Help to get her hooked! (lil long but detailed! Help a man out)


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Whats up, new to the forum. Let me start off by saying I have no real issues with women. I am 24, get plenty, but I figure I need some help with this one.
Let me give you a timeline.
Sunday - Meet her out, we chat I get her number, cool chick. Kiss her at the end of the night after doing Sunday Fundae all night.
Monday(8 days later) - We go out to eat all is good, then again a kiss at the end after dinner and drinks. We talk throughout and say we will meet out Thurs.
Thursday - Out again for drinks we meet out, kiss at the end of the night. Her friends go to a club a block down, but she stays with me and goes home.
Friday - Meet out, go clubbing, I take her home. I help her take care of her drunk cousin, she thinks im the sweetest, and afraid ima think she is crazy, she says she really likes me blah blah. Invites me to sleep over, we have sex that night. GOOD sex.

See her again in the next week.
Monday - Invites me over, cooks me dinner, we sit talk, have drinks, she tells me more about her opens up. Sex that night, I sleep over
Wednesday - Take her flowers, go to dog park with dog, then out for a drink and dinner, again sex that night. She tells me the next morning how amazing it was, she never has had an orgasm with a dude on top.
Thursday - Out again, we get hammered no sex.
Friday - Comes out to my company party we drink at happy hour and later that night she calls me at like 130 to come over and sleep there. I was out with my boys, said no.
Saturday - All day together, go meet her parents (which she has told them a lot about me) shows affection towards me there, and then we go to a pool party. Have a blast, then go out that night. Got too drunk so we just slept.
Sunday - Went over she was sick with a fever. I order delivery, we stay in, she wants me to hold her all night. I go get her meds and basically take care of her and stay the night.

So my point is everything seems perfect. Monday I just hear from her a message asking how I am doing, she says she feels like **** and needs to sleep in shes sick. Tuesday, barely anything we chat a bit but dont really talk about hanging out. She says she has plans on Tues and Wednesday.

Wednesday (today) - I ask her whats really going on I feel like something is diff. This is what she says.

me: Hey, like to me you havent been yourself lately.. I just want to know whats going on.
Like I feel I can talk to you about anything cause we have that. But I dont know whats going on with you lately.
I am very straight fwd and honest and say it how it is. But I just dont know what has been up with you.
I can sense it. If I had to GUESS.... I think I may know what it ism but then again, what do I know.
HER: to be honest
I JUST moved in
and I hate disarray and feeling not in control of things
me: Honest is the best policy! Coop will learn that in school tomm.
HER: I have a schedule I like to keep
me: Honesty*
HERk: come monday
I was feeling so out of control
i was sick
my place was a mess
coop (her dog) was at my parents
and it was just like
I need some time alone to regroup and get everything in line
me: ok cool
HER: i have so much fun with you and really like you
me: That I can understand
ok, I hope thats the case cause it hasnt seemed like that lately
HER: i just needed some time to get it together
you don't want me to be all scattered do you??
me: and last time I saw you, like it was the perfect night
No, but look at it from where I am coming from
From Wed-Sunday we were together a lot, I felt a part of your life... I loved being around you and spending time with you. Then come Monday, a night after I take care of you and feel like real close with you. I barely hear from you.
It just caught me off guard
HER: I understand
I didn't intend to make you feel badly
me: Well, I know you didn't lol
HER: i'm just used to having everything in order
and it felt like I had nothing in order anymore

OK, there it is. I just dont know how to play this one out... Haha She isnt one to talk or be on the phone a lot it seems. Just seems weird, maybe im being insecure. Tell me how to play this card right to get her hooked. Help a brotha out haha. I am usually great with this, but I need assistance on this one!


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Not hearing much from her. Here and there... Did I do something wrong?


