

Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Well,this is only my 2nd post of the day,so I don't mind wasting one on you Caped. Oh yeah,by the way,I totally agree with MisterMcGee.
Total bs.

GuyInNeed09 said:
I am not trolling, I am seeking help. I know I can only take the advice so far,
Ok,you said that you can only take the advice given here so far. Oh really? Well,I'd be curious to know just "how far" you've taken what you've received so far from the forum. You originally joined up here in Sep. 2008,and it's currently April 2009. Seven months. You've been here seven months,so answer me this:In all this time you've been here,have you applied anything you've learned on this forum? It's a simple question Crusader,and I'd like a simple answer. PLEASE,PLEASE don't go off on a tangent of feeling like you've wasted so much time,how angry or jealous you are of other people who seem to be happy and being successful with girls,or another rant asking how to get over the feeling of this,or the feeling of that. I'm sooooo TIRED of reading the same thing from you over and over again.

I didn't ask you what feelings your trying to get over,or what it is you need help to start doing or stop doing. My question is simply this: In the seven months you've been here,and out of the 70 or 80 threads you've started,and the hundreds of replies you've gotten,can you name at least one thing from the forum you've gotten that you've applied that's helped you in any way?
Or are you exactly the same as you were when you first joined,and the only difference is that you're seven months older?

GuyInNeed09/CapedCrusader08 said:
I don't mean to rant off, but you don't know what it's like for me, the pain, the pain of always feeling very alone and unconnected,
Ok,you say that we don't know what it's like for you. Ok,let's say you're right,and we don't know. Uh.....well? What do you want us to do? Even if we did understand this pain you're talking about,all we could do is type in the info that we think would be of help to you,and press the submit button. In other words,we could only do what we've already been doing all along.....which is giving you info over the internet.

In other words,we've done our part.

You say that you need professional help. Ok. Well if you need professional help,then what are you doing on a dating/attraction forum?
Shouldn't you go to a site that helps out people with your condition?

If I want to better understand women,I'll visit a site like this.
If I want to learn about sports,I'd visit the ESPN website.
If I want to know what kind of special deals they have at my favorite bowling alley,I'll go to their website.

Why did you join a dating/attraction website,when according to you,you need professional help? If you need professional help,then shouldn't you google "professional help",and click on the web pages that show up?
What are you doing here? Can you answer that?

Please Crusader,don't start up again with the,"but how do I get over this,or that,how do I stop feeling like this when everyone else around me seems to be happy and living their lives,and.....blah,blah,blah,blah. We get it dude,you're not happy.

Don't rant,just answer my two question:

1:Why are you part of a dating site when (according to you) you need professional help?

2:In the seven months you've been here,have you learned and applied anything from here that's helped you in any way?
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Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
well, as for you're first question, to make it simple, I stumbled upon this site, it related to a problem I had, and instead of turning the problem around and improving, I just became overwhelmed. I guess it comes down to I am more a thinker than a doer. Also, I wrote that long winded rant last night when I was drunk and angry, so that's why it comes off as a little more melodramatic than usual. And yeah,it's a bit of being the same,just seven months older.

For the second, well one thing I can say I have taken away from this is, don't be a/her doormat, don't seek her or anyone's approval,don't kiss her ass,know when to put you're foot down and say no, and don't put her on a pedestal. However, in some ways, I have miscontrued some of tha information and it makes me think pretty low of women. At one point,they are young,immature,superficial,materialistic,etc. Then once they're older and put a few miles on the tire, then they become mature and settle down. All the meanwhile, you were the guy who has been spending his time hoping for better. But like I said, it comes down to being more a thinker than a doer, a problem for me. Instead of going out every night and socializing, I find myself here ranting. It could be just being put off by the whole process as well.

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
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GuyInNeed09 said:
On a last note, I will say this, I overthink and analyze things. Instead of just doing and planning, I try to make sense of things, trying to plan for certain goals, how much of a problem is that?
You must be joking right?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Jesus Christ! Why are you even thinking about hooking up with girls at this point? You seriously need to work on yourself first and become comfortable with yourself. You don't know who the **** you are. Get a hobby, do things you want to do, be confident in your abilities... learn to just do things alone and be happy about it. Then you will be ready to start dating. If through some miracle you don't do any of these things and you still land an interested women you'll **** it up because there's no way you can sustain a relationship with a woman unless you are confident about yourself.

This is the last post you get from me... you've already heard this stuff a million times over. It's obvious you never actually take any of our advice.


Mar 29, 2009
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Why am I thinking of hooking up with girls? Hmm,well for the same reasons any guy does.

As for working on myself,confidence,etc, long story short,that's been my dillemma. I don't know who I am. I have few hobbies, and have this thing where I generally don't like groups of people.

I have been doing things alone,lot's. Hence my problem(s).

In terms of dating, I feel my own inhibitions/anxietys/insecurities/inexperience, would be too much of a turn off/red flag.

That's been why I have been angry, all these other people who are so self confident,know who they are,etc.

This is what I mean by when I say I feel behind,educationally,any sort of career aspirations, if I had my shvit together, I would be on the up and up, but I don't, hence the anger problems. Women are another issue all together....


