How do u get chicks to notice u at all??iaint white or black im latin and fat


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
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With so much to compete do u stands out from the do u offer anything when its just you and you dont have anything other than yourself. Seems like all *****es are shallow, and superfical, the hot ones anyway, u can always bang a nerd, but fuc settling for less.

What i guess i'm trying to say is how do you get girls to like u when u know they've come to like a certain class of men. And why do women have types....i like all women as long as their fine in some way to me...and is being somewhat overweight that much of a hinderance...wait it is self esteem is in the crapper...Oh ima virgin...theres goes my self confidence. how can i gain experience when i cant even get a chance with the girls i so long for.....why do some guys want virgins but women look at male virgins as a loser ,or oh nobody's ever fucd u. are u gay??? CAn u see how f'ed up my head is from reading my babble???? HELP i really think i can never have a woman:(


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2004
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well I am latin too, I don't think that has anything to do with success.

Have you read the dj bible?..if no, then do it. I won't be there to help you when your appoarching her.

Also use your fat as advantage. "Hey, stop looking at me like that. Your make me feel like a sex object." She will laugh her ass off and you be ****y and funny. Looks have nothing to do with it. It all about personality. If you don't believe me then just try it out.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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Personality is important, but looks DO matter. An average looking guy with a smooth personality can get laid by the best of them, but he will have a higher rejection rate then a guy who takes care of himself. The worse off you are in the looks department, the more you have to try.

Why are you fat? Start exercising and eating healthy. If you don't give a damn about your own body, why should some b!tch give hers over to you? It's not just the body fat that's a turn off to women. Most out of shape people have either a lazy, or depressed outlook on life. What kind of a girl wants to be around a guy that can't even be motivated to look out for his own health? You said it yourself "fuc settling for less", why would you expect a broad to do any different? You have to put in the effort. All those dimes you see and want to sleep with eat healthy and go to the gym everyday just to get us to notice them.

As for confidence, you determine your own level of confidence. The best way to build confidence is to ignore any negative experiances, ignore every self-doubt you have, and always think positive. Everytime you do have a positive experiance, save it, and remember it when sh!t doesn't go right. I think it was Gio who wrote this, but your attitude should always be "nothing I can't handle". And even tho you may be out of shape at the moment, always carry yourself like you're a 10. That means dress well, always look your best. Have the right attitude.

Read the bible, and educate yourself further.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2004
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Their are a couple of things you can do. First off, you need to change your attitude. After looking at your posts, you obviously have a bad outlook on life. You can't pull hoes with that kind of attitude. For help with changing your attitude I would suggest reading the DJ BIBLE. There is a link for it at the top of every page. Truthfully, the best thing that this site has to offer is bible.

After changing your attitude, you should start working out. This will help you gain confidence and lose some of those pounds. Check out the Health and Fitness section, there is a sticky on cutting up.

The most important thing I can tell you, is that a woman will NOT bring you happiness.

Good Luck.

DJoystick DJango

Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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SOL-Trois (a.k.a. TERRA)
3 words - READ THE DJ-BIBLE !

You seriously need to start at square 1 - read the DJ Bible !

Originally posted by Thanos
... u know they've come to like a certain class of men...
Nope, they just men with any kind of class - so get some class.
You want them to like you? why should they ? You dont like you !

Originally posted by Thanos
... u can always bang a nerd, but fuc settling for less...
Well can you now? - (bang that is) You must learn to walk before you can run ! So get off your crawling knees and learn the skills - Read the DJ Bible !

If you really really really mean what you say about want help with your situation - you have come to the right place.

Put your mind to it, change your looser attitude, you shall be virgin no more - come xmas !

and oh... did I remember to write - Read The DJ Bible

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
It's obvious you have confidence issues and wanna lose weight just do you.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
It's simple. Women see you as a fat Latino guy because that's all you are offering them. If that's how you see yourself, what more could you give besides that?

Now, for the weight issue. That is something you can do something about. But you have not taken the initiative to do something about it. You haven't proven that you can take care of yourself and your controlable physical aspects, how could you take care of her? If it was a peg leg, then sure, but this is fat that you packed on through fatty foods we're talking about. Getting in shape is important, do not think that personality is all that matters. You don't have to look like Brad Pitt, you just have to look like you can take care of yourself and your life.

