help me become a DJ

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
I am a 9th grade hs student who has almost no friends, seeking to become an unlikely successful DJ.

I really don't think I can do it.. but I love girls so I want to force this one.
I'm interested in someone of course but I'll deal with her later, because becoming a DJ first will let me work up to her.

some of my flaws are so complicated.. its mental confusion.

- shyness
#1, the most intense and complicated part of my life. I am one of the shyest people you'll ever meet, guaranteed... I literally just sit in class all day and say nothing, I don't even try to make conversation with anyone at all. I doubt myself and my abilities and I don't want to mess up like I have alot in the past when I've tried to change.
How do other people do it? What makes someone "cool" or "popular".
I don't think I am capable of being in any way perfect enough for a mistake not to lead me into failure. I want to have the mind to know what things to say, how to be funny on purpose through my crazy ideas and be able to make someone laugh. More importantly conversation, which is my #2.

- conversation

I have no clue how to talk to anyone, ESPECIALLY GIRLS, but if I do succeed in a conversation with someone, I usually end it feeling like I completely f%%%ed up... "oh this kid is boring, I dont like him". I just don't do well in conversations, its probably a lack of confidence but I think its also experience and ideas. Good ideas never come to me unless I'm alone, and I end up being too dumb to share them. All of the time people end up getting mad at me and stuff because I'm not reading their feelings and my mouth doesn't know when to stay closed or change the subject.

- the girls
I'm not cute or hot, but I'm thankfully not ugly (I think I am ugly but I'm probably biased against myself). Usually more girls talk to me then boys though, but its probably because I'm so quiet and they want to be friends or something. I always end up failing though because I don't know how people become actual good friends with each other. I managed to hang out with kids only once this year, but I rarely talk to them, and I didn't really talk much when we were hanging out.

- appearence
my appearence isn't very satisfying... I usually wear like wind pants (so I don't have to change for gym) and almost all of my shirts are dusty; they're not really bad shirts, they just look a little worn. I don't own any jeans and I usually wear the same coat all day because I don't bother using my school locker (I hate lockers, mine is also on the top floor so I'd be late alot). I also wear the same shoes every day (idk if thats a problem) but my taste in clothing isnt that great. I also have fairly long hair (I heard some girls like long hair). My hair is usually a little messy, and I always mess with it during class which is a habit that I'll need to call upon my friend Shock Therapy to fix.

- lazyness
What is lazyness? I mean, is it just not caring or not being motivated enough? I'm usually too lazy to do my homework and household chores. Also alot of the time I feel too lazy to make conversation with people.

I'm probably a WBAFC, but I want to change EVERYTHING I just have no idea how... maybe someone here will actually help me, maybe even give me advice that works. I need a flase impression to get me into the action and start being myself... I'm jus retarded like that. And it won't be a false impression if I show myself to them.

It's far more than just these 5 topics. What is wrong with me...?
Please, teach me how to become a DJ. I don't think it's entirely possible but I'll try to try at the very least.
If you think you could help one of the most serious AFC cases, please do because I have no idea what I'm doing o_O I have a past filled up with failure.

thanks for reading -GWA "Flawed Diamond"

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.

sorry guys... this probably should be in the hs forum. um if a mod reads this can you please move it?


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
its all on you

the only thing you can do to get better at coversations is to have them. You just gotta use your willower to start conversations with people, no matter how ad you are, you just gotta keep on doing it.

also, go to the gym, work as hard as you can (make sure u kno form though). Also, do your homework, clea your room, and get a job if you can.

You cant underestimate what the above 4 things will do to your self esteem, along with talking to everyone you possibly can, regardless of how ervous you are.

Doing all these things takes alot of willpower, especially approaching girls. The stronger your willpower/resolve, the more you'll get done