Help on getting this beautiful girl!


New Member
May 25, 2012
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I sent this as an email to the creator of sosuave, but in the until he replies I'll ask here. This is what I emailed him:

"Hello, my name is ______ and I am coming to you for some personal advice.
To give you a little info about myself, I can be seen as the really funny,
nice guy. You know about that stereotype. Girls, say I am cute while others
say I'm not that attractive, so I guess I'm borderline in attractiveness.
Let me tell you about my situation.

 I was on exploring the web and happened to stumble upon an ad about this
beautiful 19 year old. Thing is, it was in the adult section. She seems to
run a Cam service where she does "sexual" acts while people watch. She is
really pretty and doesn't seem like too much of, well, a hoe. Of course if
things turn out bad, then I can always pull out, no pun intended. well,
when I like a woman I always turn to the internet for some advice,
confidence boosters, or just a plain old refreshing of the memory of the
"Do's and Don'ts". well, this time I want to actually pull through and get
the girl this time. I'm not saying it's love at first site, but there's
something in her pictures that say she really needs a truely good person
for her. Maybe I  could get her to realize that she doesn't need to exploit
herself to get guys and I'm the one for her. Just to clarify, I'm not I
not in this to get in her pants. Well, I stumbled upon your site (if it is
yours, if not, you still have a good collection of knowledge) and seen that
it had the best overall collection of information helping mean with women
and confidence.

I seen the article about picking up a girl through an ad, and a little bit
of Nice guys vs. Jerks and I thought you could help a lot. Please help me
get this girl and make us have a serious relationship. Not only could I
date her and make her beautiful self mine, but hopefully stop her from
degrading herself. *This *time, I will get the girl. She lives fairly close
to where I live also, albeit there will be some driving distance to meet
together. these are all the things I can think of at the moment.

I hope you respond, and thanks for your time."

Well, I have spoken to her and well.....I didn't get her number. She wanted to pay and do her cam show and then she might give me her number. She says that she gets asked for here number a lot. I know. So tell me, should I: make a new email and try again, or buy her cam show and get her number then. Either way, I'll need some massive help on how to act, what to ask, how to be interesting. Should I never mention the cam show with my new email?

I need help. I really want this chick. I'm 16 if that helps you guys any.


New Member
May 25, 2012
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Any advice? I thought this site was helpful........
May 5, 2012
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Dude, with all due respect, you're living in fantasy land. What you're asking for is unrealistic.

Good luck all the same.

Edit: I guess you could pay her for her time, ask her not to strip and talk to her. if that's the case just be yourself, don't try and be something you're not. That's what 've learned from this site over the past month, albeit in a roundabout way.


New Member
May 25, 2012
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I guess you're right.....I could talk to's a fantasy nonetheless. I guess it really is impossible to turn a h*e into a housewife...


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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No, no, no, no! This doesn't work. Accept her as she is, and treat her accordingly. You have a save a ho mentality going on. "She's not that bad.. if only I show her how great I am - she will change... She's only putting on a front". All false. You will be sorely disappointed when she turns out to be the ho she is. You already know this; you're just in denial, and making up excuses, because she's "really pretty". Just because she looks like an angel on the outside, and possibly puts on a nice act, doesn't mean she's not toxic trash. A good girl would not be doing these things you describe.

You're infatuated, and have your head up in the clouds. Come back down to reality. Read what you're saying.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2011
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Bag o' douche, UK
White knight....have you lost your mind?
This is scary!
May 19, 2007
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When you wanna get any female that bad, you're already dead in the water. Easy to say, tough to practice, I know.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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Sounds like some fairy tale movie. It seems like you desperately want it to be a fairy tale, with the ending you wish for.

However, life doesn't work like it does in the movies.

Sorry to burst your bubble bud, but you have to see people for who they are, not who you desperately want them to be.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
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living in the middle of effing nowhere
ok mate i tell you something...YOU yes YOU are trying to be a hero...
you think that by saving this woman you can help her a lot,change her life and make her happy ever after ..BS!!
look what your unconscious mind wants to do is to "satisfy" yourself, meaning you want to feel that people need your help and you can feel good about it...either that or you've watched too much disney cartoons(snow white anyone?)
anyway if you wanna help someone THAT much, go work in a soup kitchen or shelter or an old folks home
white knights go nowhere...and as for this girl she is "soiled"...there is no saving her BECAUSE THATS THE LIFESTYLE SHE HAS CHOSEN...there are so many poor women but most of them work honorable jobs and get earnest
income..this woman is ...a wh0*e dont go for her...your life deserves WAY BETTER THAN THIS

if you do get her , then she will USE you and take all your money away and the only thing she will give you is HIV...
nuff said...the rest is up to you my man


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Welcome to the forum. And BOY do you have a lot to learn!

I want to actually pull through and get
the girl this time.
You came to the right place. However, you're going to have to dump the mindset that this place, the site owner, or ANYTHING is going to give you the magical piece of advice to get this girl. This is not a place to find a quick fix, it's a place to help you become genuinely more attractive to the opposite sex. However, it does not happen overnight. It will take months to learn and practice what you need to know to become successful with women.

I'm not saying it's love at first site, but there's
something in her pictures that say she really needs a truely good person
for her.
Those pictures look like that for a reason. They're there to lure guys like you in and pay for her services. She's in this to make money, not to look for love.

Maybe I could get her to realize that she doesn't need to exploit
herself to get guys and I'm the one for her.
There's a name for guys like you - Captain Save-A-Ho. This girl is not looking to be saved, she's looking to make money. It's YOUR idea that she needs to be saved. In real life, she may be very content with her lifestyle and does NOT need some schmuck like you telling her how to behave properly.

Please help me
get this girl and make us have a serious relationship. Not only could I
date her and make her beautiful self mine, but hopefully stop her from
degrading herself.
And just how are you planning to change a defective woman? By giving her love? Love does not conquer all. There is also no point in stopping her from 'degrading herself' if she's consciously chosen to do so. In her opinion, it's a job that is making her money. If I told you to quit your job because I think it's the wrong career path, would you do so? I doubt it.

All the programming that television, books, music, advertising, movies, and Disney have put into your mind about how love works is NOT how it actually works in the real life. You cannot make someone love you with flowers, poetry, candy, stuffed bears or any of that other 5hit. You must attract a woman by causing her to emotionally fluctuate, touch her, have sex with her, and THEN you can proceed into a relationship. THAT is the path to a woman's heart, but you need the tools to get you there.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link that says "DJ Bible". Take a few days, read everything, and then go out and try the new things you've learned on the women you interact with.

As for this internet webcam bytch, forget about her. She likely gets all kinds of proposals from schmucks like you and makes her money off them.