Help! New GF still has feelings for ex


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
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I started dating this girl about two months ago, she's Romanian and an international student in my grad school. At the outset, she told me that she had a relationship with an older guy in Romania which did not work out, but she's still in love with him. I didn't care and proceeded to f-close her. I saw this mention of "love" as an LMR, since she's been in the US for almost a year (even though they might be in touch). So I thought that she'll just get over it as time passes.

Our relationship kept increasing in intensity and everything was awesome (including the sex), until around end May I got access to her email. I found out that she still keeps emailing the guy, sometimes random stuff like "how was your day" and sometimes heavy stuff like "I miss you". She's been doing this ever since she came to the States, and even though the frequency of these emails decreased after she met me, it was still like once in 2-3 days. The guy doesn't respond to most emails, but sometimes leaves a one-liner. They also have kind of a professional relationship (he's the head of a social foundation she's still involved with, in Romania) so it's more complicated.

I confronted her (without telling her I had her email) and asked if she still had those feelings. She responded first with anger ("don't push me against a wall and judge me"), then with psychobabble ("it is possible to love two people at the same time" or "feelings don't go away when you order them to"). She kept asking me to focus on how beautiful our relationship was.

The above confrontation happened 3-4 times over the past 30 days (basically whenever I saw her emailing him something intense). After every fight she would come around to admitting she had a problem and asking for time ("it is going away, it will go away in time"). But her behavior never really changed.

She's gone back to Romania for the summer. Just before she left, I told her squarely that if she cannot give me emotional exclusivity, I cannot offer it to her either, and we can only be 'close friends'. I told her both of us should take a step back when we're away and decide what we want from each other, and what we can offer in return. She was very sad at that but didn't have a counter-argument. Kept saying "I care a lot for you, I wanna make this work, I don't see you as a friend". But at the same time she was emailing that guy, he was going to come pick her up at the airport and blah blah. Because of knowing this, I was very cold with her at see-off. She promised me she will work out her emotional issues while she's there.

The situation now is this: With this guy - She is meeting him and doing all the social work stuff with his foundation. But they're probably not sleeping together (at least not too much), because she sends him emails like "can we meet for lunch on Thursday?".

With me - When she reached, she sent me a distant non-girlfriend type of email. I responded in a similar vein, to which she said that we're too formal with each other. She's been sending me one-liners twice a day in the past week ("hope you have a great evening"), and I've been responding off and on. Last night we talked on skype for about an hour, for a while just talked about normal stuff. I was cold and distant to which she said "don't act like a tough guy with me". Then we finally came around to the heavy stuff, and I told her that I think people never change, so I'm not expecting her to change. She said she's changed a lot, but she knows she's a difficult girl to handle and I might not want to do it. I said yes, that's about right. At which she said goodbye.

Morning she sends me another formal-type mail but longer, about how good it was to talk but it might not be a good idea to talk on the internet any more. And then she says "please keep sending me email although I don't know how much access to the internet I will have".

Her value is obviously upped 'coz she's around friends and ex-bf and she obviously doesn't value me that much right now (although of course she wants to keep me hooked).


1) Do you think this girl can change and get over the ex-bf bull**** in some more time (especially after she comes back)? After all, it's just been 2 months and that drama was for about a year. I am thinking of giving her time till October and seeing her actions then.

2) What can I do to bring it about? Or is there nothing, and I should just frame her like an FB? She is otherwise great and if this **** goes away, I want to have an LTR with her.

3) How do I deal with her in these days, while she's in Romania? No-contact, very formal contact, push-pull, what?

Thanks for reading this long post. You guys rock, and I need you now!



Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
DJ Hero, he can't dump her cause she's not his girlfriend. Wow, you're asking to be exclusive with her after only two months? And she's still in love with an ex? You need to drop this chick completely; there's no way you could handle a FB relationship.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
The situation now is this:

Dump the b*tch. First of all, reading someone else's e-mail is a definite sign of insecurity, so you don't even deserve her. Second of all, she's fvcking lying to you, so she doesn't deserve you.

Its for the best to just get out and not look back.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Ignore this woman.

Obviously, you've gotten too clingy to her. How she's feeling toward anybody should not concern you. This is why people are told to spin the plates so that you don't get attached to any woman.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
So should I not contact her at all during her time in Romania? What about when she does? What about when she comes back to the US?

I mean, I agree with you guys that I need to let her go.. but it's hard for me mentally right now.. I have to fake letting go for a while, I guess..


