How does being an ******* work?

Jan 5, 2014
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This girl been like ignoring me and stuff and I just text her feel like waste of time bye she said ive been busy didn't be able get back to you. I said I don't got time for games peace out and she was like excuse me sorry I have a life and I don't carve me time to respond back to go out **** you and I said look im just not here for playin games trying to weed out bad ones.

How does being an ass hole work with a girl BTW I was just asking her out for a drink and she kept blowing me off?


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2012
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The Windy City
She's not interested man, sorry to say. It would be of your benefit to spend your time around women who actually show interest in you. Remember; If a woman likes you she will make time for you no matter what.

Also, you don't have to be an "azzhole". Being yourself works fine.. Just don't be a pushover. I'm sure others can elaborate a little better than I can.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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Being an azzhole doesn't necessarily mean overtly doing what you did.
I believe it to mean more "not being too nice". It's a fine balance.

For instance, instead of saying (or texting) your feelings towards this bytch, you just go ghost. Don't reply to every meaningless text, ignore her immature bullsht and keep her at army's length.
That implies azzhole-ism rather than confirms it in a shower of butthurt text.

I've lost count of the number of times chicks have called me an azzhole.
And it wasn't because I was rude to them or put them down (well not always, lol), it was more in scenarios like this:
HB: Hey Greasy Pig, can you pretend to be my boyfriend so this creepy guy leaves me alone?
GP: Only if I get full boyfriend privileges.
HB: Ha ha, no of course not!
GP: Well in that case, no.
HB: You azzhole.
HB: Oh Greasy, why didn't you reply to my texts last night?
GP: I was getting drunk with my friends.
HB: But I was out as well, I wanted to meet up with you!
GP: Sorry toots, boys' night out, no girls allowed.
HB: So what? We could've at least had one drink!
GP: And then you would've tried to get me drunk and take advantage of me.
HB: Ha ha, in your dreams.
GP: That's OK, just hit me up next weekend and you can fight your way through the dozens of other women to buy me a bourbon.
HB: Ha ha ha! You azzhole.

So there's a difference between being not too nice and being a complete pryck. Being an "azzhole" in chick-speak means more that you are uncompromising, you don't yield to silly games and that you don't act like a puppy dog around women.
Does that make sense?

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
-Gripz- said:
She's not interested man, sorry to say. It would be of your benefit to spend your time around women who actually show interest in you. Remember; If a woman likes you she will make time for you no matter what.
THIS CANNOT BE EMPHASIZED ENOUGH. I was with a girl last night and she slept over at my house. She called off work just so she can spend the morning and early afternoon with me. She's still calling me asking if she can come over tonight as well. A woman that likes you will do ANYTHING in her power to be around you. A woman that doesn't like you or is on the fence will make up excuses.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Greasy Pig said:
HB: Oh Greasy, why didn't you reply to my texts last night?
GP: I was getting drunk with my friends.
HB: But I was out as well, I wanted to meet up with you!
GP: Sorry toots, boys' night out, no girls allowed.
HB: So what? We could've at least had one drink!
GP: And then you would've tried to get me drunk and take advantage of me.
HB: Ha ha, in your dreams.
GP: That's OK, just hit me up next weekend and you can fight your way through the dozens of other women to buy me a bourbon.
HB: Ha ha ha! You azzhole.
This proves you cannot be an azzhole UNTIL a girl shows initial interest.

If you're being an azz to some random girl who barely knows you, she'll next you. It only works if you are trying to keep a girl around, not if you are trying to create attraction.


Mar 21, 2014
Reaction score
My pencil just got stolen. It isn't funny. I need it back.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Skinny guy is right but light azzhole-ism can build attraction in a woman used to men falling at her feet or with stuck-up kunts who start throwing their weight around. I've had it work in all situations with interested women and random bytches.
But then again, if a girl is passionately interested in you, you can **** on her bedroom floor and wipe your arse with her favourite throw cushion and she'll just laugh it off.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
The 9 Signs of Little or No Interest

thelonewolflegend said:
How does being an ass hole work with a girl BTW I was just asking her out for a drink and she kept blowing me off?

