high school starting very soon


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
hello everyone. high school is starting very soon and I am getting excited to try out some of the new things I learned on a girl that I like. the girl knows that I am very funny but last year I was shy so I didn't talk to her at every chance and I always beat my self up about it. but this year I am going to be confidant and look good. I got a lot of nice new clothes and have started lifting again. I was in good shape last year but its even better now because I am a lot stronger. I aim to lift 3-4 times a week and swim at least twice. football is also starting again so that will be tons of fun. anyway back onto the subject: I would like some advice on my approach and some tips to get her to be my gf. on the first day I am thinking of starting casual by just asking her how her summer went and telling her some funny stories from my summer( I have a lot). I am also going to ask her what classes she is taking. I will keep talking to her and making her laugh and complimenting her etc etc until I think she likes me and then I will ask her out. I would like some advice on my plan and what you think I should do. thanks in advance.:)


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
defensiveend96 said:
hello everyone. high school is starting very soon and I am getting excited to try out some of the new things I learned on a girl that I like. the girl knows that I am very funny but last year I was shy so I didn't talk to her at every chance and I always beat my self up about it. but this year I am going to be confidant and look good. I got a lot of nice new clothes and have started lifting again. I was in good shape last year but its even better now because I am a lot stronger. I aim to lift 3-4 times a week and swim at least twice. football is also starting again so that will be tons of fun. anyway back onto the subject: I would like some advice on my approach and some tips to get her to be my gf. on the first day I am thinking of starting casual by just asking her how her summer went and telling her some funny stories from my summer( I have a lot). I am also going to ask her what classes she is taking. I will keep talking to her and making her laugh and complimenting her etc etc until I think she likes me and then I will ask her out. I would like some advice on my plan and what you think I should do. thanks in advance.:)
Don't try to plan this out too much. Go in with a social and fun attitude and things will naturally develop. If you're trying to plan things so much, you'll just be constricting the conversation and it will never bloom into that beautiful flower that it would have otherwise.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
alright man thanks for the advice. I will probably be starting a journal on the first day and will post my results. hopefully everything will work out


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
AlexLefty said:
Don't try to plan this out too much. Go in with a social and fun attitude and things will naturally develop. If you're trying to plan things so much, you'll just be constricting the conversation and it will never bloom into that beautiful flower that it would have otherwise.
Great advice as usual Alex. "Pray for the best, prepare for the worst". Best advice anyone could give you. The worst in your case is, this girl - if there was any attraction on her end to begin with - has already lost her attraction to you. I.e game over.

Its good that you know you want her as an girlfriend, but you're only looking at one end of the spectrum. If you're going to plan, plan for both the good and the bad. You do this by having alternative plans.

At the end of it all, you should be able to say, "I had fun". You shouldn't be depressed because she didn't care for you in the same way you did for her.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
I agree with you eph when you say I should plan for both good and bad. if things don't work out with this girl then I will move on. her cute friend has been staring at me a lot haha. so if things don't work out I will have at least had fun doing it and I can learn from my mistakes. thanks again both of you and I will keep you updated with results.