High value texting. Put her on ice.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
I see many men are in the frame of having to reply to texts immediately or even double text which is a cultural tech thing, but backfires for game. I also see a lot of guys needlessly responding to girls who flake, disrespect them, or who text other nonsense which show disinterest in them

My philosophy is this: It almost never looks weak to not respond to a text. Not responding to flakery, a disrespectful comment or a girl your intuition tells you is disinterested is almost always the best course of action assuming you're not in a relationship with her. Not responding to a text is empowering. It puts you in the driver’s seat. It takes brute discipline.

Silence and distance allow you to gauge her emotional investment because if she doesn’t reach out to you appropriately, she merits no further engagement.

Over the years I been testing this with a few women in my pipeline and I have been merciless in weeding out flakes and girls I perceive to have interest below 70%.
One questionable text, one perceived slight, one flake, the wind blows the wrong way and they never hear from me again. It feels good. I know for every girl who fvcks up on txt there's another one around the corner who is on point, attentive and has higher interest levels.

Nothing more is needed to gauge a woman’s interest. You must emit the aura that you are a busy, no-nonsense man who has no time for fence-sitters. Nothing short of her moving mountains to see you like an obedient cvm guzzler for daddy will do.

Stop trying to recover sh!t text exchanges with disinterested females. Stop responding to every turd a girl dumps on your phone. Be selective and high value with who you give your attention to rather than continuing to try to wring water out of a rock.

This code edict applies strongly to women that you've already fvcked as well. The b!tch takes days to reply, texts back with something repugnant or a 1 word response she got to go. Going forward definitely ignore girls like this. If a girl takes days to reply(unless she replies and apologizes), she is more than likely no longer interested in you or another stray wolf is stealing your meal or both.

Chicks breathe attention. Denying them your attention is the best karma for a girl who makes it clear you're not a priority.

Your silence will make you live in her mind forever. And you will find it easier to next her for better quality or another toxic female.

In conclusion, do not be afraid to not respond. When in doubt, it's almost always the right answer. The medium is the message.

Nothing you do will ever game a girl for you as well or as much as her own imagination.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
Silence in general is typically the best recourse unless it isn't.

In my experience the more she seeks to define, the less of that part she is actually playing since titles and overall communication favor women; always remember that if somebody else can read what you are sending her, somebody likely is and is offering advice based on that, good or bad.

Ive made the mistake in the past of living in her phone, instead of living in her head and the latter takes so much less effort and gets so much better results it's a bit scary I ever thought anything else would of worked as good in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
Reaction score
I see many men are in the frame of having to reply to texts immediately or even double text which is a cultural tech thing, but backfires for game. I also see a lot of guys needlessly responding to girls who flake, disrespect them, or who text other nonsense which show disinterest in them

My philosophy is this: It almost never looks weak to not respond to a text. Not responding to flakery, a disrespectful comment or a girl your intuition tells you is disinterested is almost always the best course of action assuming you're not in a relationship with her. Not responding to a text is empowering. It puts you in the driver’s seat. It takes brute discipline.

Silence and distance allow you to gauge her emotional investment because if she doesn’t reach out to you appropriately, she merits no further engagement.

Over the years I been testing this with a few women in my pipeline and I have been merciless in weeding out flakes and girls I perceive to have interest below 70%.
One questionable text, one perceived slight, one flake, the wind blows the wrong way and they never hear from me again. It feels good. I know for every girl who fvcks up on txt there's another one around the corner who is on point, attentive and has higher interest levels.

Nothing more is needed to gauge a woman’s interest. You must emit the aura that you are a busy, no-nonsense man who has no time for fence-sitters. Nothing short of her moving mountains to see you like an obedient cvm guzzler for daddy will do.

Stop trying to recover sh!t text exchanges with disinterested females. Stop responding to every turd a girl dumps on your phone. Be selective and high value with who you give your attention to rather than continuing to try to wring water out of a rock.

This code edict applies strongly to women that you've already fvcked as well. The b!tch takes days to reply, texts back with something repugnant or a 1 word response she got to go. Going forward definitely ignore girls like this. If a girl takes days to reply(unless she replies and apologizes), she is more than likely no longer interested in you or another stray wolf is stealing your meal or both.

Chicks breathe attention. Denying them your attention is the best karma for a girl who makes it clear you're not a priority.

Your silence will make you live in her mind forever. And you will find it easier to next her for better quality or another toxic female.

