJ I can remember (priceless)

Just remember to do something you know you will enjoy and think she will too. If you are having fun that will rub off on her.


[This message has been edited by lucasilf (edited 05-08-2002).]


All you've gotta do is pick them up later at night after they've had dinner. Then just take them to a lounge and have a few drinks. When the bill comes, let it sit there for a while. Have an attitude like 'you don't care who pays', then if you're ready to go and she doesn't say anything then it's your job to pay. Make sure to leave the bill there for atleast 5 minutes, that way she might offer to pay or split the bill. If you do pay the whole thing, who cares? How much would you pay to nail a hot chick anyway?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2002
Reaction score
no more than 40$


Master Don Juan
Oct 16, 2001
Reaction score
I really have to publically thank some of the people who have been bumping my old topics lately. It's a reminder of just how much I have progressed in such a short period of time. I think so differently on this issue now. A pearl of wisdom I have learned from Formhandle who learned it from David Shade is that it's better to reward a woman for good behavior than it is to punish her for bad behavior. Spending money on a date to any appreciable degree is rewarding her, but in the early stages (pre-sex especially) she has not earned this at all, so in that case it would not be a form of reward but rather a form of supplication.

I used to spend way too much money on dates for no other reason than because I personally enjoy doing some things that happen to cost a considerable amount of money and those are usually the things I would consequently want to do with my female prospects. What I was forgetting is that I was dealing with a woman who did not know me yet so I was still coming across as supplicating.

Now I like to do things that cost little to no money (ie. hikes, walks in parks/waterfront, art galleries, museums, drives through scenic areas) or at least things where I am able to avoid paying for the woman directly. Also, I treat her like a tag along and don't really call it a date. I'll call and say, "Hey, it's Nick. I was going to <do such and such> on Saturday, you can come along if you like." It was something I was going to do anyway and I don't have to pay for her directly. Maybe indirectly from the perspective of gas costs or whatever but that doesn't really come to her attention.

You either own the game or it owns you!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 10, 2002
Reaction score
I usually spend about $75 on a date. But even then, I'm just breaking even because I always have a deal with women that we trade off who pays...

There is an upside to equal rights.


I just had a date tonight and the bill came to $11.09 (Canadian). Man I am cheap! And she offered to pay half! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

But really, it should only cost you a max of $30 if you just take a girl out for a few drinks. Don't take her out to dinner on the first date. All you need is a little alcohol and your precious DJing skills.


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2001
Reaction score
$20 tops, if she likes you enough she won't care how little you spend. their not worth spending our hard earned money on when their just gonna f*ck us over in the end.