Hookah Bars & House Parties


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
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Hey, I'm looking for advice on how to get girls at Hookah Bars and House Parties - Keep in mind I'm 17, so the approach might different:

Hookah Bars:

The ones I go to usually have people around the age of 17-21. Last time I went, there were 4 girls sitting at a table across the room that I saw keep looking at my table. Me and my buddies are smoking the hookah and this girl sitting to my left at the table next to us keeps eyeing me, but she's with her guido boyfriend. Anyway, I go to the bathroom and my friend comes along and he hits it off with some girl when I'm taking a piss...I find him outside macking it to her and eventually making out. I go back in and sit down w/ my other friends.

I couldn't think of anything to say or any balls to approach the table across from me and sit down and start talking...

At the table, there were 2 fat chicks HB 4-5 and 1 HB 8.5-9 and the other I couldn't really see.

What are some ****y/funny things you can say to break the ice in a situation like this without making it seem akward. I later find out 1 of my friends knows 1 of the girls sitting there and starts talking to her, we go over and smoke their hookah. I stayed quiet and didn't know what to say really. I'm bad at starting conversations...I usually just coment as one is going on.

Also, how do you isolate a girl you like from her friends. Lets say I wanted to get w/ the HB9, and wanted to bring her outside to talk. How would I do that? Keep in mind, most of the people that come to hookah bars, previously come from clubs where they drank, so once I can get them isolated it would be easy to makeout and # close. My friend was making out w/ the girl 10 minutes later and she wanted to **** him...she kept SMSing him telling him to come to a place, but she looked sketchy.


House Parties:

Tonight, I'm probably going to a house party in my friend's house where I barely know any of the people there. I've met a few guys and few girls from previous get togethers, but other than that I don't know many of the people that will probably be there.

How do you start up a convo with a girl there...the girls in his town are mostly HB 8-9's and rich. I come from a few towns away that isn't rich.

I'm usually shy at parties especially when I don't know many people other than my buddy who I went with. He knows everyone there so he's comfortable.

I also usually feel uncomfortable at parties because I don't go to many, so its outside of my comfort zone.

I recently brokeup w/ my ex so I want to at least #close 1 of the girls or makeout/possibly hookup with 1. I need to get back out there, but all my game has diminished since my breakup.

I'm good looking and dress well, but my ****y/funny personality is nearly gone and I'm back to the shy guy...I can't spit ****y/funny lines like I used to.


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
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Originally posted by Noob
last time we was at a hooqah bar (we call em shisha cafe's) it was me and 2 buddies, they arent exactly DJ's and they didnt intend to pull that night anyways. but there was a table of HBs smoking shisha and i jus went over and said "i dont want to sound like a cheapskate or anything, but this is the first time ive come here and was just wonderin if i could try your flavour" and they were just like yeh, and i sat down with them for like 5 mins talking and smoking...they were really nice...but they wernt as good looking as i initially thought...so i ejected :) .... my mates cousens (like 4 HB's) then came to the cafe, and we were just chilling with them, it was auquard but i still managed to get good c+f in, but i didnt make a move because they were a couple of years older and they were my friends cousins "bro'z b4 hoez"
Yah, I did that...I was like we have "apple" what flavor do you girls have..and went from there, but my bro did most of the talking...

Its the common opener.


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
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Dont want to sound stupid,but what is a Hookah bar?is it like the kind of Hookah i am thinking about,or is it something legal?


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
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Originally posted by Garamin
Dont want to sound stupid,but what is a Hookah bar?is it like the kind of Hookah i am thinking about,or is it something legal?
Its a hangout where you smoke shisha...they are all over NY. Its an egyptian thing that everyone does now. Its legal for 18+..I think (same age as cigarettes), but I know places in the city that don't card and thats where people my age go.

The Master Disaster

Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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Originally posted by jlazz
Its a hangout where you smoke shisha...they are all over NY. Its an egyptian thing that everyone does now. Its legal for 18+..I think (same age as cigarettes), but I know places in the city that don't card and thats where people my age go.
Yea I was at a moraccan restaurant for my boy's 18th. Hookahs are so amazing. Exspecially with Hot Belly dancers.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
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Santa Cruz, bolivia
there are no hookah bars where I live but after spitting some game on some girls over there, you could say something like" this is lame, me and my friends are going to smoke some weed, wanna come with us?" after that, if she and her friends accept to smoke with your friends, its gonna be easier for you to at least make out with her....obviously, since she´ll be high.

The Brotrain

Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
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Whenvever I get to a party I normally take a few minutes to scope the place out. I try to project a good body langauge and a great attitude before I meet anybody and focus on having fun with the people I came with. Simply wait for a convo to get started and then jump right in. Stay with your friend and piggyback off his connections and his comforting influence. Focus on making one solid connection and then moving on. Soon everyone will think of you as the regular.

Ask everyone how they know your friend.

Talk and joke about your town's stereotypes.

Focus on getting your game back and the #s wills start flowing.

I come from a town with immense amounts fo wealth, and have partied with tons of really hot, really rich girls and they are not fundamentally differnet than normal girls. Just call them on any bratty antics and neg them relentlessly. *Important* do not try to impress them or brag about your wealth it will only backfire. I had a friend who borrowed an AFC's Audi s4 in order to catch the eye of the guy she really had her eye on.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
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England, i wish FLORIDA!
yeh man keep it chilled, they aint no hookah bars near where I live in England that I know of!
But jus chill, keep it chilled, you could always pull somethin like 'is this seat taken?' an smile, or 'hey, i think i jus leaned agesnt sumthin sticky, can u check the back of my shirt for me?'
Or do some crazy ass game, like 'whoa u go to *make up sopme local college or university*' Shell be like 'nah i dont, then u can say really?! wat college do u go to?!' Shell tell u then be like 'wow, i tried to go there, wat do u do there?!' i know it may be a bit geeky, but its worth a try' maybe a simple 'wassup babe, how u doin' ha
good luuuuuuuck man