how can I keep her interested?


New Member
Nov 20, 2005
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well back a few months ago I had to work at a steelers game which was for getting hours in for my major. I ran into this girl i never saw before that lives in the same apartment complex as me. I met her because i had no ride back from campus to my complex. When she dropped me off she gave me her room number and asked what i was doing that night; at that time i thought she was kind of a geek. That was probably in Nov.

Alright now i was walking to class one day and i saw this hot blonde with a bangin body and nice ass and u guessed it, it was her. So she notices me and she was telling me how she was dissappointed in me because i never went to visit her. I ended up gettin her number and she was trying to tell me to leave class early so we can hang out..but of course i waited like the don juan i am. I told her i couldnt leave class and she makes a comment somethin like "sorry i kind of anxious, i mean i have been waiting all semester to chill with u".

Aight, so at this point im thinking im gonna hit it tonight because she is all over me. She comes to my place and we end up watching movies and I get intiate some great kino by taking the pillow from under her and putting in on my stomach so she can lay her head there. So a lil later i tell her that SHE wants to kiss me. And she just asks me why and yada yada yada, i eventually just end up making out with her for a lil bit and and she just feels my body and we end up going to sleep.

Now things get a little tricky for me. I'm bad at keeping a girls interest high. We went to lunch yesterday and had a little bit of kino def not as heavy as the other night. She comes back over and I tell her im dissappointed I didn't get a kiss today, especially since she said she loves how i kiss. She gets mad i said that! and told me she was going to give me one until i said that. So im thinking its a test but who knows. So she left w/o a kiss and we are watching another movie tomorrow night...anybody have any ideas on how to keep her interested? and she says she likes my aggressiveness so i will def keep that up. Any other tips? im thinking this is all a test.
Mar 18, 2006
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Why are you treating her as if she is a fearful virgin exploring new territory?

You know she likes you and wanted you for months and you had her isolated, and she wants the "big one" but will accept the "average one" or will grudgingly cling to the "small one" - treat her like the hor that she is kid and quit being so damn docile!!!


New Member
Nov 20, 2005
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Last Man Standing said:
Why are you treating her as if she is a fearful virgin exploring new territory?

You know she likes you and wanted you for months and you had her isolated, and she wants the "big one" but will accept the "average one" or will grudgingly cling to the "small one" - treat her like the hor that she is kid and quit being so damn docile!!!
lol aight bro ill keep u posted on what happens..thats my problem though I never know how to approach things with a girl. Meaning i don't know if she wants a relationship or just sex. If i screw this up this will be my second time messing up with a girl thats def over a hb8.
Mar 18, 2006
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As unbelievable as it sounds, hors still want to be treated as a lady, so it is a delicate procedure, I think you young ones call it the "Anti-Slut Defense - so you have to treat her like a lady but pursue her as a hor!!!! Damn, this sounds contradictory and ill-advised!!! THIS DOES NOT COMPUTE - DOES NOT COMPUTE - ERROR!!! ERROR!!!! ERROR!!!!! ERROR!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the 21st century Hor Matrix!!


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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You keep their interest by fvcking them. If you don't fvck them after a couple chances, they will find a guy that will.