How does this Split look?


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
I'm trying to get a good routine for myself and I think this one's just about there. I'd like a more experienced opinion though.

All excersizes are 3 sets of 4-8 reps

Day 1: Chest/Triceps

Flat Bench Press
Incline Bench
Tricep Cable Pushdown

Day 2: Back/Biceps

Cable Pulldown
Bicep Curls

Day 3: Legs/Shoulders

Calf Raises
Military Press
Front Dumbell Raises

And on off days I'm doing Abs and some sprinting

Hows that look? Any advice?


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
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Looks pretty good, i'd throw the pushdowns away and exchange for skull crushers or close grip benches/jm-presses

On back day, I'd throw in some bent over rows (and good mornings if you want some killer erectors) and toss the shrugs out.

On Leg day I'd add some straight leg deadlifts for the hamstrings. Otherwise :up:


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
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Thanks Lifeforce.

I have one other question too, should I take glutamine every day? or only on days I lift?

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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Looks reasonable - Lifeforce is right though, lose the pushdowns.

Rows aren't necessary if you're deadlifting (come on, what's a 300lb row gonna do for you that a 600lb deadlift won't?).

Shrugs are unnecessary if you do deadlifts properly.

You do need a hamstring exercise, good spot by Lifeforce.

Swap flat bench for flat db bench.

Sprinting will affect your recovery, bear this in mind - your gains might be slowed. If you're looking to burn bodyfat then they're a good option though.

Take glutamine every day with your protein drinks, and take 5-10g in water before your cardio.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
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drop it down to 2 sets instead of 3 bro.

that's my recommendation.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
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haha... only reason I caught it was because everyone says my hamstrings suck. :) I didn't want the guy to experience the same shame and humiliation. :D

Anyway.. I do think rows are necessary.

here is a picture of my back, it's a straight deadlift back, almost no rows:

And here is a picture of how a back should look like:

See the difference in the lat development? I almost have no lats while skippy here have some stuff to show. Look a little lower and you see the erectors, mine kick ass! And I have 11-12% BF on the pic while skippy have alot less. Looking at my own back I can clearly see I was a moron to leave rows out.

I mean why do incline bench presses if you lift heavy on the bench press?


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
calgary canada
Originally posted by Dover

All excersizes are 3 sets of 4-8 reps

Day 1: Chest/Triceps

Flat Bench Press good, do not run for warm up, rather take 3 light sets of bench before going heavy, you do not want to hurt your shoulders. all in all bench i find sucks but i do it anyways :p
Incline Bench great but switch it up with dumbells once in a while as well
Dips excellent work out, i do it before incline at hte moment, and i do this instead of any decline movement. every couple weeks change the order of your lifts
you are missing flyes and yes these are great, i do about 15 sets when i do them. but its not necessary. do cable ones, i find with free wieghts 2 many people **** their shoulders up because they have **** ass form. also do pec dec, do one or hte other and 5 sets

now for stretching, do it with weights. grab dumbells and hold it in a fly position for 30 secs to a min, the more weight the better. do this 2-3 times. now your chest workout is complete :p

Tricep Cable Pushdown not enough. do this, then french press. close grip is really good, i find skull crushers are 2 hard on the elbows. change your program from regular and reversed grip press downs. do about 6-7 sets for tris

Day 2: Back/Biceps this is a **** ass back work out imo

Deadlifts move this to legs, ill explain there
Cable Pulldown lat pull downs?
add in barbell rows or cable rows, barbell are better imo. swithch it up once in a while

v bar pull downs

straight arm pull downs

reason for more exercises is you need to hit your back thickness and width at different angels and such

Bicep Curls not enough, rotate between ez bar and preacher curls, as well add hammer curls and some cable curls
Shrugs [moved with shoulders, you dont need to do these either]

Day 3: Legs/Shoulders

Squats trust me when i say this, this is all you need for quads, do 5 sets

DEAD LIFTS WILL GO HERE. main reason with squats you will be wroking your lower back as well on dead lifts. your lower back takes the longest out of every muslce group to recover after a heavy workout. plus dead lifts are leg exercise imo. do str8 leg deads for your hams.

