How many times have you been jumped?

How many times have you been mugged?

  • 0

    Votes: 25 69.4%
  • 1

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • 3 to 5

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • 6 to 8

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • over 9 times

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
How many times have you been mugged? I'm curious because a friend of mine, in the US, has been paranoid about that kind of stuff and I want to compare it with this city.

Personally, I've been on the unlucky side with 9 times and one wound. How about you?


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Ummm, the average American will never get jumped or mugged.

Maybe in some rougher neighborhoods but I wouldn't describe that as average.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
I have some crazy stories. I thought it would be normal at least once or so in another country. the average here is around 4.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Three times, robbed at gun point. Once for my jordans back in the day, twice for cash by junkies. I tend to keep my eyes open and stay strapped, got caught slipping, never again.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
In the rural US, muggings and armed robberies very rarely happen. I don't know anyone who has been a victim. afoaf got shot during an attempted the mugger...because the "victim" took away his gun and shot him in the ass as he ran away. People in rural America are very nice and friendly, but also very quick to reach for their shotguns.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I've had one close call. Long story short, I was with a group walking downtown Denver in the middle of the night, when another group jumped us all. Everyone ran but me. The guys just sweated me for a minute then they left. It was scary.

I've had one home invasion, where the guy pulled the shotgun out of my hands, while his buddy started punching me. I slipped past them, and got out unharmed. It wasnt a random thing though, the guy was psycho over my GF. I got really lucky with that one.... but so did the psycho guy. I learned a valuable lesson about having unloaded firearms in my house. Always keep them loaded, and pull the fvcking trigger!

All in all, Im guessing the US has much less muggings than most South American Countries.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
I only know one guy who got robbed at gunpoint in a totally random way on the streets. And that's it. Of course there others who live in gang infested areas. I don't think robbery of normal people happens very often. However robbery of convenience stores and banks happens much more often I think. Or maybe it just seems like it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
I have never been mugged. I live in a fairly safe area and try to stay away from rough areas especially at night.:yes:


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
I've been jumped once, in school, in 6th grade... some kid grabbed a hold of me from behind then some kid punched me in the chest (wtf?). I got loose from the kid holding me and chased down the kid who punched me, threw him on the floor and kicked him in the stomach.. It was because I blew it for the class in having an ice cream party... Little extreme, huh? lol


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
I lived in a rough neighborhood in Boston for a while. Like I was the ONLY white guy around...lots of crime. Cars would get set on fire, condoms and drugs on the sidewalks...disgusting place. I never had any problems, and I walked to the train station every day. Sometimes I would get eyeballed but that's about it. I would carry a switchblade in my pocket if I was out at night.

Living in the city you should always be aware of you surroundings. If I see a group of guys at night I'll go to the opposite side of the street. Just one guy is very unlikely to attack another guy, unless he is armed. It's usually groups. I dont stare or try to be a tough guy. Just walk quickly and keep your wits about you. Girls are stupid because they invariably draw attention and they have no common sense. They will walk right past a group of guys at 2am in a questionable neighborhood just babbling away on their phone. They don't understand there are places you need to shut the fvck up and not draw attention to yourself.

Darles Chickens

Don Juan
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Got mugged by two guys at knife point once a few years ago. Tried to run away but slipped and one of the guys picked me up and punched me in the face. I tossed my phone on the floor and at that point he was distracted and went to pick it up so I managed to get away.

It was pretty scary at the time especially when he was thrusting a knife towards me but it was partially my fault for walking down an poorly lit street with my walkman on with a pair of noise cancelling headphones on and not really paying attention to what was happening around me. The best part of the story was that later that night him and his mate tried it on with a couple of other individuals and were picked up by the police at which point I was asked to identify him at a video I.D parade and then in person. I recognised him by a scar he had on his face and he got sent down for a number of muggings and another serious crime which I never got to find out what it was.

These days I'm more careful as it shook me up at the time. The whole fight or flight theory comes into it, none of your possessions are worth getting hurt over but also no-one really has the right to take your s**t.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Been jumped twice in Chicago. First time was by a couple of drunk idiots while I was walking home alone. One guy tried to put me in a choke hold so I flipped him over my shoulder and then threw his buddy on his ass. They ran after that.

The second time I got a knife put in my face in an alley on a walk home. I ended up making a stupid decision and kicked the guy in the stomach. Then one of his buddies cold ****ed me in the face. I hit him back REAL fast and then booked outta there. I woke up the next day spittin' up blood. I coulda got knifed badly, luckily when I kicked the guy he bent over in two.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Had a gun pulled on me once. Also had a chick at a party pull a knife on me from out of nowhere. One minute we were talking, and the next she flipped out and went crazy.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
Interesting stories, I'll share my freakiest ones.

I was walking towards my house from school, I was 11 years old at the time and it was noon, so i thought there was nothign wrong with it. Some guy came from behind with a butcher's knife, held it against my throat and took my $5 watch, what a piece of crap.

I got jumped by this guy with a short knife at night, like two years ago. I was really pissed and it was just one,so I fought back. We traded some punches and he stabbed me in the shoulder but I kept hitting him. during the fight, my wallet fell from my pocket. He snatched it and ran away like crazy, crossing a busy street. A guy in a gas station tried to intercept him but that fatso tripped :down:

But nothing takes the cake like the last one :
We were on a car with two friends and we were stopped by a motorcycle. Out of nowhere, seven more motorcycles with other bad-looking guys showed up from behind. Some of them were armed with revolvers and they pulled us out of the car. They asked for "the money we just got from the bank", which was dumb because we had none. Two policemen happened to pass by, and as soon as they saw the motorcycles, they RAN AWAY. Two of the guys searched the car and found nothing. They slashed the tires, kicked the door , threw away the keys and went away.

I don't get it, tho. I should have quite a mindset by now. I've been in too much ****. I've been in a war, I've been in crossfires, riots, etc. I have genetic antecedents of depression, do you guys thing that might be what has been holding me off?


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Lol I remember when i was in grade six it happened. Not a pleasant experience. But now after I worked out ad gained a lot of muscle i feel like I can come back and get them back. If I ever see them again....

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Never been jumped, but a guy did think I was going to rob his girl while they were walking past me one time. They were talking and I guess I stared too hard at her gaudy purse because they both stopped talking. Then she clutched her purse real close and the guy actually turned to face me. He's about 6' , 170 i guess while I'm 6', built like a college lineman, and just got done squatting 400 about 8 times a set in the gym. I was so offended, I felt like kicking him in the gut, shoving him in the street, grabbing her purse, throwing it at him, and walking away.

Capt.Jack Sparrow

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fontana, California
I'm surprised I've never been jumped out of all the fights I've been in.

I was on the verge of getting jumped though. I was with my group of friends about 12 of us and we were leaving a party at my friends house cause this other group of guys started talking sh!t and we didn't want to disrepect the house. So I got everyone out through the front door and I was the last one about to walk out when that whole group of them start talking sh!t so I turn around and im face to face with about 14 guys and start talking sh!t back

Next thing you know a see a fist fly over my shoulder from behind (which turned out to be my friend) and it hits one of those guys in the face and all hell breaks loose I start swinging my way to the back of that group to the main guy that was talking sh!t to me and I clocked him on the stomache than I clocked him in the face and I knocked him down. Than I picked up his head while he was on the floor and I rammed my knee into his face pretty damn hard and his head went flying back and hit the tiled floor. He didnt get back up after that

I turn back around and see all my friends scuffling about and I join in as soon as we got the upper hand in the brawl we took off cause the cops came a few minutes later.