How far do you take being a "Challenge"

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
I have my thoughts on this...I want to see what DJ'ers think about not making it too easy for the chick.

ALL the realtionship "experts" say women love to be pursued. As men, we have the testosterone, so we need to "hunt and kill," right?

BUT, I agree that women also like to do the pursuing (even if they don't realize it).

Curious as to what you do to be a "Challenge" to a woman without blowing the deal by creating too much space and moving TOO slow.

FYI: I'm targeting the 28-35 female crowd, no teenie-boppers. Thx.


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
this is the million dollar question. i don't have the answer, and all i can tell you is to make the most of the time you do spend with her....make sure you have a life of your own and have confidence and the challenge part takes care of itself...


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
re: answer

I see alot of my guy friends who used to go out with extremely attractive females and end up marrying an average or below average gal.

From observation, these guys were too accomodating to the hot looking chicks and never ended in a long term relationship with them. Their behavior towards their average looking wife is totally opposite to that of how they behaved with the good looking gal. Sometimes downright disrespectful by cheating and treating them like crap. But she sticks around.

Basically, when you're too nice to them they either break up with you or end up using you for money or emotional backup. Just treat the hot chicks like an average gal and you'll keep them for a long time. It sounds simple but very hard to master. Imagine a hot chick rubbing against you, instead of pushing her away saying you're busy you become embedded in their web.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Re: re: answer

Originally posted by CherryBreaker
I see alot of my guy friends who used to go out with extremely attractive females and end up marrying an average or below average gal.

From observation, these guys were too accomodating to the hot looking chicks and never ended in a long term relationship with them. Their behavior towards their average looking wife is totally opposite to that of how they behaved with the good looking gal. Sometimes downright disrespectful by cheating and treating them like crap. But she sticks around.

Basically, when you're too nice to them they either break up with you or end up using you for money or emotional backup. Just treat the hot chicks like an average gal and you'll keep them for a long time. It sounds simple but very hard to master. Imagine a hot chick rubbing against you, instead of pushing her away saying you're busy you become embedded in their web.

Yep, so true, but most hot chicks end up cheating anyway regardless of who they marry. I had a good friend that was married to a real nice looking "bvtch" and he took good care of her too, but she was screwing a guy about 13 years younger than she was. He tried to forgive her, but she kept screwing the guy even after promising that she had stopped, he finally grew some balls and divroced her.

They had been married for twenty years!



Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
I totally agree with you Cherry. Good analogy. Here are some of my challenge tips for my AFC buds (at least for the first 90-days or so):

-Call every 5-9 days (or longer in some instances). DON'T act like every other guy and call at the "3-day time frame." F'em if they get PO'd because you didn't call them the next day after a date. You're busy...remember?

-Use the phone to make the appointment, not to sell or close the deal. 10 min max. call time. Save the chit chat for face to face.

-Tell her "NO" for the hell of it once in a while just to keep her honest.

-Don't over do it on the compliments. One per night.

-Don't make any references to "another date" and the end of a date. "I had a great time, see you later," is all she gets.

I'll add a few more as I think of them...


New Member
Aug 10, 2005
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Yep, I just had this problem.

Dated the hottest chick I ever dated and what happens? I become to wrapped up and accomodating!

She cheated... I forgave her... we kept it up a few months than bam! She is not interested anymore... Finds another guy in 3 days... Do did I but that is another story...

Ah well! I take it as a learning experience...

It was long distance too, so a bit hard...


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
Being a challenge isn't something I've had too much trouble with since I got the general idea here. I guess I don't really have a quantifiable guideline. The thing I love most about it is the reaction you get from a girl when you're challenging as hell and then you actually accomodate her that one rare time here and there...if you're always challenging it means something to her when you aquiesce now and then.

However, I know you can DEFINITELY take C&F too far, or do it wrong. Funny story: A couple years ago when I first started coming here and trying to put into practice all this information, I tried C&F on a chick at a houseparty. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I was way too C and not at all F (and if I remember right managed to insult her at the same time with my statement...also with no F). She slapped me right in the face! Hard! Couldn't believe it.

I was trying to get a reaction/ response...just not THAT one. Ha! I don't think being too challenging could lead to that, but I know C&F/ ballbreaking sure as hell can.