How do you give off the "I am loving life" vibe!


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
Hey Everyone,

Today I will talk to you about a certain technique, for achieving a certain mindset. Even if you don't FULLY ACHIEVE this mindset, everybody will think you already did .

Do you know somebody who seems extremely good-natured? Their outlook on life is always positive, and it seems as if NOTHING could ever make them down...

Imagine what that is like; you come home, and you find something extremely disappointing, but you, you have this incredible attitude that makes you feel as though you just won $500!

How in the world could you achieve such a mindset?

Ill tell you.

If you think that life is a load of BS, and every little thing on earth was created for the sole purpose of annoying you, chances are that when you speak about the things you dont enjoy, you say how you feel.

For example:

"Damn, I HATE this fuucking teacher, she gives us all of this stupid homework."


"SH|T! It's Andersons, I really hate that little puussy of a kiss-up!"

The problem with these types of reactions is that when you direct enough focus on feelings of disappointment, you make those feelings even STRONGER!

The truth is, happiness starts in your mind.

If I feel delighted at having a cave to live in, then I am happy. If I don't feel absolutely delighted about living in a mansion, then I am unhappy.

Either way, no outside influence can control you subjective emotions...unless you LET THEM.

Buddha said, "Desire is infinite, the capacity to fulfill it isn't."

Very wise words.

For those of you who don't feel like contemplating over philosophical questions, I have devised a simple technique.

Whenever you feel unhappy or disappointed about something, think about what you would like to have happened instead. Then, say how you would LIKE to have felt, except put a "not" in front of it.

An Example:

"I really don’t absolutely LOVE this teacher, and we certainly aren't getting 50hrs of free time with her!"


"I cant believe Anderson's doesn't act like a confidant, self respecting man, I cant find it extremely easy to enjoy his company!"


Now, you can use this technique in your mind, or you can actually say this out loud with wild pizzazz and extravagance, everybody will understand your sarcasm. In fact, they will think you are witty, clever, funny, and extremely positively out looked!

If you don’t practice this exercise, then I will find it not as wonderful to gleefully skim through your not intelligent responses.



Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
I just smile all the time, the more I smile, the better I feel. I find it easier to block out negative things when I'm smiling. Besides when you smile at people and they smile back, it makes you feel good. It's a snowball effect. This is really how I've left my AFC days behind.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
Originally posted by fyzix
Besides when you smile at people and they smile back, it makes you feel good.
Thats called conditioned compassion, when you do something for others expecting a response back.

Unconditioned compassion is when you do something just because you want to do it.

Like if I help pick up your books in order to recieve a "thank you" then im doing conditioned compassion.

If I just pick up your books expecting no response from you(maybe you were out of the room) then thats just unconditioned compassion.

Two very different things, and I dont fully want to get into those aspects of least not yet...

Desire me

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
smile and act up beat, always talk in the positive.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2003
Reaction score
Nice tip! Will implement immedeatly.

hmm... might as well throw in a similar one.
If you have a tendency to easilly critisize and complain about other people. STOP IT. You are subcounsiously picking up their bad trait, or at best, making yourself miserable. Pick up a paper, write down all the good traits in as many persons as you know. Start with your closest friends and relatives. Review the list, whenever you feel like complaining about them again.

Now you're doing the oposite. You'll subcouncsiouly pick up their best traits, or at worst, become happy being with them :)


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
I have a tendency to always look the good side of things. And i mean ALWAYS. It could be annoying sometimes, but people ends up seeing you as a very positive and pleasant person!


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
I go to an all-guy school. Friday, we had a religion test-- it wasn't really hard, bu hardER than the usual religion test.

75% of people in the class were *****ing and moaning, saying "OMG look at all the questions" "I'm gonna bomb this" "Can we have bonus?" :rolleyes:

Then over the noise, I say "Let's complain a LITTLE more, ladies."
Then some guy threatens to beat me up after school. :D

SO my advice is to stay on dry land and NOT get sucked up into the ocean of negative energy out there.

People don't like negative people. Generally, if somebody feels sh!tty, they'll hang around with another person who feels sh!tty for sympathy and understanding. But when they stop feeling sh!tty, they'll move on and forget about their negative companion/leech.
Nothing is gained from negativity.

On the other hand, people enjoy being around positive people ALL the time. It is truly a self-fulfilling prophecy. Go against the grain and look at failure in a positive light.

Some people say Edison failed 10000 when he was trying to invent the light-bulb. Edison said that he found 10000 ways that didn't work. And he was right.

Emotions are infectious. If you're in a really neg mood, then others will be dragged down by you and dislike you. On the other hand, if you are in a real pos mood, you will elevate other people and they will like you more. Trust me, I did a 180.

Have a great day! :)