How Effective Are Condoms Against AIDS Especially in an HIV-Infected Country?


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Greetings Folks, and Happy New Year. I have a question and it has to do with whether condoms (be they latex ones or not) do actually effectively protect against AIDS. I moved back to my country in Central Africa to accept a temporary job that will keep me there for at least two years, after having been away for over twelve years and the HIV/AIDS statistics are bad news, with over 900,000 people supposedly infected with the virus, not to mention those who may not even have tested for the disease. This info has made me so scared of getting involved with any of the women here because not only don't I know their sexual pasts, but you never knowwho may be carrying the virus even though so many of them look very pretty and healthy. A family friend who happens to be a doctor said condoms only help reduce the risk of AIDS but do not "eliminate it." He therefore suggested that getting a woman to take an HIV test before getting involved would be the best bet, but I don't have the courage to do so. At the same time, practising abstinence at 30 with all these hormones and also being muscular is so hard to do. Does anyone have any advanced knowledge on the whole condoms and AIDS issue?


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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The CDC reports that LATEX condoms are up to 98% effective at preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS when used consistently and correctly.

This does not apply to lambskin or other animal-skin condoms, which should not be used to protect against STDs.

Personally, I'd get the courage to ask a woman to get an HIV test before getting involved with her, especially in Central Africa. We're talking about life or death here.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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The only fullproof way to prevent AIDS and other STD's is abstinence.

And no one could pay me enough money to fvck a chick in Africa due to that AIDS rate.

So yeah as far as I'm concerned your best bet is to try and always have a steady girlfriend for your duration in Africa so you can get her tested and have a somewhat reliable non contaminated person to have sex with while you are there.

Despite the results of the test though always wear a condom at all times and before you even put the thing on look it over and make sure it looks intact and in good condition for fvcking and don't put on two condoms thinking that will make you extra safe as many morons are prone to do since that just makes the possibility of a condom tear greater while fvcking someone.

When you get back to a country that is healthier go back to living how you were before like I mean if you were just about hooking up then go back to doing that. No reason to have a girlfriend in this day and age unless you are in an unhealthy place like Africa filled with STD's.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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I thank you both for your replies. I would like to cautiously advice you guys not to generalize, though. I have to be honest in the sense that as an African male myself, although being one who has lived in the US for 11 years, I found some parts of your responses quite offensive and insulting to my continent. Not every country in Africa is filled with people carrying STD's. In fact, very many aren't. However, when it comes to anything negative such as wars, famine, poverty, under development, crime, STDs and AIDS, the predominantly Western media tend to stereotype Africa as a symbol of all those ills, whereas that isn't the case at all. For instance, to this day, there are people in the US and Europe who refuse to even imagine, believe or accept that Africa has beautiful/clean cities in its respective countries because all they see on TV are the poorest, most remote rural areas being used to represent an entire continent.

Please don't get me wrong, I sincerely appreciate the advice you guys have given me and in as much as abstinence is so hard to do, I probably have no choice but to pursue that option throughout my time here. Plus, I doubt the effectiveness and quality of the condoms that are sold in most African countries in the first place. I just can't afford to put my entire life at risk like this. And yet I have to be honest that no where in the world have I seen so many women of all shapes, complexions and sizes as beautiful as those I've been seeing here in my home country.

Contracting AIDS in most African countries, especially here in mine, continues to be a big taboo. It's very hard for the patients to admit to having the disease because of the stigma. Many times you only hear that such and such a person was sick, it may have even been someone who just a year ago looked extremely healthy and then "boom!" he or she is gone just like that. It's really sad. And part of being a man is to be able to resist temptations. I've been pursued very aggressively here by two or so women ever since I of them an ex-girlfriend who hadn't been in touch with me for over 11 years and whose sexual past I have no clue about. I just didn't want to take any risks. I've also had former classmates and also some male cousins try to steer me down the wrong path and pressure me to go along with their habits of sleeping around but at every turn I have continued to discipline myself and remain steadfast.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Use this time for what Napoleon Hill called sexual transmutation. Take all that energy you would use for sarging, picking up girls, etc and utilize it on your career, plans for the future, etc.

I have spent so much of my time chasing, and getting tail over the last several years. It occupied a ton of my time and made things difficult in several of my relationships.

Ive been with a great girl the last 3 years but still played with others. It kind of becomes a problem once we all develop these skills as it's hard to turn the skills off.

Focus on working on your career, your health and maybe even write a book. You'll be ok. I'd play it safe as well!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Research has shown that married couples who are one hiv+ and one hiv- have next to zero transmission when using condoms. They work very well to prevent hiv. You can still get herpes and warts, though, condoms only cut the risk fo those only about in half.