How can I raise my son (if I had one) to be a DJ?


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
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Driving through the city around the time school lets out, and seeing high school guys that are already DJs and had fine honeys all over them got me thinking. If I ever do have kids, and I have a son, how do I raise him to avoid approach anxiety and all the other bullsh t we're faced with?

There are some guys that lost there virginity at the age of 14 and hook up with girls easily ever since. There has to be a childhood switch that's either flipped or not flipped. I'm thinking it's right around the time of puberty.

What do you think?


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
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Limited tv time.
Limited internet time.
Long outdoor activities.
Limited video games time.
Long family oriented activities.
It would help if you raised him free of any type of dogma,religion, encarcerations and superstition.

Individualism > collective.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2009
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Tiguere said:
Limited tv time.
Limited internet time.
Long outdoor activities.
Limited video games time.
Long family oriented activities.
It would help if you raised him free of any type of dogma,religion, encarcerations and superstition.

Individualism > collective.
I do NOT agree with some of those


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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YT827 said:
Driving through the city around the time school lets out, and seeing high school guys that are already DJs and had fine honeys all over them got me thinking. If I ever do have kids, and I have a son, how do I raise him to avoid approach anxiety and all the other bullsh t we're faced with?

There are some guys that lost there virginity at the age of 14 and hook up with girls easily ever since. There has to be a childhood switch that's either flipped or not flipped. I'm thinking it's right around the time of puberty.

What do you think?
No "fine honeys' in American high schools circa 2010. Just look around. Most are fatties. I have yet to see a teenage boy that is a DJ on this earth. Never have and never will.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
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BigJimbo said:
No "fine honeys' in American high schools circa 2010. Just look around. Most are fatties. I have yet to see a teenage boy that is a DJ on this earth. Never have and never will.
DJ in terms of getting girls. Not being a real man and having dignity...all that other stuff.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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BigJimbo said:
No "fine honeys' in American high schools circa 2010. Just look around. Most are fatties.
Do you live in the US? Sure, there are a lot of fat ones, but there are many great looking ones too. I live near a major university, and I see tons of them every time I leave my apartment. There were lots of attractive girls in my high school too.

I think the biggest factor is parenting. If you suck as a parent your kid will suck too. He'll end up like the people in this thread (I'm one of them):


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
it isn't just parenting that is a factor.
it is also your child's personality.
some people are introverts while others are extroverts.
extoverted people are better at meeting and talking to new people in new settings and are more outgoing.
if your kid is shy, you can try every parenting idea in the book, and it might help bring them out of their shell a little, but it won't change their entire personality just because you wish it to.

trust me, i have 2 teenage sons who are night and day, and my parenting routine is usually the same with them. there are times when my parenting style has to differ because of their different personalities but i try to go with whatever works best.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
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Just beyond reach
Doin it right now

1. Make a baby with a hot chick
2. Lead by example
3. The rest is up to him


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
in adidtion to Penkitten...
it also depends on their friends - this will have a massive impact on what/how they do socially and thier self-esteem and lots more ...etc

encourage them to be assertive and have a strong sense of self (able to stand up for themselves)

(some) sports seems to be good ingrediant (eg (american) football)
-not wimpish
-sport is a socail event
-he kid could want to get into the gym fairly early (e.g.16/17) which would give them a massive advantage
-the "jocks" are oftem more popular and socially sucessful at school age

they should also be good academicalyl as well => sucess later in life

you have to guide and give advice, not be overbearing
lost there virginity at the age of 14
this is too early to have many of us were mature enougth at this age to deal with it ?


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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YT827 said:
how do I raise him to avoid approach anxiety and all the other bullsh t we're faced with?
Lead by example. If you got big thing going in your life, it will show, and your kids look up to you at a young age. Give them something positive to look at.

YT827 said:
There are some guys that lost there virginity at the age of 14
I'm actually going to say that isn't necessarily a good thing. If you lower your standards enough, of course you can get laid often...but have you really accomplished something? I think our goal here on these boards isn't to attract mentally unstable, possibly drug-addicted or alcoholic girls (seriously, do you really think a girl who gives it up at 14 is girlfriend material? maybe pump and dump material, but nothing long term), but quality girls.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2010
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Lodz, Poland
Oh boy, I could write a book about this...

First of all, not all people should have children - and this is not some stupid 'weak people shouldn't have children because the children will be weak as well and so society will be weak' argument - I mean, it is in the best interest of the child that some people not have children.

