Help required with translation


New Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Western Australia
Some things I need translated from "woman code" to English.

I know that if a woman describes you as "sweet" or "nice" it means something like "I really like you as a friend but you have absolutely no sexual value to me and I wouldn't **** you if you were the last man on Earth". It's verbal castration and even though it usually isn't intentionally malicious it should be classified as cruel and unusual punishment under the Geneva convention. But, how do you interpret being described as a "great guy"? Worse? The same? Slightly better (only one ball gone)?...

Also, the "I don't think we'd work as more than friends" line I received in March from a long time friend is pretty vague and I assume I'm supposed to divine the true meaning by reading between the lines. Something like "Ewww, not a chance in hell!" perhaps but I'm not sure. What do you think this is supposed to mean? I'm pretty sure it is supposed to convey that she has written me off completely but in true female fashion she wouldn't just say it.

Finally, I know that in most couples the man is older than the woman. Does anyone have any figures on the success rate for couples where the woman is a few years older?



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Yep, those are all bad words. If any woman says she's my friend, I will start talking to her about other girls. If she has any feelings for you, then talking about other women is verbal castration right back at her.

I don't know about stats, but you are right that most couples have a younger woman. I know e-harmony won't match men with older women. As an anecdote, Rollo's wife is a couple years older than him, you might ask him about it. I think it would help you maintain power if the women knew that you could always trade her for something younger.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
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Re: Age Differences. I think if you are within a few years, things are going to be pretty normal. As BB says, ask Rollo for pointers when the women is slightly older - I believe you'll find it to be a non-issue. Now start moving into 7yr, 10yr, age gaps (and up) and you'll start dealing with more relationship issues (ie her past and her body stuff as you both get older). This age thing goes on and on, here. Definitely do a search for "Older Women" and peruse those threads first.

Putting aside all the obvious reasons that cougars hunt younger men, I always come back to this. If she's 30 when I'm 22 that means when I'm 40 she'll either be on the verge or have started menopause. Doesn't mean the end of the world but it's something to consider. You'll probably find a trend anyways. When guys are younger, for some reason (most likely programming) they are fascinated with considerably older women. That in and of itself isn't so bad. But when these same younger guys see these relationships as long term is when things break down. Then as guys get older, the novelty of the "hot older babe" wears off. Case in point, find me one guy who is 55 that thinks 70yr old women are way hotter than 35yr old women ;)

Bible_Belt is right on the money regarding one power advantage that younger men have when with older women. Their fear of being traded for something younger. However, from my experience these cougars are aware of this and one other very important thing. There is a steady endless supply of AFC matricant beta younger men pre-programmed and ready to seek her out and fill the gap.

"I don't think we'd work as more than friends" ... this seems to be bordering on an OVERT statement of "We are definitely not gettin' naked". Trying to push by that takes you down the often traveled, rarely successful path of overcoming a LJBF (once again, do a search on this).


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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personally i think more often than not you should never listen to what a woman is saying. observe what she is DOING!

so if a chic is saying 'i dont think we'd work as more than friends', but then is jumping on your lap and wearing skimpy clothes around you and being flirty, then she's playing hard to get and making you work for her. or she's an AW.

but if she's just behaving as a friend, and tells you she just wants to be friends, then her behaviors match her words.

so words mean nothing to me, actions mean everything.

that said, personally i don't understand why guys want to turn their female friends in to lovers. to me its sort of wierd. for me to be really attracted to a woman i have to see her FIRST as a sexual object and THEN get to know her.

if i get to know her as a friend first and then try to turn it into a sexual thing, it just feels awkward and wierd to me. kind of sleeping with your sister or something.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
A lot depends upon context.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
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Wine Country, Ca
She says: "I don't think we'd work as more than friends."

You say: "Oh thank GOD! I was afraid you were going to fall for me and expect sex. I think just being friends is best. By the way, old friend, can you introduce me to that hot friend of yours? I'd like to hook up with her!"

NEVER, EVER let them think they have the power over you!


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
WaterTiger said:
She says: "I don't think we'd work as more than friends."

You say: "Oh thank GOD! I was afraid you were going to fall for me and expect sex. I think just being friends is best. By the way, old friend, can you introduce me to that hot friend of yours? I'd like to hook up with her!"

NEVER, EVER let them think they have the power over you!
watertiger is so sharp on her toes....