How do you deal with "it's too fast"?


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
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Third date, took her home, tried to escalate, then got the response in the topic. I didn't really try afterwards and she left after staying a little bit.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2007
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I'm a genuinely good guy. Others will say next her.

I'd say 'I totally appreciate that, it's kind of a litmus test for me to find out what kinda girl you actually are, and you've passed that test'.

You'll pound her by the fifth date.


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2014
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Houston, TX
Patience. That's an anti-slut have to get her hot enough to get past it. I had that Sauturday night, so I didn't say anything and went back to kissing her neck, ears, rubbing... Before long SHE took ME to the bedroom.

Just don't try to talk her out of it, and don't push. Just work her up til she wants it so bad she initiates the next escalation.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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Leashed said:
I'd say 'I totally appreciate that, it's kind of a litmus test for me to find out what kinda girl you actually are, and you've passed that test'.
This is absolutely genius! She's doing a power move on you, and you're turning it around 180°, saying she was proving herself to you :D

Did a similar thing once, girl said "I can't, I have a BF" and I said that's allright, I'm not offended, actually that proves you're a great person". One month later she dumped him for me... well nothing good came of that, but just that convo was very powerful.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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Here's a story for you OP:

I just dropped off a girl at the airport that I had previously met while on vacation in Mexico. She flew to me on her dime and stayed at my house. On the run-up to her visit she couldn't talk enough about the fact that she was a "good-girl". Looking at her FB photos you would probably tend to agree (conservative dress, lack of AWing, etc.) It took her one night for her to jump my bones and have some downright filthy sex.

Back home she had a guy that she was on a third date with. This guy was pursuing her, spending money on lavish dinners, and had even kissed her. She probably was giving him the same good-girl spiel. He probably thought he was gonna get a piece soon if he just hung in there and was probably happy he had met such a virtuous woman. On her end, she wanted to give this good guy a chance because she always likes the more exciting guys. She tried to trick her attraction mechanism but in the end she is a woman and attraction is not a choice. She was gonna slowly fade away now and probably leave this guy scratching his head as to what happened.

So you may lay this girl in 5 or 6 or 7 dates, but in the end which of the guys in the above story do you want to be?

Next this chick.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Well, I think it is too early to judge why she said 'It's going too fast' - one thing for sure is, she is MORE inclined on the side of NOT being a HO.

This is in the perspective of what are you LOOKING FOR? LTR or a ONS/Hump&Dump??

Depending on what you are looking for, this could be a huge POSTIVE or NEGATIVE.

My previous French partner of over 1 year, it took a many weeks before we got down to business. But those of you who knows I preach LTR, I don't escalate physically until the woman I am with proves to me that she is worth my emotional and physical investment (read Anti-Dump's Machine, but this was before I even knew his postings existed).

My strategy works for high quality women and with LTR strategy in mind. Making the woman wait for it drives them insane, and when it is time to harvest the ripen fruit, there is zero b!tch shield left.

However, if are a horn dog and just want a HO - well, this woman you are with is probably NOT one. You have an uphill battle ahead of you.

If you are a decent man - let her go and don't screw with her emotionality (then another guy like us here have to deal with your aftermath). There's plenty of HOs out there that will give you the balls deep experience on the 1st or 2nd date (from what I read, I wouldn't know personally).

Treat women fairly and they will respect you back (most of the time, anyways LOL....). I personally hate to collect karma - don't use people or lead them on (aka 'Player') if you don't need to.

Be well.



Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
I tend to side on YOUR sexual value and her interest in you, if she knows you have options, she will use her greatest weapon: vag to lure you in. If she shows resistance than it's more about her self image nothing to do if she's a ho or not, but like most posters on here mention do you think brad pitt would of got resistance??

As gotED said you can make argument about her quality as a women and what YOUR looking for.

My own personal story: had a girl few years back who was resistant on two hang out occasions, wasn't until I took her on a legit date that she finally gave it up. Thus waiting is more self image than ho/not ho, found out she slept with a buddy of mine few months back.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
GotED? said:
Well, I think it is too early to judge why she said 'It's going too fast' - one thing for sure is, she is MORE inclined on the side of NOT being a HO.

This is in the perspective of what are you LOOKING FOR? LTR or a ONS/Hump&Dump??

Depending on what you are looking for, this could be a huge POSTIVE or NEGATIVE.

My previous French partner of over 1 year, it took a many weeks before we got down to business. But those of you who knows I preach LTR, I don't escalate physically until the woman I am with proves to me that she is worth my emotional and physical investment (read Anti-Dump's Machine, but this was before I even knew his postings existed).

My strategy works for high quality women and with LTR strategy in mind. Making the woman wait for it drives them insane, and when it is time to harvest the ripen fruit, there is zero b!tch shield left.

However, if are a horn dog and just want a HO - well, this woman you are with is probably NOT one. You have an uphill battle ahead of you.

If you are a decent man - let her go and don't screw with her emotionality (then another guy like us here have to deal with your aftermath). There's plenty of HOs out there that will give you the balls deep experience on the 1st or 2nd date (from what I read, I wouldn't know personally).

Treat women fairly and they will respect you back (most of the time, anyways LOL....). I personally hate to collect karma - don't use people or lead them on (aka 'Player') if you don't need to.

Be well.

:rockon: :rockon: :rockon:


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
GotED? said:
Well, I think it is too early to judge why she said 'It's going too fast' - one thing for sure is, she is MORE inclined on the side of NOT being a HO.

This is in the perspective of what are you LOOKING FOR? LTR or a ONS/Hump&Dump??

Depending on what you are looking for, this could be a huge POSTIVE or NEGATIVE.

My previous French partner of over 1 year, it took a many weeks before we got down to business. But those of you who knows I preach LTR, I don't escalate physically until the woman I am with proves to me that she is worth my emotional and physical investment (read Anti-Dump's Machine, but this was before I even knew his postings existed).

My strategy works for high quality women and with LTR strategy in mind. Making the woman wait for it drives them insane, and when it is time to harvest the ripen fruit, there is zero b!tch shield left.

However, if are a horn dog and just want a HO - well, this woman you are with is probably NOT one. You have an uphill battle ahead of you.

If you are a decent man - let her go and don't screw with her emotionality (then another guy like us here have to deal with your aftermath). There's plenty of HOs out there that will give you the balls deep experience on the 1st or 2nd date (from what I read, I wouldn't know personally).

Treat women fairly and they will respect you back (most of the time, anyways LOL....). I personally hate to collect karma - don't use people or lead them on (aka 'Player') if you don't need to.

Be well.

OK. So if the girl is LTR material, you make her wait. Do you even kino?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
LeonSK said:
OK. So if the girl is LTR material, you make her wait. Do you even kino?

Seriously at this point, I don't think you can follow my tactics because you already showed you want to phuck her and she's shot you down. To do what I do, you have to show the woman you are somewhat IMMUNE to her body and secks, and need her to validate herself that she is GOOD ENOUGH for you first before moving forward.

At your stage, you - just like most guys on here, just wanted puzzy and she KNOWS it. In her mind (and yours, that's why you are posting here LOL), your frame is already somewhat LOST because now she controls the GAME, d!ck-tating (no pun intended, but really... YES) really when she's going to give it up.

I offer you NO advice because I have no expertise pushing women for secks early on.

I am sure there will be plenty of other DJ's here who will tell you how to proceed in the next few follow-on posts.

Good luck.



Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
to fast means she is not that attracted too you at all... you can try too use verbal game but usually its already too late.. she is turned off by your sexual advances ... when a girl likes you she wants you too F her brains out not go