Many people are absolute **** at parenting. The whole 'some people are introverts and others extroverts' argument is true only to a degree:

Why is a kid an introvert? Could it be because he's fat and stays in to avoid being laughed at? Why is he fat, then? A kid is a kid, sure he's gonna eat as much crappy food as you let him, because to him, it tastes good. Yet some people have the nerve to actually say 'Well, I don't feed healthy food to my kid, because he/she refuses to eat it'! REALLY?? :cuss:

Wy else can a kid be an introvert? Maybe because nobody likes him? So why does nobody like him? Because he has no self-esteem? OK, but why? Could it be because mommy and daddy keep dumping their own **** on their kid? Yest some people say, 'I'm not perfect, I have problems too, and I sometimes take them out on kid' Well if that's the case, YOU SHOULDN"T BE A PARENT! :cuss:

Seriously, the guy who talked about meeting that 15-year old chick through Facebook and describing the household she lived in, does anybody think that that girl should be grateful because she was given the 'gift' of life by her parents?

Raising a kid the right way is tough, and most people don't have the chops. There are things you have to force a kid to do, bathing, brushing their teeth, eating right, etc. One of these things is sometimes forcing a kid to go out and socialize with other kids, even if it means he hates you at the time - he only hates you because he doesn't the benefit of retrospect like you do, so he doesn't not that if he spends his whole childhood and teens in front of that ****ing computer, he'll be miserable later on. By the way, going to church is NOT one of those things you should force a kid to do!

Hell, I don't know, I'm just mad as hell at my parents for being complete morons :p


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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The problem for young teenagers who sleep with a lot of girls is that they have a high risk of getting a lot of baby-mothers and STD's.

The Spider

Don Juan
Mar 1, 2010
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YT827 said:
Driving through the city around the time school lets out, and seeing high school guys that are already DJs and had fine honeys all over them got me thinking. If I ever do have kids, and I have a son, how do I raise him to avoid approach anxiety and all the other bullsh t we're faced with?

There are some guys that lost there virginity at the age of 14 and hook up with girls easily ever since. There has to be a childhood switch that's either flipped or not flipped. I'm thinking it's right around the time of puberty.

What do you think?

You cant. eithier you have it from birth or you dont no matter what these idiots on here tell you.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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maybe if this helps

my mom used to just push me into like making friends with

random kids
buying my own thing from the store (that **** was scary because the shopkeepers werent nice like now)
I think being on the stage a lot gives confidence
being fit for sure

just dont let the hobbies run their lives
raise him to be comfortable with himself


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Teach by example. What did your father teach you by his actions?

And I dunno who here says there are no attractive US girls in high school. Hell in my part of the country that's 90% of the attractive women you see. Around here after 25 its all flab, flab, flab, flab. 16-25 is their golden years and they seem to know it. Because the get out of the game (married) pretty young before it all goes to pot.
Sep 11, 2008
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I'd take my son to activities, making him and encouraging him to be active and have a positive outlook on life.

I would teach him martial arts, maybe an instrument if he likes, teach him a second language during his first years.

In addition we could make food together, go to a lake, burn a fire and go fishing. Help him make a small cabin for himself. Show him the value of money and how to make money.

Encouage him to hang out with his friends (boys and girls), to stay over parties also, so he would get accustomed being with other people early on.

That way he would have a healthy and active lifestyle, and he would be confident because of his martial arts training and socializing. And he would know how to preserve money and make it grow.

But most important I think is learning to think independently.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
killahpl said:
Hell, I don't know, I'm just mad as hell at my parents for being complete morons :p
so are you saying, "like father, like son"?


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Uh huh, raise him to be a "DJ" :rolleyes: Here's a better idea: Rear him to be sociable, confident and respectful. Women will come naturally then. Also, you write of 14-year-old kids getting laid like it's a good thing... not cool.


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2009
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Schwank said:
Give me a break. Girls love guys who treat them like trash. Everybody knows this. Best way to have a young boy turn into a "DJ" is probably just to allow him to spend a lot of time around older men who are sleazy womanizers so that he can learn to emulate their behavior. Of course being a sleazy womanizer isn't necessarily a good thing.

A lot of male breeders are sleazy womanizers. If they bother to spend time around their sons they could teach them a few things. A lot of women have children by sleazy womanizers. If they want their sons to be DJ's all they need to do is allow the child to be around the biological fathers instead of trying to find some rent-a-dad replacement.