How do i become friends with other guys(no homo) n enter their social circles?


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
Wats Gud people.

Title says it all, but basically how can i become friends with other guys in my school, like the alphas n the party dogs? N how do i basically socialize with other do i ask for their contact info, or like chill with them.

Btw ive had a ****tty first impression, but ive become more of an alpha n better in ma game.

So keep that in mind bruthas.



Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
does everyone in your school talk like you? (eg , like ,so ,ma game, bruthas)
if those guys you want to be friends use the same type of language ,keep going.

Find common ground, classes, sports, music.
go to the same places they go to

best way is to just become a cool person your self and the people around you will recongnise that, if you get cool enough they you will definitely meet some of them. (you dont have to make friends with them straight away , make friends with some decent people in their circle and the ball will roll itself)


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
BananaSmile said:
does everyone in your school talk like you? (eg , like ,so ,ma game, bruthas)
if those guys you want to be friends use the same type of language ,keep going.

Find common ground, classes, sports, music.
go to the same places they go to

best way is to just become a cool person your self and the people around you will recongnise that, if you get cool enough they you will definitely meet some of them. (you dont have to make friends with them straight away , make friends with some decent people in their circle and the ball will roll itself)

Bro i knwo but, the problem is dat if i try to do wat they do or try to get close to them it looks desperate n because of my friest impression i dnt got the proper social status nawmean?

N becoming cool isnt easy dawg


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
alright yo it's pretty simple
in a lot of aspects kind of think of them like girls. you want to talk to them/say hi to them on occasion, but don't go over to the group of friends and say wassup every time you see them. give them little tastes here and there. and when your starting out, after you make a good joke or comment, get the fuk out of there, so that you leave with a good impression (once your really good friends with people, it won't matter if you make the most stupid ass comment, you'll still be their friend/they'll respect you)

Really the whole point of the above stuff is to get them to respect you. You leave on a good note, they'll respect you because you're cool and funny. If you're good at a sport, show it off, but not too much, being really ****y makes you look like a duche. Also, so much of the respect you get from other guys comes from acting like a true man. If you've got something to add to the conversation, fuking say it, and don't whisper it, but make sure they damn well hear you.

Another point: Act like you've got your own radical life/kind of like you don't give a fuk if they like you or not. Part of getting the respect is acting independent. Act like you've got stuff to do and you're just hanging out with them in the mean time. Be ****y..but once again, don't over due it.

Also, do whatever you can to get your name heard. And by this, I mean do crazy **** that people will tell others about. For instance, if all these people are trippen about going off of a jump on a bike, take the leap of faith and do the jump. Then they'll be talkign about you and saying "Oh ****, did you hear what AlexLefty did!!" Do crazy tricks, learn some dance moves, go to school drunk, piss off one of your teachers etc.

Trust me man, it's all about getting the guys RESPECT. All of these things should help you out. Last year, I was a dumb lil **** head that knew a lot of people but didn't have really any friends or wasn't in a group. This year however, I worked myself up and gained the respect of the people in the group I wanted to be in. Now, I'm a hit in the group. (And yes I have gone to school drunk before)

So I havn't had time to look this over again because I'm tired and am going to bed now, so mind the errors.
Good luck

Black Dog

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
AlexLefty said:
alright yo it's pretty simple

blah blah blah
AlexLefty...really good advice. I have a lotta problems with that...I'm pretty much introverted at heart, I'm pretty independent & don't mind being alone, but yea. I've seen from experience you get respect from people (not just girls) from just being yourself, going all out. --i mean your DJ self of course--


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
using English like that makes me want to kill a kitten.