Hi everyone, first time posting. need help.


New Member
Jul 28, 2008
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Greetings from Sweden.

Okay so I stumbled across these forums when I was googling the word oneitus.

Background story:
One of my best female friends has met a guy she really likes. But last week he disappeared off her radar. He doesn’t answer on her text messages or the phone and he hasn’t been online on Facebook, Msn and all other **** there is since the time they last saw each other. She is super worried that something terrible has happen to him. Crime, hospital or worse!
Now this girl has been through a lot, and because of that she’s having trouble trusting men. But she thinks they have something very special together. Maybe he could be the one! So naturally she is pissed and hurt that he doesn’t answer her calls. all that’s left is the word "oneitus" in his PM on Msn. she asked me if I knew what that was but I had no idea, so I googled and ended up here.

So a couple of questions.
1, what is oneitus? Read a few posts here but couldn’t make it out.
2, what does he mean by writing it there?
3, ..... Well I guess I have to know what oneitus is before I can ask more questions about it. And please use whole words, not shorts or whatever you call them, AFC is one I’ve seen quite a lot here. But I have no clue what it means.

thanks alot for your help


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2008
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1. ONE-ITIS—noun: 1. an obsession with a girl whom one is not dating; pickup artists believe that such an extreme fixation on one woman significantly lowers a man's chances of dating or sleeping with her. 2. a girl with whom one is obsessed.

2. By using this, he could be commenting on her oneitis and how it is bad or on his own and how he is trying to get over it. Or any number of other things.

3. AFC means "Average, Frustrated Chump" or someone who has not learned how to properly approach and attract women.

terms can be found here


New Member
Jul 28, 2008
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Thanks for your answers, made things a bit clearer.
But not clear enough. Some follow-up questions.

1, you could say that they have been dating. Walking hand in hand, hugging and kissing in public and spending the night together. If that’s not dating, i'm not sure what is. So isn’t it the wrong term he is using here? Or...

2, is he referring to her? That she has oneitus? Because that would make some sense. She likes him a lot, she said that this week she found herself sitting and staring at the computer, wondering what has happened to him and then the tears started falling.

I don’t get this guy, he is the one who took the first step. And according to her he is very touchy feely, always wanting to hold hands and hugging.
The last time they saw each other it was kisses and a "see you soon" before she got on the train home. Why did he stop keeping in touch? If he thinks he made a mistake then he should at least have the decency to tell her. Totally ignoring her is just mean.
Me and her both believe that something happened when his parents got home from their trip. They sound very harsh the way he explained them to her (and she to me). He got all hells for scratching the hardwood floors while they were away. And the last message they sent he said that he had to find a way to get a stain out of the car seats before his parents found out. He couldn’t take more yelling. Maybe its time to move out dude, you are 27 and still living at moms!