help me with sticking point: getting a date by texting


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
I have been approaching in my university and so far I have gotten six numbers.

These are cellphone numbers since most of the girls here don't have home phones but have cellphones. I usually text them.

Now here is my sticking point, of these numbers I have not been able to get one date. Does anyone here have good text game? Please share some of your techniques.

I usually do some humor on them first to attract them back. I will give two examples of my SMSes.

Example 1:
Her: ( sends a message asking me about what is her best bodypart )
Me: Its your eyes. They're so very seductive.
Her: Really? Most of my friends say that too.
Me: Why don't we see each other so that I can be sure if your eyes are really seductive?
Her: Hmm... You have some guts to ask me out.
Me: So how bout it? Lets have some ice cream at that new italian place. On what times are you available how about Wednesday or Friday afternoon?
Her: Why do you want to meet up?
Me: I love texting you but this technology is dehumanizing. I really like to talk to people in person.
Her: Dehumanizing? You have some way for words. Okay I'm good for Friday, thats my birthday.
Me: Oh, Advanced happy birthday to you. Ok then Friday at 3.
--> ( I thought I sealed the deal, but she texted a little while later )
Her: Can I bring along a friend?
Me: I prefer for you to be alone. Don't worry it will be alright.
--> ( She replied back in 3 hours, she works as a nurse so she might have been busy )
Her: I have decided. I won't go out with you.

( We still text to this date, but don't ask her anymore since I'm afraid of being turned down again. )

Example 2:
Me: How was your Christmas holidays? Did you make any wish?
Her: Fine. No I did not make any wishes.
Me: Oh, you should have. But anyway if you did, I'm sure it wouldnt come true anyway since your a naughty girl.
Her: Thats right.
( I felt that this girl was in no mood for texting )
Her: I'm going to take a shower.
Me: Okay. Let me wash your back.

( She still sends me forwarded messages but no more talking )
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Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
personally i would try and call the chick and speak to her on the phone as much as possible to build rapport, usually i use text messages as a ioi and to see if she is free to talk, if i text someone and they text me back i take it as a good sign for me to call her and escalate from text message to phone call

however i have found that if you want to ask her to meet up with you it's generally a good idea to be already doing something cool and then seeing if you can get her to join you then and there for an instant date, whatever it is that your doing just make it sound like your having the best time ever, even if your not you can always try to pump things up between the time you invite her and when she arrives


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2005
Reaction score
Her: ( sends a message asking me about what is her best bodypart )
Me: Its your eyes. They're so very seductive.
Her: Really? Most of my friends say that too.
Me: Why don't we see each other so that I can be sure if your eyes are really seductive?
AW :rolleyes: You should have negged her at this point, not invite her out.

Her: Dehumanizing? You have some way for words. Okay I'm good for Friday, thats my birthday.
It's my birthday? You gotta be kidding me ... I bet she thought you would bring her a red rose and a teddy bear :crackup:

Her: Can I bring along a friend?
Translation : You are weird, I don't want to be alone with you.

OK, to sum up ... SMS are great but not for making first contact; first date. Grab the ****ing phone and call her - a year ago I had huge problem with making phone calls to girls and I still have to some extent but you simply can't do this via SMS.

Oh and you need to learn to time your advances right. You are making them at wrong time. This will come with more experience so don't worry - it's great skill to have to be funny and charming in written comunication but make sure to work on the "real life" stuff too.