How do we sell to the right customer?


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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Each of us is unique, with different physical characteristics, abilities, and backgrounds. Some are tall, some are short; some have thick hair, while others are bald; some have sculpted muscles, and some are more fleshy. Some are successful and wealthy, while others are famous and enjoy high social status. This diversity makes us special and unique.

Just as a company must identify the right market for its products, we too must understand what our "ideal market" is. It makes no sense to try to sell a Ferrari to the middle class, just as it makes no sense to propose a Fiat Panda to the wealthy. Everyone has their own target audience.

Having a quality product—namely, ourselves—is not enough. We must also know how to "sell" ourselves in the right way and reach the appropriate customers. Otherwise, even if we are an excellent "product," we risk not finding the success we deserve and may end up living an unhappy life.
The key is to understand our qualities, strengths, and "added value." Only by doing this can we choose the best "sales" strategy and identify the market that suits us best.

Some have been fortunate enough to grow up in a favorable environment with few difficulties and a lot of positive feedback. For others, however, the road has been harder, and they have had to fight to achieve what others have naturally.

I've personally see people perfectly fit into a career and life, like tailor would fit clothes to you. That was kinda incredible to see. Those people worked in their system. So there might be a system for us too. But in this society, it's hard to find other people to TRULY help on identify this.
We might want to do it, but how?