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2006
Reaction score
If you fake it long enough you may begin to be able to actually do it. Be strong, move on.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
Simply put, the guy has game, yours is weak.

A girl can only really be dominated 100% by 1 man at a time.

If you had played your cards right then she would have forgot about him. But when the new guy turns out to be a weener, it makes the last guy even more attractive.

Its not a conscious thought, girls want to be swept off their feet by men. If you can't do it, its not her fault for still having feelings for her ex.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for your replies, guys..

@Ease: I agree with you, but some things are out of my control. That guy is 40 years old and quite rich, while I'm a poor student right now. He gave her foreign trips for gifts when they were together, and I've taken her to the nearest water park.

I'm mentally moving on, looking for others, but I'd really appreciate advice on how to deal with her when she contacts me from there, and when she comes back. Should I say I've moved on to her, point blank?

Frankly, at this stage I'm still looking for ideas to make her obsessed with me, if it can be done. The thing is: no matter how strong that guy's game is, once she's in the US she won't have him anymore.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score

1.) You are a Poor Student, Focus on your studies and get your **** together

2.)If she contacts you, give her the Gift of missing you by not responding at all until that one day where you say "i'm fine doing my thing" and that's it!!!!!all she needs to know, that is what her Ex boyfriend you said, her ex didn't really say much back to her which had her feening for his attention instead of yours...

3.)Find women in your zipcode

You ask how she will be obsessed with you..that is how you do it. If she had all these intense feelings for you, and all of a sudden you dissappear on her..SHE WILL MISS YOU regardless. You got her, let time take it's course.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Downgrade that h0 to a fbuddy and start looking for new plates. C'mon dude you can't operate from a point of view of scarcity! Scarcity will mess things up for you. Downgrade her and get new plates-her bs behavior will cease to be an issue.

I had 3 plates which I just nexted cause they were crap (one was really trying way to hard to take control of the frame) ..
Now I have 3 new high interest plates.. if you can get 2-3 high interest plates you will be out of the woods with this one man..


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Guys, thanks for your replies.

So I did not contact her for 3 days after last mail, and since yesterday shes sent me 3 short emails - "dont see you online, hope you are okay" and such. An hour ago she called me but I didn't pick up, she left me a voicemail - "I sent you emails, let's find a way to talk if you want.. "

She sounded concerned but not quite intimate (that intimacy has been missing ever since she went to Romania).

What do I do now? Should I send her an email, or go online? I want to downgrade her in a way that she keeps thinking about me all summer.

If I do it in an AFC way - "you met your ex-bf.. after all I did for you.. blah blah", then its not gonna help, right? :) How would a PUA do it?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Dude, I only read it to the part where's she's heading home for the summer and he's picking her up. Seriously dude, he's probably ****ing her right now. Start spinning other plates and dump the hoe as soon as she gets back.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!

A translation of your title is your New GF is on a pedestal and her ex is better than you. Move on and stay local. That's my ruling.

Case closed.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Agreed! Moved on, joined some local meetups and looking to spin more plates..

However, I'd still appreciate advice on what to do when she's contacting me (which she is doing now after 3 days of NC from my side, apparently the pedestal is coming down slowly..)

I'd like to re-game her and make her an FB


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
Don't do anything for now...let her sweat it for a few more days. Post her any upcoming contact from her. Don't reply yet . She is concerned but stay put. You doing it right


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
She contacted a f*cked her ex from Romania. From what I read I don't remember if she was a steady girlfriend or not, but if she wasn't I could totally see you just having her as a f*ck buddy. Don't get invested. Her heart is with someone else right now.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Continued thanks, guys..

So it's like this, tiguere

Thursday I start NC for at least 5 days, or until she contacts me, whichever is later.

Saturday evening she writes me a two liner - "don't know if you intend to call me, but if you do please call at blah blah" The pedestal is still high.

Sunday morning - 2 emails, "hope you are okay" type-stuff. Sunday afternoon - 2 calls, voicemail.

Sunday night - she's putting up my favorite songs on facebook and saying "love this song", likes my photos on facebook, basically just trying to get my attention there I think.

Is this enough for me to contact her? Should I send her a short email? Or wait it out for a few more days / more from her side?


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Update: One of the 'love quotations' she put up on facebook last night, she sends in an email to the ex. And I thought (since it was coupled with my favorite song) that it was for me.

This girl seems to be emotionally unhealthy, she cannot decide if her life depended on it. I'm thinking of sending her a short email with "don't know if it's such a good idea for us to talk... let's stay in touch and reconnect in August if both of us want to". What do you guys think?