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
lal4l said:
Not hearing much from her. Here and there... Did I do something wrong?
I'm gonna say it like it is. You are the woman in this relationship, and she is the man. Cmon. Asking what is wrong 2 weeks into a relationship? Whining like you are? And man, you are spending WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too much time together starting out. I have never known of a LTR working out where two people start off like this. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. You heard it right in what she said to you in so many words. "SLOW DOWN, THIS IS TOO MUCH TOO FAST, I AM LOSING CONTROL". Do you spend everyday with some guy friend you just met? Of course not, so why here? Plus, she is probably sick because it looks like everytime you two meet up, you drink! Not only is that unhealthy, but it sets a bad precedent because its almost like you two have to drink to be around each other, to be able to keep up the excitement. So what happens when you don't drink around each other? Can you even talk to one another? I don't know how you do it, drinking that much. So bad for you.

Look, stop seeing her everyday. Stop texting and calling her everyday. And for all that is holy, STOP asking her what is wrong after two weeks! Settle back, relax, have fun. Stop PRESSURING! When I met my present gf of 2.5 years, I wanted to spend every waking minute with her, but I didn't. We saw each MAYBE twice a week for the first month or two, and I kept the phone convos and texting to a minimum. Build it up gradually. Create a nice base for a relationship. If you go in this to fast too soon like a shooting star, there will be nothing left to do after a month or two. A flash, then fizzle.

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
i haven't read your whole post but just by the thread title and skimming the thread i can tell you that you are communicating desperation and neediness to her and when you do that it is guaranteed to kill her attraction to you


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Like the other guys said, you seem like a bit of a wiener.

You've been dating for like 2 weeks, and you're already getting sensitive and weird about your feelings and whatnot. You're probably a younger guy, so this is a sense. But you gotta toughen up a bit.

A - stop being in constant contact with a girl. That doesn't mean you have to "play games" in the sense of ignoring her. It just mean...basically....get a life.

B - If a woman goes cold on you, go colder on her. Go No Contact. If you walk away like a man, she might one day decide to re-kindle the flame. If you get all whiny and desperate about it, it'll turn her off forever.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
B - If a woman goes cold on you, go colder on her. Go No Contact. If you walk away like a man, she might one day decide to re-kindle the flame. If you get all whiny and desperate about it, it'll turn her off forever.
No doubt. For some it takes a longer to figure this out than others. :whistle: I've acted like a total whiny b*tch at times
even in my late 20's its funny when i think about it. Can't beat yourself up over it because you don't know what you
don't know and for some it just takes longer.

Be glad you found this site at a young age.

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
st_99 said:
Be glad you found this site at a young age.

I had to endure a 3.5 year relationship and a 7 year relationship that were both miserable because this material didn't yet exist in an easily-accessible form

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
you already been ****in her so why are you so pressed? back off a tad

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Just back off a bit, let her initiate the conversations. If it can go anywhere, then it will.

This kinda stuff always happens to me. I hangout with a girl a few times and she thinks I'm completely amazing. One day she says she likes me a lot, next day she flakes on a date.

The trick is to just keep composure of your feelings. Don't have emotional diarrhea on her. It's ok to ask her what's up IMO if she flakes on you two times in a row. If she gives a legitimate reason, then tell her when she has everything together to just call you and take it from there.

Just remember all of those positive things she said about you. Keep your cool and she'll come running back. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Alex DeLarge said:
Just back off a bit, let her initiate the conversations. If it can go anywhere, then it will.

This kinda stuff always happens to me. I hangout with a girl a few times and she thinks I'm completely amazing. One day she says she likes me a lot, next day she flakes on a date.

The trick is to just keep composure of your feelings. Don't have emotional diarrhea on her. It's ok to ask her what's up IMO if she flakes on you two times in a row. If she gives a legitimate reason, then tell her when she has everything together to just call you and take it from there.

Just remember all of those positive things she said about you. Keep your cool and she'll come running back. :cool:
I like this advice more than the others. Forget about being seen as "the man". Thats just egotistical bs to make an afc "feel like a man" for a few minutes then he goes right back to being an afc.

You made a whole thread about this chick so chances are that you still want something with her. So completely cutting off contact would mean giving up on your goal.
Go no contact for a few days then contact her again, but don't expect anything from her. Just text her as you text a friend then use the skills you've been taught to create attraction.