The following are signs that a woman of your interested doesn't feel likewise.

1) She Will Tell You

What can be better than this? She comes right out and says that she has no interest in you. No beating around the bush, no mixed messages. It's right there in front of you. You if pursue her after she's explicitly expressed ZERO INTEREST, then you deserve anything that happens to you.

2) Short Phone Conversations

At first you have these long conversations and you guys have spent hours on the phone (or texting) talking about everything and anything. Then the conversations gradually get shorter, shorter, and shorter. Till finally there's no conversation at all. It's probably because she's lost interest in you. TIP: When you're initially "conversatin'," with a chick there's no reason for the conversation to last more than fifteen minutes. The longer you keep her on the phone, the more likely you'll say something to turn her off.

3) Phone Calls Aren't Returned

I can't stand this. You call a chick, they say they'll call you back. Then they never do. If you call a chick, and she does this three times. Forget it and move on. She's a flake and isn't worth your time. This also applies to messages. If you left an audio, text, or e-mail message and the person doesn't reply, move on.

4) She Flakes

If you make arrangements to hook up and she doesn't show up, move on. With the exception of an accident or a death in the family. There's no reason not to show up on a date. To pursue a chick after this blatant lack of respect only sets you up to be in a eff up relationship. Allow the chick a fifteen minute "grace period." Once Minute sixteen hits, bounce. If you're leaving as she's entering, tell her that you've made other plans and you'll holla at her later. If she doesn't respect your time, then she probably won't respect you.

5) She Brings Her Friend

I've never gone on a date with one of my boys and a chick. As a matter of fact, I don't think any man has gone on a date with his potna and a chick, unless they were going to all get in the bed at the end of the night. Chicks will pull this nonsense, but they have an ulterior motive. The friend is an excuse to get out of bad situation. Suddenly the friend will become sick or bored. The chick not wanting to be a "bad friend," will want to escort her friend home. Which is bullsh*t, they're just trying to get away from you so they can kick or score some guys they do like. Unless you have confirmation that there will be menage action at the evenings end, the answer to the question can my friend come is "HELL NO SHE CAN'T COME!"

6) She Keeps Bringing Up Her Ex-Boyfriend

You're trying to kick it and babygirl keeps bringing up her ex-boyfriend or the other dude she likes. Obviously her mind is elsewhere and you should leave her alone.

7) She's Not Giving You Any Attention

You're trying to kick it and she's on the phone, constantly going to the bathroom, and doing everything except talking and being responsive to you. If you're experiencing this, cut your loses and end the night. If she answers her phone during the date, get up and leave. More than likely she's planning to hook up with the guy she plans on fellating and indulging in coitus with later that night. If your on a date with a chick, you deserve 100% of her attention.

8)She Never Agrees to a Date.

She takes your calls, but that's about it. Every time you try to make plans to go out, she either cancels or dodges the issue. Either way, you need to dodge her, move on.

9) Let's Just Be Friends

She goes out with you, takes your calls, but you get shut down when you try to be romantic. Welcome to the "Dreaded Friend Zone," The chances of successfully escaping the Friend Zone are exactly 3,720 to 1. If she sees you as her "friend," you effed up and I strongly suggest you turn your attention to someone else.

Number 8 is you, bruh, read the DJ Bible and stop looking for a quick fix.
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
ok point is she liked on me on thing and gave me her number and when I try to do meetup she did that what is reason? I didnt do anything wrong you know

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Read the Material

thelonewolflegend said:
ok point is she liked on me on thing and gave me her number
Numbers are meaningless, just because she gave you the number, doesn't necessarily means that she likes you, as a matter of fact, she might have given you the number to get rid of you.

thelonewolflegend said:
and when I try to do meetup she did that what is reason? I didnt do anything wrong you know
At the underlined. You did do something wrong because she isn't interested in going out with you.
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