How does a true MAN act?


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
I have read, reread, and read again the bible and other books. I am in absolute confusion on how the guy is supposed to act. If someone has a good explanation, or you were once the "nice" dude and have changed? I don't want to be a jerk, but also I know being a nice dude won't get me anywhere with the women. This will help dearly, thanks in advanced.


Ambition Now

Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Alex, Its totally OK to be confused, the first thing you should have in mind is that you WILL fail sometimes and you got let yourself fail!

Sometimes you will act like a jerk, sometimes like a super AFC, whatever, all you need to do is to analyse the changes on your behaviour.

Im on a phase right now that I am starting to dont give a s*it, I simply try to be the best I can be, and if something doesnt come out the way I wanted it to, I remember myself that all the things are in change, nothing is permanent, this helps me a lot to dont give emotional responses when women "upset" me...

Give yourself the freedom to try new ways of being yourself!

You are going to an experimental phase right now, so dont worry too much about it


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
Ambition Now said:
Hi Alex, Its totally OK to be confused, the first thing you should have in mind is that you WILL fail sometimes and you got let yourself fail!

Sometimes you will act like a jerk, sometimes like a super AFC, whatever, all you need to do is to analyse the changes on your behaviour.

Im on a phase right now that I am starting to dont give a s*it, I simply try to be the best I can be, and if something doesnt come out the way I wanted it to, I remember myself that all the things are in change, nothing is permanent, this helps me a lot to dont give emotional responses when women "upset" me...

Give yourself the freedom to try new ways of being yourself!

You are going to an experimental phase right now, so dont worry too much about it
Ambition, thank you Im exactly there as you described, Ill just try different things until I feel is right.