How do i recover this situation?

321 I'm The Bomb

Don Juan
Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Alright guys I have been seeing a girl as a "close" friend for a while now. At first I was aloof and always seeming busy which seemed to drive her wild as she kept calling and texting me to hook up for tea and so on. Problem was as time went by I made what I now see from reading this site, is a cradinal error, I let my emotions get in the way and focused in on her and tried to read into every signal she gave me. Sure enough she backed away and things have gone cold. Anyway, I have backed away and not called and am trying to get the mystery back- my question is; Is it too late? Once the mistake is made and you have shown a weakness can you bounce back? My one advantage is that I can see my error and know what to fix but can it be done? Thanks guys.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Once she has gone cold, its very hard to warm her up to the new you, but not impossible.

You got oneitis, go find other women to date, and be buzy with your hobbies and build your body etc..... Once she sees that you are buzy with your life and beautiful women and not paying enough attension to her, she might change her mind because your VALUE has gone up. BUT DON'T COUNT ON IT. Usually once a friend always a friend.

321 I'm The Bomb

Don Juan
Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
I forgot to mention I did have sex with this girl a few times, does this make the situation any different?

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
DJDamage i agree 100%

" yes yes listen to obi wan you must " - Yoda


Lost In Translation


Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“First off - she is just another hor who has opened her legs to another man - you are no one special - and there are no "Greatest" to hors - you are just the next pimp in line!!! “


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys, im not trying to jack this thread, but i relate to this. The chick i have been posting about and I have a similar relationship.

Although we have not had sex, like i said, she has dropped bigtime signals here and there, and even though she says she wants us to have a friendship, i can feel the sexual tension between us(ie. not what she SAYS, WHAT SHE DOES). We HAVE kissed before, (awhile back) and it was wicked. Basically i am going to turn up my game a bit to remind her that i am still a sex freak and keep it rolling from there.

In my personal experience, im not sure i can think of a female 'friend' that i have not at least kissed, and most of them that i kept in regular contact with, i have slept with. I have also had the distinct advantage of having a female friend who, for some wierd reason, decided to give up all of womens' secrets to me. Too bad we guys cant have a notepad handy huh?

Not sure how much it relates, but in all honesty, i dont think you are done. Women are more likely to be a little more picky with who they sleep with, and if you are at ALL attractive to her, all you need to do is capitalize on that. Follow the bible, but also gauge your progress and adjust to suit. Thats what im doing ;) Just my .02 :)

321 I'm The Bomb

Don Juan
Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hey ****y Dude, thanks for the advice and confidence boost. I think I'll give the DJ bible another good read and like you say adjust my game to suit. I think it's vital that I don't focus on her too much and keep my options open a little even though I do really like the girl.