honor and pride

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
I've always struggled with this sh!t... Here's a recent example:

Girl comes up to me in da club, we start talking, she giving me several signs of interest, after a while she starts rubbing her @ss on me while we dance.
Then one of her girfriends pulls her away from me, saying the girl belongs to her. ****blocking cvnt...

I make no fuzz about it, continue to have fun with my pal. After a minute or so, the girl comes back to me and wants to continue where we left off. As soon as we do, the same girlfriend pulls her away AGAIN, hugging her and saying she's occupied blah blah. Goddamn these c0ckblocking HO'S!!!!

The girl wasn't gonna go against her girlfriend and risk the dismissal of the group of girls she was with so I made a half @ss effort of getting acquainted with the c0ckblocking girlfriend. Stupid ho started twerking on me for a bit and then yelled at me in a hostile tone "Please, leave me alone. I don't want anything from you, go after one of my girfriends, they're single!"
Umm okay, bytch be crazy :crazy:

My pal asked me what was up so I told him and then we started having fun again, ignoring the girls.

A while later, the one girfriend, who was clearly the leader of the pack, told her girls "the two of us are leaving!" and walked off with "my" girl. I thought they were leaving the club so I thought FVCK DAT, walked after them and grabbed the girl's arm. Her girlfriend tried pushing my arm away lol and they kept walking away from me, but I just kept grabbing her arm and following them, trying to speak to "my" girl. She wouldn't co-operate, bytchez just put me on ignore...

Okay, fine. Go fvck yourself then... I gave up and went back to my pal. He gave me mad respect and told me I showed real ballz. I mean, the girls and me were walking right through other people, stirring up a lot of commotion, it was like we were having a fight and I was harrassing them, people were all watching us, lol. They stayed at this club all night and I made eye contact with her a few times later on, but she would keep her distance.

Fast forward a few weeks later, same club. I'm on the dancefloor with my pal and guess who walks by, this time alone with another girlfriend... They were on their way to the other side but when she spotted me, she suddenly decided to stick around at my part of the dancefloor. They started dancing closeby and I could tell from her body language and her looks that she wanted me to approach her.

HELL NO, BYTCH! You made me go out of my way for you last time, I invested a lot of energy in chasing after you but you wouldn't give me sh!t in return. Now you think I will jump at you again if you start dancing in front of me with dat azz and giving me looks that you want me to approach you... That sh!t's not gonna fly...

She gave up but made another attempt later on in the evening. Again I remained stoically and didn't even look at her. In fact, my pal started talking to her and I still acted like she wasn't there, even though they were standing right in front of me.

So what would you guys have done the second night? It was clear that she was interested the first night, her girlfriend was just messing things up. What stands out is the fact that she DID come back to me after her girlfriend pulled her away for the first time. Strong sign of interest... But when she got pulled away for a second time, she gave up and didn't want to get into a conflict with her girlfriend.

So was I wrong ignoring her the second night? In my perspective, she fvcked up that first night coz I showed BIG persistence chasing after her through the crowd, struggling to get a hold of her against her girlfriend who was pushing my arm away. But she gave me nothing in return, so I feel like she can go fvck herself now. Dancing in front of me and giving me signs she wants to be approached is not enough for me now, she better approach ME and show some determination like I did a few weeks back, is the way I feel.

At the same time, I realize that's not how the game works. They send signals, then we approach them, not the other way around. So perhaps next time I see her I should set aside my pride and honor and just go for it?
I have a hard time doing this, coz I already invested too much effort into her that first night and got nothing back for it. Suppose I aproach her and she starts dancing with me but doesn't want to escalate things beyond that, just being an attention wh0re? If that would hapen, I would feel like she made a fool out of me for the second time and I would be really angry at myself. Shame on her for fooling me once, but shame on ME for fooling me twice, you know what I mean?

So what are your thoughts on this, people? Next time I see her in the club, do I:

1. Stick with my honor, ignore this chick and focus on another hottie?
2. Push my honor aside and go for her?


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
I wouldn't have chased her if her girlfriend grabbed her out the place in the first place. The invest is never worth it if her friends are going to keep sabotaging.

This has nothing to do with honor it's more of a pride thing. Shes a a club ho since you seen her there twice. I wouldn't waste time on her the second time, even if something serious were to spark, her friend will just block you again. She's a grown as girl she should be able to make her own decisions and not be controlled by her friends.


Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
This is what we were talking about in the other thread. Men need to have some self respect and you showed a great amount of it the second night. She obviously doesn't have a brain of her own so she needs her friend to think for her. Imagine you get in any form of relationship with her, you'd actually be in a relationship with her friend. If her friend doesn't like you, she'd tell "your" girl to dump you and she'd probably do it too.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Meh, I'm gonna give it another shot if I she starts sending me signals again tonight, rejection is better than regret... Just gonna approach the situation with a fun attitude and not fall into the outcome dependency trap.