How In The World Do I Recover From This One!?


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
Reaction score
I can kick myself in the butt for this one. I’ll try to keep this one short and sweet.

Okay, I met a hottie a couple of weeks ago at a restaurant while hanging out with my buddies. She is a surgery resident who had just moved to town a couple of weeks ago to start her career. I am a medical student. We went out last weekend and had a nice time even though I played things at a distance. During this time I made it a point to not be too forward and keep things in the friend zone because I am tired of going through the dating circus and since I am still fairly new to this town, I decided to just make her a friend so I can build up my friends in town. Also, on the night we met, she gave me a “guy” handshake when we departed.

But by the end of the night we had hung out (I won’t call it a date), I was really into her but decided to stick with the friend thing anyway. She was giving some clues of interest but not too strong. By clues I mean:

1)Telling me I should let her cut my hair since she said she used to cut her ex’s hair. 2) telling me she had a great time and that she would like to do it again. 3). Offering to invite me over to her place for dinner 4). And hugging me good-bye even though I stuck out my hand for a handshake while we were saying good-bye.

So again, by the end of the night I was really into her. I decided to wait until she called me before I called her again. Five days had passed by and she had not called. My brother and cousin encouraged me to call her just to see what was up with her. They convinced me that she would probably be glad to hear from me and that she probably is really interested in me but I probably played it too cool when we went out. So I called her yesterday, we had a casual conversation, and we talked for about 20 minutes before I told her that I had to go. She thanked me for calling and said that she was doing well and adjusting to the new city.

Now since she is a nice looking woman with a nice career and all, I wanted to play it laid back and not be the guy jumping all over her but I was worried that she might not think I was interested in her. I was also concerned that start to forget about me. So I decided to call her today just to ask her out to this outdoor event in town on Sunday. She said she would get back with me on Saturday to let me know or I could call her but she expressed that she was not sure because she had planned to study on Sunday but it may be okay if we went early. She then told me that she was on the other line with her mother and had to go. ***I know***

So I was thinking that things wasn’t looking good and that I maybe lost her interest. I decided that I wouldn’t call her anymore unless she called me. If I didn’t hear from her Saturday, I told myself that I would just be okay with it but I was really hoping to get a chance to spend more time with her but I didn’t want to seem pushy. Now here comes the part I could kick myself about.

I called her about 8pm this evening on my cell phone when I asked her out for Sunday. My brother then called me at 11:30pm. I missed his call before I could get to my phone. I pressed the button to see who call, and saw that it was my brother. I tried to call him back with one push of a button but somehow I pressed the wrong button and called her number instead! Something told me to look at my display screen on my phone and I looked at it to find out that I was actually calling her instead of my brother at 11:30pm at night and she has to be in hospital very early in the morning each day! I hurried up and hung up the phone. Now I think she is going to think I am some crazy psycho dude who can’t get enough of her. She is going to look at her phone and see that I called her late at night and think I am pursuing her too hard. How do I recover? Can I recover from this?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 5, 2004
Reaction score
Go back in time and hit on her during your 'hanging out time'.



Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by PeeGee
Go back in time and hit on her during your 'hanging out time'.


Funny. I knew I would get some DJ clone wisecrack. I feel good about how I handled things on the first date so please no flood of Dj quotes and excerpts from the DJ Bible.

All I want to know is how I can recover. My brother found this hilarious too but I don't think he can provide unbiased input at this point :D


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2003
Reaction score
Bora Bora
What do you have to recover from? Have you seen/ heard how she reacted?

Until you do...just chill and practice dialling numbers on your cellphone in the mean time.



Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Australia, Brisbane
you wanted the ho the whole time but was trying to lie to YOURSELF and convincing yourself u really dont want her becoz u dont have the balls to accutally do something! do the following

  • do not over analyze the situation
  • do not focus on the one ho too much coz she will know and u will appear needy
  • finally, go do a search, there are no magic bullets, no magic sentence to make her like u so stop looking for it


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Don't try to 'recover' bro, just move on. It doesn't sound like she's interested. Those 'signals' that you were picking up on were probably her being friendly, or maybe a little flirty to have fun. Women will do that, they'll do this innocent flirting thing for fun. If she wanted to spend time with you, she wouldn't have said 'i'll let you know' or 'i'll get back to you'. She's brushing you off in a nice way. NEXT!!


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by biker_gixxer
Don't try to 'recover' bro, just move on. It doesn't sound like she's interested. Those 'signals' that you were picking up on were probably her being friendly, or maybe a little flirty to have fun. Women will do that, they'll do this innocent flirting thing for fun. If she wanted to spend time with you, she wouldn't have said 'i'll let you know' or 'i'll get back to you'. She's brushing you off in a nice way. NEXT!!

I am with this assessment and after a bit of thought, I agree with you.

you wanted the ho the whole time but was trying to lie to YOURSELF and convincing yourself u really dont want her becoz u dont have the balls to accutally do something! do the following

I really do appreciate your input, man, but don't try to psycho-analyze me, man. I know what is going on inside of my own head. I really wasn't looking for any thing because I am still trying to get over my ex and my heart still belongs with her. I don't know many people in this town and have been trying to increase my circle of friends because I think this will help me to keep my mind off of her and help me to move on. I wasn't looking for any thing outside of a friendly relationship with her but once we went out, I became attracted to her. Period. No need to turn into Sigmund Freud on me. You don't know any thing about me or my "balls" so keep your mind off of them.

do not over analyze the situation.....
Good stuff here.

Psycho-analyzation of someone you don't know----bad! I don't know why people feel compelled to offer the unwanted stuff. All I wanted to know was how to recover and I gave background on the situation to help provide clarity. I didn't want any other part of the situation analyzed. Just the part with the mistaken phone call and I got that so I am happy.
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
You ask for advice and then get really bitter at most of the replies... that seems like pretty poor form.

My input would be to just tell her the truth if she asks, or even if she doesn't ask. What, is she not going to believe you? Then next her.

And chill out, you seem a little high-strung, too.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Just say something funny next time you talk to like:

"hey sorry I called called so late. I hit the wrong button and it called you. Can you believe Im in med school and cant even work a cell phone right?!"


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Maybe you are on your psych rotation and anchoring a bit here?! (medical joke)

That whole thing about the phone number mis-dial - it was a mistake. If you are worried about what she thinks then you are already dead in the water. You will give off an AFC vibe and she'll pick or has picked up on that...

So the solution or recovery would be to not worry at all about what she thinks and move on with your life. You know she isn't interested in you. If she is interested then she'll find a way back into it. This of course doesn't mean ignoring her or being rude... just steer your own course. There is no OPQRST that will fix it though if thats what your looking for...

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
I really wasn't looking for any thing because I am still trying to get over my ex and my heart still belongs with her.
Awww... isn't that cute. You're pu$$y whipped and you don't even get a taste of that pu$$y anymore.

Call it psycho-analysys if you wanna brush it off, but bottom line is that you are still pu$$y whipped by your ex, else you would not have said that.

What are you trying to recover from?

From you're state of pussmasswhipitis?
Then go find/ƒuck ten other women.

Do you want to recover some face with this girl that shot you down?

Can't be done, NEXT.

Do you want to be recovered of your incessant need to be attached to your 'oneitis' flavor of the (day, week, month, year)?

then read the DJ Bible.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
My first reaction would be to pursue it because there is a good chance to get her. I don't see any *next* in this scenario because it is so obvious this girl likes you one way or another. The thing I didn't like about this was you did not MEET UP with her more. I think if you met up with her and built a strong connection, you guys could have done something about it. But, I have to agree with the fellas and move on for the mean time since it looks like you're taking a lot of your time for this one chick. Anyway, good luck.