How Do You Handle Having More Than One Woman at Your Gym?


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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I'm a bit concerned about this and would appreciate some feedback from those of you on here who may be more experienced with this situation. From the way things are going right now, there is a possibility that I might end up hooking up with more than one woman at my gym...maybe two or three. There's the South African one I mentioned in my previous post, and then there's an Eastern European chick who just keeps staring at me and making eye contact with me, occasionally smiling, whenever she gets a chance to be around me. I haven't talked to her yet, but I seem to be getting some vibes. She often leaves the areas where she's working out to jump at other machines next to those where I'm working out. It appears to me definitely that she's noticed me. I'm not exactly sure what it may be, but she doesn't pay attention to most of the guys who try to engage her in conversation.

In fact, something really seems to have changed. Almost everywhere I go these days, a lot of women I come across tend to turn around when I walk by and to give me attention when I'm just minding my business. That's really different from my earlier years when I was just a skinny dude. My main concern is that if I end up talking to more than one woman at my gym, there's a strong possibility that I may be caught. I wouldn't know what to do if one out of the two or three women catches me by surprise working out with another woman. At least one of the two women I mentioned above works out at the gym everyday-the South African one. I've done my best not to let her know on what specific days I come to the gym so that she doesn't end up catching me there by surprise if I were to come in there some day with a different woman or if she were to see me talking to the Eastern European one.

If I hook up with more than one of these women, I'm afraid I may lose them both without even having come close to be intimate with either of them. And even though this may not make sense, I think I like them both because the two of them are very attractive. Perhaps I should focus less on trying to find someone for a longterm relationship/girlfriend material...but would the women in question understand that? What would you guys do in my kind of situation and have any of you experienced something similar? The sexual provocation in these gyms is's kinda hard to resist.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
Hmm why not try to pursue them both and worry about what to do with them both once you have them both. No use worrying over nothing just yet. Or pick the one you like the most and get her #, then later get the other girls # and change the time you workout so they wont be there and mack them both


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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vitor said:
No use worrying over nothing just yet.
Exactly, I wouldn't worry about any of this before you atleast start going out with one of them. It's like that saying, "don't count your eggs before they hatch" (I think that's how it goes). A woman staring, (as I've experienced) may amount to nothing more than just that, a stare. Get some dates under your belt with these women first before you even think about any further strategy.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Re: I Appreciate the Feedback

Sorry for the late response. Sometimes I'm not able to visit this site on weekends. But to Espi and everyone who responded, I thank you all for your feedback. One of the things that has definitely somewhat slowed my dating life is the fact that I live with my older brother, and he's in his mid-thirties and quite conservative when it comes to these issues. So he definitely wouldn't appreciate me bringing more than one woman after another to the house and he's there 99% of the time. Plus, a lot of these women will probably become suspicious if I don't bring them home at least once. But you guys are definitely right. I've learned from experience that it's definitely a good idea to talk to as many women as possible, because the one who you give your heart to often ends up being the one who lets you down, and a lot of these women are just unpredictable. You never know what might happen.

On Point

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
Reaction score
Your mindset seems to be based on the assumption that it is wrong for you to talk to more than one woman.

In terms of building interest, probably the best thing that could happen to you is for one of these woman to see you talking to another woman. You're the prize, of course other woman are you going to be pursuing you, right?

You're not seeing any of these woman exclusively (right?), so where is the problem? If one of them asked you about it, say you like to meet and get to know as many people as possible. You're not doing anything wrong. I think you need to change your mindset a little bit. Don't mislead these woman, but you don't have to apologize for being a man or hide your intentions.

As far as your brother, you shouldn't be living by his rules, you should be living by yours. If you have to live with him and it's a big issue, go to the woman's place instead of yours. Getting your own place would be an obvious solution to this problem as well.

Frank2500 said:
My main concern is that if I end up talking to more than one woman at my gym, there's a strong possibility that I may be caught. I wouldn't know what to do if one out of the two or three women catches me by surprise working out with another woman.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles

By the time you approach, talk to, engage them, get digits, set up a meeting, kiss them, etc. you will have a solution to your perceived problem.

You are looking waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead into what might happen, into the future, you are not taking care of the present, and will end up living in the past, in the could've mentality.

Interview both of them, then take it from there.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score

Thanks once again to each of you for your responses. The thing I'm kinda concerned about is that some women might get suspicious when a guy keeps offering that they go to her place all the time when she hasn't even seen his own place once. She might start to think that perhaps I live with another woman or might even be married, etc. Anyway, you guys are right. I haven't reached that point yet, so I don't want to bother too much about that yet. But either way, as long as my older brother and I live together, it's gonna be hard for me to bring more than one woman home.

And to the poster who asked about pictures, I certainly do have some. However, and I'm sure you will understand, I choose to keep them to myself for reasons of privacy. While I have confidence in the overwhelming majority of you on here, the internet is a scary place, as most of you know. Depending on what career path you choose, personal pictures along with individual posts and comments on this forum could be used against you in the future by someone who's simply out to cause trouble. As you all know, there are lots of crazy people out there, unfortunately.