How do i recognize attraction ?

Demon Lord

Don Juan
May 6, 2008
Reaction score
I decided to change my mind on women and the way they think or act...
But i must say that i am really clueless when it comes to attraction.
Women are a real mystery to me. I cannot decipher their words or their actions and i miss opportunities.

Why will they seldom ask directly 4 what they want ? And how do i get past this little obstacle to be more happy with my (sex) life?:cry:


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Make no mistake about it.

When a girl is attracted to you, she will make it KNOWN.

The eyes never lie.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Demon Lord said:
I decided to change my mind on women and the way they think or act...
But i must say that i am really clueless when it comes to attraction.
Women are a real mystery to me. I cannot decipher their words or their actions and i miss opportunities.

Why will they seldom ask directly 4 what they want ? And how do i get past this little obstacle to be more happy with my (sex) life?:cry:

Attraction is somewhat of a generalized word.
In that, it encompasses different things that we find attractive.

Attraction for simplicity's sake, for our purposes, is mainly that she finds you physically attractive AND Sexually attractive.
However, they are to varying degrees.
Some women may find you sexy but not necessarily physically handsome.
And in some cases, a woman finds a man handsome, but not as sexy to her.

She may also find you very intellectually sexy as well.

We can start to see that for most women, it is your masculine essence, and your character traits that really turn her on.Body language, tone of voice, mannerisms, eye contact, all these things are what she is observing about you.
If you dress well, if you take pride in your appearance, what cologne you wear, what hobbies and what is your taste in food, all these things and more are what she looks at to find out who you really are.
and she is often NOT looking for you to have the SAME EXACT tastes and opinions on EVERYTHING exactly as hers.

She wants you to be different.
And certainly have something to offer her to learn, grow, enjoy, and investigate.

if you can get what you want, believe in yourself, are on a clear path in life, never stop learning and growing, arehonest with yourself, are sincere with people, are comfortable with your vulnerabilities, and more...

It is your masculine Core and your character and the Integrity of that charcater that really sparks that attraction..

It is important to not 'box' in how women feel. It is important to let a woman feel whatever it is she feels, and experiences.
Try not to place so many 'rules' on how you believe she is supposed to feel or act or whatever. Be open to what she DOES feel for you, and also if she DOESNT feel anything towards you.

The one thing that Men must keep in mind that women find masculinity attractive. A woman doesnt really want to relate initmately with a man who doesnt demonstrate his natural masculine qualities.
In that, when interacting with a woman, dont try to identify with her like a woman. Keep your identity and your masculine essence. Dont 'give' it away when in her presence.
A lot of guys lose it , they become nervous and insecure, and have self doubt. They become initmidated and place too much importace on the interaction. They try to impress her, supplicate, be overly accomodating, seek her approval..all are attraction KILLERS.

Whatever those things are, they really are not going to serve you in the sexual male/female dynamic.
Be comfortable in your own skin.
And dont look for her approval of you.
Keep your identity and your values at all times. Keep your composure. Stay present with her. Dont be imtimidated by her. And dont put her above you.
Try to actually get to know her if you are interested in her. And maintain your self esteem... she cannot take that away from you.

Women will seldom ASK for what they want.
Especially in the early stages.
They are observing you.
They are watching to see how YOU interact with her, and if you have the confidence to handle her, and if you have to be blunt and ask for what you want,or be blunt and tell her that you dont appreciate being disrespected, that you have the confidence to do it. For most women, its a turn on.
They dont want to be asked for 'permission' to kiss her for example. Or to touch her arm, or hold her hand. They expect a man to already have that natural ability in him.
If you dont feel comfortable touching her, then youre going to have problems.

But you cannot expect a woman to LEAD the interaction when you two first meet.
She will give opportunities, she will leave space for you to fill in the conversation, and if she's really attracted to you, she will most likely give you compliments, touch you, get closer to you, ask you questions about yourself, etc. This is her way of letting you know that you are getting to her, and that does take you a little more seriously than other guys she's met.

So dont expect a woman to do the Man's work FOR YOU.

Most women have certain rules. And most of it has to do with a man's level of confidence in himself. So they will not really pay attention to men who dont have the guts to talk to them and eventually ask them for their number and out on a date.
They feel if that man is so unconfident, that this is a man they wont be interested in.
A lot of women wil simply not pay attention to men who dont have a certain level of confidence.
It's the basic requirement for most women to feel attraction to.

Women who are attracted to you will let you create opportunities to get to know them better, and women who are definitely interested in you will create thier opportunities to get to know you and most importantly go out of their way to BE with YOU.

Respect their efforts. Honor and appreciate how the woman relates to you.

All women have basic similarities, but each woman has her own unique life experience and uniques way of showing you her affection.

Let her be free to express herself to you the way she likes.

Cherish whatever it is she gives to you...because it is a GIFT.

You are not Entitled to it.

And she is NOT Obligated to give you her body, love, affection, support or anything.

Always keep that in mind.
She doesnt HAVE to do anything for you.
So when she does...appreciate it , honor it, respect it, and cherish it.

Bottom line, in order to connect sexually with a woman, you must be comfortable with YOUR sexuality.
Be relaxed.
Be comfortable.
Be sincere
Be aligned with your sexual desires.
She will appreciate it.
If you arent comfortable with your sexuality, and your desires, she wont be as willing to trust you with hers
How do you project your sexuality?
Number one, be OK with your sexual desire for women.Dont feel ashamed about it. And feel comfortable with her as a woman, and that means with HER sexuality and her desire for sex as well.
Connect with her with your body, first and foremost, not with logical explanations of how cool you are, what you own, or what you can buy for her.
Keep eye contact. And keep your eye contact cool, and appreciative of WHO she is as a WOMAN. Not a piece of meat.
She feels more desire for you, when YOU are sexually attracted to HER, not just her body. She may fool herself sometimes, but mostly all women want to be found desireable for WHO they are, not just their private parts.

I hope this helps a little.
Read the Book of Pook too.
Focus on your level of Masculinity first and foremost. Above all else.
Concentrate on what you want in life. And develop the confidence and faith in yourself to go out and get what you want.
Make sure you stay in touch with your dreams, passions, ambitions and goals in life.
And look deep into your belief system and get honest and ask yourself if your self limiting beliefs are helping you, or actually hindering you....
if so, then do what you can to get rid of them and replace them with positive and helpful ones.

good luck


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
personally i go for the gut feeling if you get the feeling a girl likes you its more than likely she does, also look for her maintaining eye contact, flicking their hair, maintaining close proximity to you, also flirting a lot generally mean they are attracted to you,although they could be a sunshine girl ( a girl who flirts to gain something for herself )

women wont build on this attraction though, they may feel attraction but you have got to make your move and be the alpha male which in turn will make them feel more attracted to you.

On the whole if you get the feeling a woman is attracted to you, assume she does, she does 9 times out of 10


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Daddy The Pimp said:
And when i girl is attracted to you , im sure you can see it .
dude the whole point of the post was that the guy could not recognize attraction, he needs to know these things he could of missed many many opportunities!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
I would also recommend starting out with the David DeAngelo stuff.
There is a lot of good stuff there.

For me personally, I think beginning on one's beleif system is the first step.
The Inner Game first route will be the more fruitful one.
Because it focuses on long range and long term durable success.
In other words, once you've gotten rid of a self limiting belief, you dont have to deal with it anymore , no more 'practice' or calibrating or whatever. It's gone. And you never have to revisit those things again. And you can simply be more relaxed, have fun, and be your best Self during an interaction.