In conclusion, do not be afraid to not respond. When in doubt, it's almost always the right answer. The medium is the message.

Nothing you do will ever game a girl for you as well or as much as her own imagination.



Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
True but it is still game playing.

Advanced game- not giving a single fvck about texting as a means of communication. Simple.

Texting should only be used for sending specific information (directions, files, a list, etc). It should never be used for chit chatting.

Giovanni SouthSide

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Tijuana, Mexico
True but it is still game playing.

Advanced game- not giving a single fvck about texting as a means of communication. Simple.

Texting should only be used for sending specific information (directions, files, a list, etc). It should never be used for chit chatting.
“give her the gift of silence” they say.

Not responding is to unsubscribe the hoe. Drop the plate. Giving her the walking papers for being uncooperative and “go off the reservation”.
It does not matter why because you won’t lose any sleep at night. I had to bleed to earn my bones to get to this degree of mentality with women. It’s not for the faint of heart.

I do agree that texting etiquette should just be 2-3 exchanges of light teasing to amp up sexual tensions to pull her in and logistics. Then vanish.

There's a reason most chicks respond to asshxles / bad boys / sociopaths. It’s because girls are hardwired to follow strength and not falling into her frame is a form strength. Those guys are natural catnip to girls because their "IDAF" attitude is authentic...they really dont care because they cant.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I see many men are in the frame of having to reply to texts immediately or even double text which is a cultural tech thing, but backfires for game. I also see a lot of guys needlessly responding to girls who flake, disrespect them, or who text other nonsense which show disinterest in them

My philosophy is this: It almost never looks weak to not respond to a text. Not responding to flakery, a disrespectful comment or a girl your intuition tells you is disinterested is almost always the best course of action assuming you're not in a relationship with her. Not responding to a text is empowering. It puts you in the driver’s seat. It takes brute discipline.

Silence and distance allow you to gauge her emotional investment because if she doesn’t reach out to you appropriately, she merits no further engagement.

Over the years I been testing this with a few women in my pipeline and I have been merciless in weeding out flakes and girls I perceive to have interest below 70%.
One questionable text, one perceived slight, one flake, the wind blows the wrong way and they never hear from me again. It feels good. I know for every girl who fvcks up on txt there's another one around the corner who is on point, attentive and has higher interest levels.

Nothing more is needed to gauge a woman’s interest. You must emit the aura that you are a busy, no-nonsense man who has no time for fence-sitters. Nothing short of her moving mountains to see you like an obedient cvm guzzler for daddy will do.

Stop trying to recover sh!t text exchanges with disinterested females. Stop responding to every turd a girl dumps on your phone. Be selective and high value with who you give your attention to rather than continuing to try to wring water out of a rock.

This code edict applies strongly to women that you've already fvcked as well. The b!tch takes days to reply, texts back with something repugnant or a 1 word response she got to go. Going forward definitely ignore girls like this. If a girl takes days to reply(unless she replies and apologizes), she is more than likely no longer interested in you or another stray wolf is stealing your meal or both.

Chicks breathe attention. Denying them your attention is the best karma for a girl who makes it clear you're not a priority.

Your silence will make you live in her mind forever. And you will find it easier to next her for better quality or another toxic female.

In conclusion, do not be afraid to not respond. When in doubt, it's almost always the right answer. The medium is the message.

Nothing you do will ever game a girl for you as well or as much as her own imagination.
Bravo, this should be in the main discussion this is an excellent post. Heck I have made the mistake of double texting recently(Cringe) but I totally agree. Women who are interested in you will hit you up. That goes for text,snapchats, IG DM's etc. I was just talking about this with a young kid I mentor. To many guys overthink this
True but it is still game playing.

Advanced game- not giving a single fvck about texting as a means of communication. Simple.

Texting should only be used for sending specific information (directions, files, a list, etc). It should never be used for chit chatting.
I agree with this however, texting is also great for building rapport, getting nudes, spiking IL etc. I have found it has worked very well for me in the past but than it also has done the opposite. I do think less texting is better, if you're to available it kind of ruins the mystique of curiosity. There are exceptions though as some girls love and prefer to text I remember once finding out from a girl I use to date back in 2009 her friend said the girl thought I was a good guy but to needy in text. I've learned escalate in person and try to meet a girl asap to many guys get caught up having "boring" i.e. good morning, how is your day text. The goal is to get a girl to meet you or meet up with her asap and you can talk in person