

New Member
Oct 16, 2011
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I was recently at homecoming with a bunch of friends and eventually began grinding on a girl who I knew, but hadn't talked to in a while. We started out a bit slow, but eventually began getting a lot closer and intimate. We grinded for about 30 minutes until we were both about to fall over, after a little break we began again for 10 minutes. At the last 10 minutes I had here dress up and was feeling on her over her spandex; does her allowing me to do this and us dancing actually mean anything. (We could have gone longer but the dance ended right at 11, sadly) I'm also a senior; thanks for any advice. Sorry it's long I just needed to explain the whole situation.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Dude, you are a senior so nothing matters anymore. Who cares if she says no? Go for the throat (with your cawk, of course).
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New Member
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
sorry I don't know why I put senior haha, I'm actually only a junior. But we did dance and she didn't push my hand away when I was feeling down on here. What should I do next time, and right now.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Even the classiest of girls tend to act pretty sexually at dances. At my homecoming I grinded with several girls, a couple of whom I know have boyfriends and one of whom I'm good platonic friends with and wouldn't want anything more. This would make it risky to have tried to bring her someplace with you after the dance because it could just have been she was that kind of dancer. 40 minutes is a long-ass time, though. I'm assuming here: the dance was probably loud, and you two did very little talking - grinding was more like a primitive mating ritual than reconnecting with her. I would text her within the next few days, saying something casual like "hey! you looked good at the dance. haven't talked in awhile, how's life?" or something. Small talk for a bit, then cut the conversation off and set up a meet.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
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novaknight said:
Dude, you are a senior so nothing matters anymore. Who cares if she says no? Go for the throat (with your cawk, of course).
+1! Be confident!


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
BPH said:
Haha show me where that is in your journal, I could use that for Homecoming this weekend, that is there are any hot girls worth my time.
NorwegianDJ said:
As Im walking towards the dancefloor with Chris, this chick walks past, and the opportunity is just perfect.
It's been like Ive done it before, so I knew I could do it.

I grab her hand and take her 3 meters further towards the dancefloor by the waist. Grind for 2 seconds and make out. (The night was pretty fail up to this.)
She kinda sucks at hooking up.
Her friend shows up, and it's almost a repeat of what happened last party. Her friends starts talking a ****load of bull****. I yell something like "What theeeeeee fuuuuck!?" or "Whaaaaaaaaaat" or "RAAAAAAAAAAAH." Hahahaha.
I tell them they're my best friends, and I love them. They were like 7s btw.
Chick asks for my name, and I tell her.
Under all the music I get the impression that the other chick is asking to hook up with me, and Im sorta confused. Turned out she wasn't... I think.
I pull original chick in for makeout.
They claim they have to go. I get a flashback of the other girl leaving 2 weeks ago without me doing anything. I pull her back and makeout once more, and let her go.
NorwegianDJ said:
I did high5 some people walking past and stuff. It's a really low risk approach, but I do it to boost my state. We were walking past a group of people, and laughting our ass off as usual. Two chicks stick their head out and ask "Are you drunk?" I yell "High5!" to the first one I see, but the second one highfives back. I think nothing of it and continue walking, but I notice that she clasps on. Not the usual way, as happened once earlier in the evening (last one wasn't hot). I assumed that she wouldn't clasp on, so I almost lost this one.
I hold on with my fingertips, get up close and hug. This one actually started the roleplay. "Ive missed you so much" "Ive missed you too!" "Cant remember" "Cant remember" "He's my boyfriend!" "(I say something lame like: But why are we only hugging then? It was off.)" "But I have to go with my friends" (which was actually true) "(Stroking her hair away from her face) One last kiss." *kiss* All this while we were holding eachother.
I could definately have gone for it earlier, but we live and learn. First instant kiss outside of the dancefloor :D
NorwegianDJ said:
I talk to her for a little bit, and I leave her for some reason, and went dancing with my buds.
We dance retarded and have fun, working up state and momentum.

HBWife comes up from behind and taps me on the shoulder. I turn around, grab her by the waist and try to introduce her to my friends. I then spin her and stuff, and start grinding with her.

She wasn't really fun to dance with, she had arrived back in town the same day, so she was really tired. Boring stuff.
I try to make it more fun, it works tho, but she is stuck in her tired mood.
After something like 7-10 minutes, I get close to her face, and her face isn't turned away (Which was a major problem), and go for the makeout. Success!
I've tasted better stuff.
We keep doing our thing for like 5 more minutes. I get bored with her and leave.
NorwegianDJ said:
(It's just something I did when I started drinking. Pointing at some chicks, telling some they're cute, giving hugs, starting convos etc)
So I start giving hugs to chicks that I get eye-contact with. SO MUCH FUN.
I meet a friend of mine and stuff, he got my number now.
I give this hot chick a hug, dance with her, and she eventually pulls (like 70% her) me in for makeout. Cool stuff.
I approach some other chicks, but cant remember what happened. I think I kissed her, as I kissed like 3 chicks in total.
Talk to a lot of people really.
I high5 this chick, but I end up only helping her find her friends.
I tell this other chick that she's cute, but smoking isn't cool. Then we kiss.
I get rejected by her friend :)
I start talking to a guy and a girl, but I get trapped in another group. I make them prove they are cool, but the hottest one fails to kiss me, LATERS! (She was like 20-25) Her friend pulls her away to safety, while I laugh at them :)
I put my arms around these 2 chicks, and I end up just chatting with them about my life story.
Quoted some. Hope it helped, especially the last one.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
NorwegianDJ said:
Quoted some. Hope it helped, especially the last one.
I like the last one haha. I think I'll do fine at Homecoming, my only worry right now is logistics for after homecoming, cus there's supposed to be some hotel party following a meet-up at Buffalo Wild Wings.

Also, read my journal about Character Day and tell me if you get any ideas.