How Do I...?

Doe Boii

Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
D-town (DALLAS), Texas
I've read many articles and looked up countless threads and still can't find this's like i know HOW to act around women, how to act toward women but the art of conversation is not my plus...i can converse with men cuz we as dudes have WAAAYY more in common, but communicating across the sex board (haha sex board) is harder.

my problem is i dont know how to talk to NEW i have no clue. Everytime i consider even talking to a new girl there's that feeling that im interrupting her, or annoyin her or somethin.
how do i start convo's w/ new girls?
how do i get over shyness?
how do i make a girl want to talk to me?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
When you open a girl you mean, is that when you feel like your annoying her, I think thats normal idk, but make it fun, laugh alot, it will catch on, it's not really what you say but body language and how you say it. False takeaways work like magic, just turn like your looking for somebody for a few seconds, turn your whole body. As for shyness, go out one day and get denied 10 times, if you feel like your getting good, screw it up on purpose, you wont feel emaressed again, a variation of that is open with something degrading to yourself to put you way out of your comfort zone so approaching in normal conditions is not even something to think about anymore. Good openers iv'e used are "a friend's gf is cheating on him with another friend of yours, should you say anything?", and kino openers like stealing a hat or something and letting her jump around on you for it, carefull to make sure you do it playfully or else you may have trouble then lol.


Don Juan
May 21, 2007
Reaction score
Talk to her like you would talk to a man minus the things she may not be interested in.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
put less focus on her. you said that you feel like you're annoying her. you really shouldn't be worrying about that. if simply talking to her annoys her than shes a ***** and you don't wanna be with her.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
FL, Tampa bay
how do i start convo's w/ new girls?
how do i get over shyness?
how do i make a girl want to talk to me?
Just go up talk to them, strike up any conversation that they might find interesting.

Like anything else, practice , practice, just talk talk talk to everyone, not just girls that you find attractive, smalltalk to the old lady that is taking a promenade in the park, the cashier, everyone.

Become interesting (join clubs, read up on fashion, news whatever), start to go out, get in shape, take care of your appearance, be friendly, thought, not a doormat.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
Story tell, let them into a little chapter of how fun your life is
If your life isnt fun.. make it up!
Make it believable.. but make it up~

eXclu$ive $wAggA

Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
yaya what those guys said is all fine and dandy but only to a certain extent. talking to girls like any other person will only get you so far if you would like to progress with the female. your main goals you should keep in mind are having fun, gaining experience (taking time to analyze your situation with a broad and see where you need to step up your game) and ultimately fvcking her or getting into a relationship or in most cases both.

the last one can only be obtained if you ask questions such as "whats your number?" "when we gonna hang out?" "do you have a boyfriend?" "are you looking for a boyfriend?" "what are you looking for?" "when we gonna fvck?" "where is this going?" etc. you gotta let it be known subconciously that your interested in her so dont just come out and say what your heart feels. give her clues that you wanna progress with her. if you treat her as just a pal for too long she will get the idea that you only liker her as a "friend" girls can be in the LJBF zone too. trust me. thats what i do with all my white girl friends. use them as social proof

also you gotta tell them what you are looking for. know what you want. if you dont want a commitment tell them from the get go. if you want an LTR let it be known.

eXclu$ive $wAggA

Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Doe Boii said:

my problem is i dont know how to talk to NEW i have no clue. Everytime i consider even talking to a new girl there's that feeling that im interrupting her, or annoyin her or somethin.
how do i start convo's w/ new girls?
how do i get over shyness?
how do i make a girl want to talk to me?
1. BE A MUTHAFVCKIN MAN AND STEP THE **** UP TO THE PLATE MUTHAFVCKA. Approaching girls is a MUST if you wanna be sucessfull with them. they WILL NOT come up to you.

2. simply by thinking of you and only you. if you find yourself thinking about what others think you gotta eliminate those thoughts and make YOUR main goal on making YOURSELF happy. just lighten up and let go man. you arent sh!t from what it sounds like on your post. so just realize that your a looser and accept it. then you will have NOTHING to lose. just go out there and have a good time. and read my post above this one lol.

3. talk to them first :)

GL!! :cool:

Doe Boii

Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
D-town (DALLAS), Texas
eXclu$ive $wAggA said:
1. BE A MUTHAFVCKIN MAN AND STEP THE **** UP TO THE PLATE MUTHAFVCKA. Approaching girls is a MUST if you wanna be sucessfull with them. they WILL NOT come up to you.

2. simply by thinking of you and only you. if you find yourself thinking about what others think you gotta eliminate those thoughts and make YOUR main goal on making YOURSELF happy. just lighten up and let go man. you arent sh!t from what it sounds like on your post. so just realize that your a looser and accept it. then you will have NOTHING to lose. just go out there and have a good time. and read my post above this one lol.

3. talk to them first :)

GL!! :cool:
You know what thanks that is some good ass advice...specially above but from everyone...just lose the self-image and start on self-happiness, F*** what people think, and try to get pVssy