Mar 29, 2009
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I honestly don't know. I mean, I come on here with the intention of wanting to change things around,only to somehow turn that on it's head. I guess I just end up comparing myself to others and feeling even more behind.

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
Then go focuss on other people's misery. Go watch 'For a moment, Freedom'.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
the fact that you have not posted a pic is PROOF that you don't want real help - because I am 100% confident that you are a fat slob who isnt even trying to make himself look better

SHOW ME A PIC and I will help you


Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
whoa, yeah, I am a little fat, and not the most organized person, but I have gotten better in how I dress.....


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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GuyInNeed09 said:

Just thought I would share this, get some feedback.

Serious question as well, how much, well, I have an idea of, but how much does darwinianism and survival of the fittest, fit into all this dating,and game stuff? Is it about super dominant and powerful? Or just enough? What if you are the opposite of those described things, does that lessen you're chances? Like if you are more lazier and not that much take charge? Reading this,, made me wonder all this as well...
I'm going to try and help you again you creep. (You're welcome).

I've completely repaired my depression. For me, I have a problem with my digestive system where it won't absorb enough B-Vitamins. So now I take 7-8 times the regular dosage of a complete b-vitamin complex. (don't worry, it can't accumulate in the body, its water soluble and extra goes to urine) Regular is 100mg, max safe dosage for a human is 2000mg. My energy levels are back to normal and better, stress capacity is better, I'm happy, stable, and my mind has quieted down completely. I also had an eye twitch whenever I worked out that is slowly disappearing.

The b-vitamins are necessary for a healthy nervous system. Complete lack of vitamin-b results in nervous system death, deficiency causes problems like anxiety, depression, nervous twitches, poor circulation... etc. They're found in red meats, but mostly in organ meats like liver, kidneys... etc. You don't get enough from a vegetarian diet and get used up fast if you digest alot of protein.

Try some b-complex and do your own homework as to safe dosages. Maybe this will fix you up some.


Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
See,that's my whole anxiety. That survival of the fittest,that competition, Thing is, you put that list and I see it as, I am pretty strong, I am pretty smart, co-ordination,like what? planning, organzing? Well,physically, I don't know.

How did I lie?

But like that whole stonger/weaker,etc, it sounds so like weird, and nazi like...

So then, basically, what type of chance of success do I have now?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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GuyInNeed09 said:
what type of chance of success do I have now?
Just shut up and try the b-complex vitamins for a couple of weeks. I'm sure you got $20 to spend on a big bottle. Stay away from the generic ones like no-name and centrum and one-a-day. They suck.

You will feel much better. Will it fix your problem? I'm not sure, but its not going to be as bad.

Try 400-800mg per day. Don't take it all at once, evenly spread your dosages throughout the day.

If you don't believe any of my claims, I suggest you go to a medical professional and ask them. In the meantime, do your own research into these crucial vitamins and see for yourself. Also, look at your diet because you might be missing them. You said you're mostly vegetarian...


Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
No. I am not mostly vegetarian. I like meats and vegetables. What is the proposed outcome of such pills?

I have a feeling this problem is/has been more social than genetic....


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
GuyInNeed09 said:
No. I am not mostly vegetarian. I like meats and vegetables. What is the proposed outcome of such pills?
Read my post again. Both of them. I have answered this question IN DETAIL.

They're not pills, they're vitamins. Most people get them, some people don't through their diet especially vegetarians.


Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
Uh, I am not a vegetarian. I meant to say vitamins. So what? You're saying that those who are vegetarian,regardless of whatever new age huru guru hipster lifestyle they may,or may not have chosen, are genetically weaker or something? what does that imply?
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
where's your pic? what the hell are you waiting for fatty???

also, stop asking people questions, and start doing what they tell you to do, we know whats better for your life than you do


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
GuyInNeed09 said:
Uh, I am not a vegetarian. I meant to say vitamins. So what? You're saying that those who are vegetarian,regardless of whatever new age huru guru hipster lifestyle they may,or may not have chosen, are genetically weaker or something? what does that imply?
Let me wisen you up a little.

To be living, an earth mammal needs the following:
1. Water.
2. Nutrients;
- Carbohydrates for energy.
- Proteins for energy and repair of tissues.
- Fats for energy and repair of tissues, and hormones.
- Vitamins and minerals for energy and hormones.

If you are missing key ingredients, your body is messed up and unhealthy. Like scurvy, its caused by a lack of Vitamin C, not:

You're saying that those who are vegetarian,regardless of whatever new age huru guru hipster lifestyle they may,or may not have chosen, are genetically weaker or something?
Because that ^ is just f*king stoopid.

Buy the b-complex vitamins, do your homework on safe dosages and take a large but safe dosage. B-complex vitamins are good for the nervous system. Maybe it will repair some of that damage in your head.

Or maybe you want to 'think' yourself to a better life. While you're doing that, think me up a sandwich because I'm hungry.

Guoy Darko

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
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Alle_Gory said:
Just shut up and try the b-complex vitamins for a couple of weeks. I'm sure you got $20 to spend on a big bottle. Stay away from the generic ones like no-name and centrum and one-a-day. They suck.
He really doesn't want any advice. See how he avoids your advice by asking even more questions and rephrasing himself?

I'm interested in the b-complex however, cause I don't eat a lot of meat. What kind of b-complex do you reccomend?