How can I create sexual vibes with women?


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
My second post down here,anyway, whenever I ask my friends about how can I create sexual vibes with women, they keep telling me that it happens 'naturally' . They can't really explain themselves , so this is why i come to this forum in the first place to ask for advice. What are the words should I say? What kind of signs must I give to a woman? My mind is completely blank on what to say and act as I have no knowledge and experience. Please advice as I am not a good conversationlist and I have completely have no idea where to start. I am a complete noob in this.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything.

No, really.

And I'm not talking about being a clown. I'm talking about laughing not only with a woman, but at a woman. Making fun of small characteristics. Asking her why she's so weird when does ____. You'd be surprised all the stupid sh!t you can say about a woman that she laughs at simply, because she never really thought of herself like that. Women are insecure beings. They don't always know how they are received by society, which leaves us an open gateway to poke fun at whatever we feel like.

Once you have a woman laughing at everything that rolls off your tongue, sexual vibing becomes THAT much easier. She's laughing and having so much fun that before you know it, she doesn't even notice your hand on her leg.

And then this is where you make the step and start making sexual references. As long as they're funny, referring to her in a sexual way does two things.. It humors her and it gets her thinking of you sexually.

And you don't have to be genius to do this! All it takes is a little creativity and boldness. How you say something is just as important as what you're saying. As long as you're doing it confidently and not wavering, SHE WILL DIG IT! The best part about it is that when you start getting it, you keep getting better at it. It's like a snowball effect; the more she digs it, the more confident you become.

Approaching a woman seriously and expecting sexual vibing is a losing man's game. Make her laugh, show her you can do it whenever you want, and you're in.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Man there is an old NLP concept that says

"whatever you feel , she feels "

To make her feel sexual , you should feel sexual too.
I only approach girls that i really want , and have sexual desire for them.
Tim covers this on Flawless Natural really good.

Also , while talking to her in sexual way , thinking of getting her home and fvcking the **** out of her helps.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score
You can begin by reading the DJ bible dude, you'll find it at the bottom of this page. Then when you've understood these principals you can go out and try them for yourself, perfect them and watch them horde like zombies all over you :)


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
WC2 said:
If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything.

No, really.

And I'm not talking about being a clown. I'm talking about laughing not only with a woman, but at a woman. Making fun of small characteristics. Asking her why she's so weird when does ____. You'd be surprised all the stupid sh!t you can say about a woman that she laughs at simply, because she never really thought of herself like that. Women are insecure beings. They don't always know how they are received by society, which leaves us an open gateway to poke fun at whatever we feel like.

Once you have a woman laughing at everything that rolls off your tongue, sexual vibing becomes THAT much easier. She's laughing and having so much fun that before you know it, she doesn't even notice your hand on her leg.

And then this is where you make the step and start making sexual references. As long as they're funny, referring to her in a sexual way does two things.. It humors her and it gets her thinking of you sexually.

And you don't have to be genius to do this! All it takes is a little creativity and boldness. How you say something is just as important as what you're saying. As long as you're doing it confidently and not wavering, SHE WILL DIG IT! The best part about it is that when you start getting it, you keep getting better at it. It's like a snowball effect; the more she digs it, the more confident you become.

Approaching a woman seriously and expecting sexual vibing is a losing man's game. Make her laugh, show her you can do it whenever you want, and you're in.
I know what you meant , the thing is I am not a very humorous person by nature . I really have no clue on how to be funny to women. Is it possible you can give me more examples on how to make a woman wet in their panties? How can I be a more naturally funny person, to me it is so hard being funny all the time that I run out of ideas very fast. How can I be funny and be more creative? It just simply don't happen very naturally for me but I really want to improve on this weakness in order to score.:D


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
You HAVE to be horny yourself. Society conditions us to believe that it is inappropriate and immoral to approach a girl with the intention of fvcking her brains out. The truth is that sex is one of the most basic drives and women want it too.

So walk up to a girl, undress her in your mind, imagine yourself taking her back to your place and giving her a nice hearty fvck. The girl will pick up on this and you will also naturally act more sensually around her.

It is important however not to be explicit with your words. There's no need to tell her you want to do her. Just let your body language, eyes and tone of voice communicate this to her. That way, she'll think that the the horniness she's feeling is completely of her own making and not yours.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
Reaction score
Kino. Touch that *****. Look her in the eyes. She knows what you want. Don't hide it.