Calf Raises last thing you do
Military Press
add later raises
Front Dumbell Raises

And on off days I'm doing Abs and some sprinting

Hows that look? Any advice? [/B]
you do not really need to do abs will all the heavy lifting you are hitting htem every workout by stabalizing your body. put your legs in the air for bench etc. and dont do fukcing ***** squats. hit forearms on every workout as well as calves unless your runnig that night. then take out calves.

i would also suggest hitting your upper body 2x a week rather than one, but thats jsut me, i like doing that. if you have any questions pm me or we can talk on msn. peace

my ideas are in bold


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
WTF vanwilder?!? Are you crazy

Squat + deadlifts + stiff leg deadlifts in the same day? Who are capable of lifting this?

15 set flyes?

Doing biceps curls are enough, you don't need all those fancy exercises, heavy back works + some biceps curls will work wonders.


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
calgary canada
Originally posted by Lifeforce
WTF vanwilder?!? Are you crazy

Squat + deadlifts + stiff leg deadlifts in the same day? Who are capable of lifting this?

15 set flyes?

Doing biceps curls are enough, you don't need all those fancy exercises, heavy back works + some biceps curls will work wonders.
not both deads only hte straight legged lmao

yeah 15 sets of flyes, all various angles and such. i do beleive though you do need more than just curls imo.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
vanwilder's posts are usually straight up copy and paste from Arnold's Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. Arnold's routine consisted of doing sometimes 50-60 sets per workout (so the whole 15 sets of flyes thing does not surprise me). the only thing that arnold fails to mention in that book is that he had more juice then florida while on this program. when you take gear like he took while he was competing, you can train like crazy and not worry about overtraining.

put a natural on this routine, and his gains will come at a snail's pace.

vanwilder, show me a source other then the arnold book that says your lower back muscles take 72 hrs to fully recover.


to the original poster, listen to lifeforce and warboss on this one.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lifeforce
haha... only reason I caught it was because everyone says my hamstrings suck. :) I didn't want the guy to experience the same shame and humiliation. :D

Anyway.. I do think rows are necessary.

here is a picture of my back, it's a straight deadlift back, almost no rows:

And here is a picture of how a back should look like:

See the difference in the lat development? I almost have no lats while skippy here have some stuff to show. Look a little lower and you see the erectors, mine kick ass! And I have 11-12% BF on the pic while skippy have alot less. Looking at my own back I can clearly see I was a moron to leave rows out.

I mean why do incline bench presses if you lift heavy on the bench press?
Mate, you're confusing back thickness with back width. Rows and deadlifts both build a thick, strong back - your back will get wider with chin ups, rack chins, lat pulldown and such like.


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
calgary canada
Originally posted by MindOverMatter
vanwilder's posts are usually straight up copy and paste from Arnold's Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. Arnold's routine consisted of doing sometimes 50-60 sets per workout (so the whole 15 sets of flyes thing does not surprise me). the only thing that arnold fails to mention in that book is that he had more juice then florida while on this program. when you take gear like he took while he was competing, you can train like crazy and not worry about overtraining.

put a natural on this routine, and his gains will come at a snail's pace.

vanwilder, show me a source other then the arnold book that says your lower back muscles take 72 hrs to fully recover.


to the original poster, listen to lifeforce and warboss on this one.
o i didnt even know that is in the arnold book. i heard it from a couple people, bodybuilding forums, its just reccommended that you take 72 hours for rest, my bad. and no i dont get anythign i say from arnolds book, i do it from experience and what works best for me. im taking pics in august, and i will more than likely show you my progress after a year, a good 30 lbs i have put on. this is a natural work out, i do it, and ahve not seen any affects of overtraining. meh anyways im not taking this guys thread with a story of me, we can talk on msn if youd like?


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
calgary canada
o as well, i have taken ideas from arnolds book as well as max ot, and other programs, and other things i enjoy doing on my own time, i dont post here often or on other forums such as because peopel always ridicule my advice as being overtraining and crap, when they themselves are 150 lbs with a 100 lbs bench and 50 lbs squat. and i must stress that you never take someones advice 100% as that is what works for them, which i say in most of my posts, do what you like. fiddle around with your workout plan until your are comfortable with sets and something that will take around 45 min to an hour