How long before you give up on the ex?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
It's been exactly 3 weeks now - 21 days since we've separated. She said she didn't want to talk to me anymore; at the time, I stayed non-reactive, so I guess that's good. But we've haven't contacted each other since...

I think what's preventing me from moving on is that I still harbor some hope that she'll want to reconcile (getting back together isn't an option unfortunately, as she'll be leaving the country soon), and least clear things up to end on better terms than the abrupt/sudden message she sent me over email.

I wanted to ask y'all - how long did it take your ex to contact you after a breakup (if she did contact you)? How long should I continue to hold out hope that she'll contact me?


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
Konduit said:
It's been exactly 3 weeks now - 21 days since we've separated. She said she didn't want to talk to me anymore; at the time, I stayed non-reactive, so I guess that's good. But we've haven't contacted each other since...

I think what's preventing me from moving on is that I still harbor some hope that she'll want to reconcile (getting back together isn't an option unfortunately, as she'll be leaving the country soon), and least clear things up to end on better terms than the abrupt/sudden message she sent me over email.

I wanted to ask y'all - how long did it take your ex to contact you after a breakup (if she did contact you)? How long should I continue to hold out hope that she'll contact me?

Who cares!!

The day she ended your relationship is the day you should have stopped caring!!

I guarantee you she isn't thinking about you.....she is getting banged by another dude!!

Instead of wasting your time holding out hope for should be out meeting new girls...then fvcking them....don't waste your days counting since the last time you spoke to her....don't waste your days hoping she is going to call you again....if she wanted you....she would still be with you!!

She said she didn't want to talk to me anymore
Keep thinking about this quote what she told you....she doesn't want to talk to you....why the hell would you want to talk to her?

She has moved on from's about time you move on from her

Wasting time and hope over a chick who doesn't care for you is asinine!!


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
From my own experience + from other threads I have found in inet:

Ex b1tches start thinking about you from ~ month 5

Everything below this time span is to short.

I see many guys in the NC Thread "collapsing" at month 3

"why is she not contacting me" blabla

3 months are to short, simple as that.

But thats not a 100% formula, many factors playing role.

As the guys above me already said.-> You should dont give a fvck and move on.

Ex B1tches have magic radars!

They can feel if you moved on and/or you already dating other plates, then they contact you (Own experience)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 22, 2012
Reaction score
Lion is 100% correct.

unless the new dude breaks it off soon you will not hear from her for a while.

but no this, 99% of the time they will down the road. but by the time she does you won't care anymore.

if she does contact you within the next couple months most likely shell be begging for you back after a few convos because dumped.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
You guys broke up. Even if she does want to get back with you all your old problems will be waiting with a vengeance. At most make her a f buddy if she comes back to you. What you should be doing is going after multiple girls. You have oneitus for your ex.

I'm going through some pain myself. One of my plates who I really liked and have been enjoying thoroughly for months stopped talking to me. Then I got needy and dropped another plate who I had yet to enjoy thoroughly. Two plates drop, drop. I liked them both a lot. I have to move on though it will be detrimental and solve nothing if I get oneitus for them. I only got them in the first place because I knew better than to get oneitus for them. Move on I know you're sad but moving on will cheer you up day by day.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks a ton for the support guys...I'm feeling a bit better already, your words have helped me a ton in moving on...One reason I'm so hung up on this girl is that I feel that she might still care for me, and that mistakes in my own game messed things up; but it's undeniable that she explicitly said she doesn't want to communicate with me...and it IS silly that even after hearing that, I still want to talk to her. I think, as you said, she's moving on - I should do so as well. And I will keep myself out of oneitis in the future.

At the moment I do miss her voice, her touch, and the fun conversations we used to have, and it sucks things ended the way they did. But it helps to know that I'm not the only one who's gone through something like this, and that the pain is manageable and surmountable - y'all in the PUA community have helped me through this experience more than you know.
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