Beyond all that, you lack the confidence of a MAN who can do what he wants. You don't seem to think that the world is for your taking. You need to know what you want and know how to get it. Confidence creates an ungodly aura of attraction. It attracts people. It makes people want to get close to you. It makes them feel like being in your presence is one of the greatest things ever. They seem so insync when you're around. You are so sure of yourself that others become sure in you and themselves as well.

Jesus man, all you have to do is do something about the things you can control. Let the women come after. It's attraction afterall, not locked-on pursuit.

California Love

Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
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The Bay Area
Have some skills, engage in hobbies, develop traits that you are inclined to excel in. Also, drink green tea my friend. It's a thermogenic, meaning it heats up the body, burning calories, and it also reduces cortisol, the stress hormone u develop thats has a tendency to increase fat storage.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by NRM
It's simple. Women see you as a fat Latino guy because that's all you are offering them. If that's how you see yourself, what more could you give besides that?

Now, for the weight issue. That is something you can do something about. But you have not taken the initiative to do something about it. You haven't proven that you can take care of yourself and your controlable physical aspects, how could you take care of her? If it was a peg leg, then sure, but this is fat that you packed on through fatty foods we're talking about. Getting in shape is important, do not think that personality is all that matters. You don't have to look like Brad Pitt, you just have to look like you can take care of yourself and your life.

Beyond all that, you lack the confidence of a MAN who can do what he wants. You don't seem to think that the world is for your taking. You need to know what you want and know how to get it. Confidence creates an ungodly aura of attraction. It attracts people. It makes people want to get close to you. It makes them feel like being in your presence is one of the greatest things ever. They seem so insync when you're around. You are so sure of yourself that others become sure in you and themselves as well.

Jesus man, all you have to do is do something about the things you can control. Let the women come after. It's attraction afterall, not locked-on pursuit.

On point and let me add:

You must be wanting to date white chicks or something. Cause I've seen some fat assed fat boy latin dudes with fine let me re-state that ....super fine latin babes...I've always wondered about that....and these girls would be tiny where the dudes were like fat joe or big pun's size...

I do know that very few white girls your age will like a over weight lover in the house, but what about the latina babes?

Too me it seems that the fools who had potential. Potential as in a good job and carreer and a nice car got those babes.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Player_Supreme you ba$tard you stole my thunder ! :D

i was thinking Big Pun and Fat Joe from the moment i saw the thread heading out on the main DJ forum... i was like WTF

you should go buy Big Puns album i forget the name i got it somewhere here and theres an intro before the song " i'm not a player i just crush alot " of these 2 b*tches he is f^cking at the same time, some funny $hit they start fighting over who can suck his d^ck. and he has to pull them apart and tell each b*tch which position to take so the 3 some will work.....

Fat Guys can score but you got to have confidence and act like a pimp

Lost In Translation


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Player_Supreme
On point and let me add:

You must be wanting to date white chicks or something. Cause I've seen some fat assed fat boy latin dudes with fine let me re-state that ....super fine latin babes...I've always wondered about that....and these girls would be tiny where the dudes were like fat joe or big pun's size...
Yeah, I see that a LOT here in L.A. too! But then these guys are usually pretty confident too. In fact, they have the machismo thing goin' on.

Having stated that, I must add that being at least somewhat in shape will help.

L.A. is paradise for a confident, physically toned latin guy.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2004
Reaction score
just do it

I saw an intrview with Harrison Ford and an actor asked "How did you stay so youthful and in good shape for so long?" He was 58 at the time and looked like a very very healthy late 30's. He looked at her as if she was stupid, shrugged and said "Diet and exercise"

I am 37 and have a biological age of 29 because I lift weights 3 times a week and do aerobic exercise 3 times a week. Nike it mate, just fix it. If you look better your confidence WILL improve along with it, you wont be able to help it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
If you think you arent pulling the women like a steam-train because you are slightly over-weight. why dont you just go on a diet and exercise for a few months. you will be amazed at how much andhow quick you can lose weight when you really want to.

The Bartender

Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Tips to get noticed....

Sit down, lean back, space your arms and legs out, and slyly smirck at a girl that you got your eye on. The follow up is all you tho.